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  1. Yes, it was a bit strange not to see the images. Here is the full seminar for reference: https://www.youtube.com/live/WRnTnH1Ttx8?si=vq-dLXEU7hLRhFC_
  2. AFAIK, it doesn't depend on the plugin. Zink is a bridge between OGL and Vulkan. It's you who decide if you use it or not.
  3. I doubt that's the reason. Fixes for the dark cockpits are coming later. It's a purely cosmetic effect IMHO. I agree it's a bit overdone.
  4. I like the new european buildings, especially the roofs "à la Mansart". Nice job Laminar!
  5. This is not the new scenery system that has been mentioned by LR. It's a recut of the current scenery with mesh improvements and some bugs corrected.
  6. I can confirm it is fixed and already shipped in 12.0.08. 🙂
  7. Do you suggest that the autopilot is more reliable than the pilot himself? Indeed a strange point of view probably not shared by real pilots. And what makes you think that would be the case?
  8. 33% cut on Steam ! If you ever hesitated to buy XP12, get it now! Reminder. the standard price will go up at the end of December. Cheers, Pascal
  9. 33% cut on Steam ! If you ever hesitated to buy XP12, get it now! Reminder. the standard price will go up at the end of December. Cheers, Pascal
  10. I just read the news and came here to post it 🙂 https://www.roadtovr.com/varjo-price-aero-vr-headset-50-off-deal/ It probably ranks the headset as best quality/price ratio.
  11. No. Those screenshots don't prove anything. You cherry-picked the one case that doesn't work in XP12, and one case where it "works" in XP11 (and that's debatable, the perfect mirror effect is surreal), while ignoring the number of cases where thing are artefactually wrong in XP11 (typo intended). In case you don't remember, XP11 has only one plane of reflection for the visible region. That means that when some lakes are at different altitudes, the reflections are truncated, and regularly jump as you progress. And the reflection are not affected by light scattering. And the 1 fps reflections on the plane, and the performance cost, etc... So yes, the screen space reflections are a huge progress. Except for the one case that obsesses you. Real time computer graphics are always a trade-off. But you should know that.
  12. I'm amazed by your work and your knowledge ! Thanks a lot for your contribution ! I dabbled a bit with the scattering shader some years ago, and I always thought that only taking the rgb components into account was a very limiting simplification. I'm amazed that you could take the whole spectrum into account. From your description, I'm not sure I understand if you calculate the contributions of the whole spectrum in real time, or if it's just used to find a more correct set of 3 coefficients for rgb. Could you please enlighten me on this point?
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