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About tonywob

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  1. Most of Europe is now, it seems some sort of EU initiative to force member states to release their data No, it's completely custom made
  2. I want my sim to look good at 1000ft and above and I personally don't care too much about having it look good at ground level as long as the airport looks correct. For low and slow flight, I really like how X-Plane looks and feels (or rather I should say 'can look and feel'), but the caveat is that it needs a lot of tweaking, whereas MFS just works out of the box for anywhere in the world. e.g. Here are two shots, one around Berlin and the other is La Coruña in Spain both using custom made scenery
  3. People in this thread clearly want to talk and debate about this (and so far it's remained 'mostly' respectable). Shutting down topics because somebody finds it boring is not, hence you have the simple option of not reading further and moving on to something that interests you.
  4. I agree, if you don't enjoy the discussion then just move on, start a new topic and leave the people who want to discuss to discuss. Plus, I think all accountants in the world are now offended
  5. Absolutely incredible stuff coming. If someone isn't impressed by this then I don't know what to say
  6. The scenery tiling system has definitely been a long time coming, it's been very difficult to make mesh enhancements due to the large 1x1 degree tile limit. So I expect good things to happen from 3rd parties once this becomes generally available and lot of problems of conflicting packages disappears
  7. Also, the Navigraph Charts app which connects to the sim will stop working if you don't pay the subscription. There are free alternatives, e.g. You can get the sectional, airport and IFR charts for the US for free (and many other places in the world), however it's the convenience of having it all in one place and not needing to search it out. Hardly an issue if it's just a hobby and I wouldn't be worried flying with charts that are months/years out of date.
  8. The rain doesn't look too bad IMO... my only issue with the rain is that it rains too sporadicially and doesn't seem to match the reported conditions or cloud coverage
  9. I use my Mac for work as it's much nicer to work on, however for gaming it's terrible because of the poor choice of available titles. Running Windows on the Mac is no longer really an option since they don't use the same chip architecture anymore (I can run the ARM64 version of Windows in a virtual machine, but there isn't much native that will run on it). For this reason, I have a Windows PC that I use only for gaming and it works great for that purpose.
  10. I've only just discovered this aircraft in X-Plane 12 (2 years late) and have been flying around getting used to how this aircraft handles, how to take off, etc.. I also watched Austin's video and it's an incredibly impressive aircraft, however how do you actually land this thing correctly? (After Austin left us hanging in the video)
  11. Ha yep, mine says the same thing, she doesn't see the point (same as truck sims etc which I also like)
  12. It's a pattern with everything these days @Mike_CFII_MEL, and it can really add up if you're not careful. I even downloaded an app the other day to help with fasting (dieting) and even that wanted a subscription just to enable a few minor new features that should have just been in the application to start with and required no additional cost to the developer to provide. If I'm paying monthly for software then I'd expect something of quality out of it and something that justifies the subscription (e.g. cloud storage, maps etc). If I'm simply paying rent to use an app that could have been a one off payment, then I no longer bother with it and find an alternative or just not use it. At least with flight simming, I do pay for Navigraph because it's actually a decent service that has updated data (someone is working continually to keep that updated). It also makes sense to me that PilotEdge is a subscription because it's being staffed by real people.
  13. Did you read what I wrote? I don't know anything about this product, I'm not interested in flying airliners or use such products. I was sharing an observation about early access in general, that is all. There is no need to be defensive
  14. Thanks. I have both versions and both are pretty much unflyable now in 12.10, which is a really pity as they were fantastic previously. I hope the dev will release an update
  15. I'm not anticipating anything or even talking specifically about this product, I'm just sharing and agreeing with a general observation that early access often (but not always) has ruined the quality of certain products, games etc.
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