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  1. Hello John, what tells the second and last line in the about box? And what is stated in the loading screen? If only the first line in the about box misses the trailing 'a' , then you have what at least i have.
  2. In this case i would agree : select ICAO-hits first. It actually does . At least with my current settings and on Linux . Maybe you have to set 'save prefs in ' operation and warnings'. Also i've read in another forum : Some prefs didn’t stored when XP is closed with the window (X) instead of using menu .
  3. Hi Tony, Well , i would agree an additional option for search for a ICAO only would be a nice feature . But this sentence lets me think about : In my experience , more and more users tend to click around without reading anything . If the thing let me hit OK it should be ok . IMO, a programmer should not decide what a user want to do . Excluded the proposed action is really dangerous or make no sense at all.
  4. Hello ohsirius, Maybe the trees are from another Custom Scenery (e.g. HdMesh2 , simheaven) and not from the default scenery . In this case make sure your scenery comes before the others in the scenery_packs.ini. If no other scenery than default is in place it could be you have not properly hit the forest-(polygon) with your exclusion . A forest is described by a definition-file (.for) and a polygon for its location. If one vertex is within your exclusion the whole polygon is excluded. Maybe ,you must widen your exclusion a little bit until hit a vertex .
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