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About mSparks

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  1. I think you probably started when you were around 15. 🤣
  2. But also https://www.veracrypt.fr/code/VeraCrypt/
  3. you can plugin it reasonably easily to stop collective pulling out if you really want it.
  4. well, aiui this is what Austin was just discussing at fsexpo - properly capturing the flow over blades, flapping feathering etc - we lost retreating blade stall early on in XP12 - but overly agressive VRS coming into landing was thankfully fixed (made it almost impossible to achieve a land into a hover). That's why I said "estimate" rather than simulate. imho its better to not have either at all rather than have them "simulated" but badly. Getting them working is surely going to be a chore.
  5. its estimated it since 11.10 sim/flightmodel/engine/vortex_ring_state Wash-multiplier - vortex ring state - which are the airflows through the rotor disc normal flow is 0.5 (50%) VRS flow is 1.0 (100%) ratio • float[ 16, 10 ] • v11.10.0+
  6. It makes a big difference to end users - but indirectly. End users dont "experience" BET/CFD or tables. What they experience is the aircraft and customer support - and it is in the aircraft development where it makes the difference: How simple is it to develop a precise aircraft, and how easy is it to resolve a customers issue or customization request when they identify/make one. That is also a much broader problem set than just how does the physics work - as important if not more so is how mature is the sdk and documentation, development and test tools, even something like how fast the sim itself starts makes a big difference. basically this stuff: https://developer.x-plane.com/author/austin/
  7. Has commerical CFD stuff changed much in the last 5 or 10 years? or is it still relying on older systems from a time when would require several weeks compilation on a hundred million dollar super computer.
  8. I'm not even sure why he went off on one about the garbage thing, I used it once for That was generally a reference to this "spot the difference": I said hot garbage - the adjective of that metaphor is also important, since it portrays the pungent smell of male cow faeces I associate with anyone "bigging up" the screenshot of garbage a typical MSFS car park outside of custom scenery depicted above. And even that seems like its giving it to much credit:
  9. installing linux is that straight forward. put the setup onto a usb stick or CD, boot from it, follow the install instructions. I'm on fedora core: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/creating-and-using-a-live-installation-image/ if the installer sees a windows installation it will add a boot menu when you start up to choose whether to boot to linux or windows - afaik they all do this. But my recommendation (what we were talking about in that link) is to physically unplug the windows hard drive and do everything on a new blank one, that way you can try multiple different versions of linux and get a feel for what you want without touching your windows install. There is a lot of choice and different design priorities, choosing which linux is a lot like choosing what colour to paint your bedroom walls.
  10. There are a few ways. Most youtube videos will be done via replay & post editing. You can set up a second+ machine(s)/xplane installs as an external visuals - lot of the multiple 4K+ setups do this additionally - the Xplane SDK includes XPLMCamara, you'll see this used on some helicopters and planes. which gives you a second, controllable POV that can be added to cockpit instruments or popout window via a plugin (i.e. a search and rescue/targeting camera view).
  11. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/309880-linux-questions-is-xp012-another-version-for-linux/&do=findComment&comment=2733807
  12. Great! And I completely understand and respect that opinion, seen it multiple times over the years. That is not just my favourite flightsim screenshot - it is my favourite screenshot of all time of any screenshots of anything, which is why I still have easy access to it some 7 years or so later. Why? Because that screenshot was taken practicing cross country flight in xplane, I ran in to those conditions and hit pause - basically terrified and on the verge of giving up. When I opened the map it turned out I was exactly where I thought I was - about 1/2 mile from victor alpha lima. That was the first time I had ever seen MVFR conditions, I practiced a lot more in those conditions in Xplane. The next time I saw, exactly what you see in that screenshot to all intents and purposes, was during my actual PPL(H) practical exam, where there is no pause button, there is no popup map, the examiner was sure we were lost because he had been relying on the nav aid, which wasn't actually transmitting, and I was as calm as a cat on a sunny day because I knew exactly where I was. Without xplane so very accurately depicting those conditions beforehand, I would almost certainly have given up my flight training at that point - it made that much difference. So, like, yeah, what I quantify as a "decent flightsim screenshot" and you quantify as a "decent flightsim screenshot" is without question completely different - I would say that is what Goran was just trying to articulate to you. I don't care how "pretty" my flight sim is - sure it's very nice to have pretty, but #1 priority for me is does it have the things I need from a real world aviation perspective, if it doesn't, it's garbage. Xplane has been at the point, for several years now, where the only "garbage to please remove/fix" is things like the text pop up from AutoATC voice recognition in VR because its not realistic (an actual user request I 100% agreed with and implemented a day later). Out of thousands of MSFS views I have seen, only a tiny fraction (e.g. 3) or so have not be loaded with significantly worse issues that I was glad to see the back of or simply NEVER saw in X-Plane (e.g. missing VORs/NDBs, church spires, powerlines, bridges, complete nonsense airport lighting/signage, or superfluous stuff you just dont get in the real world). So sure, if all you need for "decent" is "visually pleasing", then msfs has a lot to offer, but as far as I am concerned there are many, many more games I find both more "visually pleasing" and far more fun than msfs - or xplane, and when it comes to flight simulation msfs has nothing to offer I haven't already had for years, as far as I'm concerned, and I'm pretty sure that isn't just confirmation bias.
  13. I should probably preempt my answer to this with why I'm on linux. for the last 15 or so years my primary use of my desktop PCs has been big data/AI/simulation development - not related to aviation. For that windows isnt an option, very few other developers in that space even build their kit for windows, and when they do its very much a minimum effort build filled with issues and no solutions. Its now been more than 10 years since I had a desktop PC with windows installed on it. I "game" on a playstation, as xplane got great Ive not even turned the playstation on in over a year. I started with xplane on linux at the xplane 10/xplane 11 crossover, when I started my helicopter flight training. Ive never had an issue with it that wasnt reasonably easy to fix or a just bugs applicable to all xplane users. right now probably half or maybe even more of 3rd party developers in direct contact with Laminar in their slack group develop on linux then make sure it works on the other OSes (myself included), a lot/majority of the arty guys are macOS based. While I love my macbook, I would put Linux a way ahead just on versatility (e.g. mac xplane VR not available atm) and cost for desktop, but I'm also not an arty type. for photoshop professionals linux isnt an option - but with gimp and blender maturing linux is actually probably the better option - blender especially seems to come in several times faster for rendering on linux than windows across numerous benchmarks. TLDR: Xplane 12 on linux is awesome for everything I want from it, I have no use case for windows. I have never felt like I am missing out on stuff that didnt have good linux options. YMMV
  14. passthrough your home cockpit is coming/here imho this will be the norm rather than the exception by the next major xplane version.
  15. Maybe a different approach. @efis007 how would you describe this XP11 screenshot from ~2017
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