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Posts posted by cmemory

  1. On 6/17/2023 at 2:31 AM, flightwusel said:

    Wow, that's great. I am amazed how well that all turnt out!

    That makes 2 of us!! 🙂


    17 hours ago, jcomm said:

    could you find some of those "dynamic datarefs" allowing for a modified lateral fuselage drag so that we can have realistic sideslip performance?

    Not pushy at all. As far as I can tell Zibo is doing exactly this. And that's one of the reasons I filed a bug report so early on. Even though I didn't have an idea if this demo concept would work at all, I knew that if it did that we would see a lot of untapped potential in these datarefs. Fuselages in that list too. The datarefs work just enough to model the wings of this Pik pretty well. Controlling more of the geometry like this will require LR's fixes. Fingers are definitely crossed.

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  2. @jcomm

    Whoa, I totally forgot I had created this account. I'll beg pardon if one forum is already enough to fill this brain 🙂. Thanks much for the review on Org and kind words above. Didn't have a clue this would work but was encouraged after the first conversations with you and flightwusel on the Org. And it works! Here's hoping it will get better with future tuning.

    The datarefs I used are such a perfect match for gliders with negative flaps. And then Dan+Pik20 approved the experiment? It's a great 3d model plus in the .zip he includes some articles with flight test data that helped so much over the past few weeks since I started the digging.

    And I don't hesitate to say that most of the credit here goes to XP's flight model. All PlaneMaker authors have to create or use airfoil coefficient polars, right? I just squished a whoooole bunch of them into a C++ array and then that into an interpolation loop to dance between them all. I had to tweak a few minor things here e.g. conversion from XFOIL to .afl, but   was "emergent behavior" from there (Austin's F-4 article words). Put some real forces on the glider airframe and it just worked.

    Oh and for any curious who might have read some of my statements on org earlier this week: LR confirmed the dataref bugs that flightwusel and I saw (20 yr old dref, so rusty) and it got a bug tracker ID. Various LR also asked follow up questions that made me confident that it will get fixed. Dunno when with 12.06 incoming though, which I'm pretty excited for...

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