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Posts posted by mroe

  1. I agree people (including me) tend to click before they think, but I'm only proposing the auto-selection is just a little cleverer. In nearly all cases, it would solve the problem if it selected the first search result and not the last.


    In this case i would agree : select ICAO-hits first.





    Additionally, it would be really nice if by default it showed the last airport I was at.


    It actually does . At least with my current settings and on Linux .

    Maybe you have to set  'save prefs  in ' operation and warnings'.

    Also i've read in another forum :  

    Some prefs didn’t  stored when XP is closed with the window (X) instead of using menu .

  2. Hi Tony,


    Well , i would agree an additional option for search for a ICAO only would be a nice feature .
    But this sentence lets me think about :

     and it's very easy to not think and hit Enter, taking you to the wrong


    In my experience , more and more users tend to click around without reading anything .
    If the thing let me hit OK it should be ok .
    IMO, a programmer should not decide what a user want to do .
    Excluded the proposed action is really dangerous or make no sense at all.

  3. I have an Airport I have been working on and there are autogen trees located at the end of one my runways. No matter what I try I can't keep the autogen from placing trees in one spot. My exclusions are working as the Airport has the shape I sectioned out.

    Hello ohsirius,

    Maybe the trees are from another Custom Scenery (e.g. HdMesh2 , simheaven)  and not from the default scenery .

    In this case make sure your scenery comes before the others in the scenery_packs.ini.


    If no other scenery than default is in place it could be you have not properly hit the forest-(polygon) with your exclusion .

    A forest is described by a  definition-file (.for) and a polygon for its location.

    If one  vertex is within your exclusion the whole polygon is excluded.

    Maybe ,you must  widen your exclusion a little bit until hit a vertex .

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