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About Airfighter

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  • Birthday 09/12/1971

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  1. The fix is routed to a major update, like 2.1.0.
  2. Here is a dirty and quick paint kit I've made. Hope it helps. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/cptz1ejcq2w8m8fbpo7w9/DC3_Paintkit.zip?rlkey=xof406hz2ax2amx066f1h0niz&dl=1
  3. LES DC-3 is here to the rescue! He have included options to help controlling the aircraft on the ground, by enabling either differential throttles, differential brakes, or both, as well as allow to adjust sensitivity of the action.
  4. You need Xplane2Blender export script 3.3.x (which is available) to add the mouse wheel functionality, and X-Plane 10.5x (which is not available).
  5. Another big thing, specially for guys coming from FSX world:
  6. Moderators: Please close that topic. We've started a new one at our official forums. http://www.avsim.com/topic/479711-icarus-team-dc-9/
  7. As founding developer of Icarus Team, i would like to underline a few critical points, in scenery development. Those points have nothing to do as a critique to KRSW. I concur with tonywob that a good tool is essential for high quality professional airports. We are using blender, because of the abilities it offers. For example, for some of the 3D buildings we have used blender cycles render, that allows for ultra-realistic materials. No only for AO baking, but also things like reflections baking etc. Do not afraid of geometry! Today's PCs can handle millions of triangle per frame with ease. During tests with Manchester, I've seen more than 6 million polygons handled without braking a sweat on my i5(4440)/Nvidia 760 PC. Simple things like insetting windows or doors does not add a lot of polygons, yet the extra geometry gives more definition and allows for better results when baking AO. There is a ton of info on x-plane developers blog. Specially file format specifications are a bible to us. Not everything is 100% documented there, but mostly there are. And if something is missing, Ben Supnik is always available via email for any clarification/help. Experimentation. We spend a lot of time testing things to find the best way to accomplish a task. For example I took us a couple of weeks to finalize the orthophotos for Manchester. Even then, there were a few "last minute" changes. Think out the box. There are ways to accomplish tasks, that there are not written anywhere. Tools can be used differently to accomplish things that looks undoable. Texture space. Creating hi-res textures has the drawback, that since VRAM is finite, you can run easily in troubles. If it is possible, textures should be recycled to more than one object. Also, it is way faster to have 1 texture 4096x4096 than 4 textures 2048x2048. If you have 4 objects that each needs 1 2048x2048 texture, combine all the textures to 1 4096x4096 and assign it the relative objects. This will need only one command to load the texture, than four the other way. GLOBAL attributes. One of the coolest things that X-Plane offers is the ability to repeat common objects a lot of times (hundreds at least) without any penalty on performance. But you have to use GLOBAL attributes, no animations etc. There is info on developers blog on that. At the end, we need more great developers to show how X-Plane can really shine! Specially developments for X-Plane from ground up, that can take advantage of X-Plane's fine tricks! And I haven't even mentioned... decals! :wink: (Off topic: Manchester Airport never meant to be a "lightweight" airport, since we targeted to best possible quality, but performance-wise to be at the same level with airports like Heathrow.)
  8. I don't know what the capabilities of the A-12 are, but retrofitted oldies do have the GPS coupled with aircraft's navigation system. We will see about this one.
  9. If you check this screenshot : http://downloads.precisionmanuals.com/images/forum/DC6/XPL1/DC-6_Promo_MAR15_Screenshots_08.jpg you will notice that at the bottom is X-Plane's approach capable GPS unit. More info about his here: http://developer.x-plane.com/2014/03/new-approach-capable-gps-navigator-in-x-plane-10-30/ So, no one will be lost...in a Vatsim/IVAO/Pilotedge environment! Also the database can be normally updated through Navigraph and Aerosoft's NavDataPro!
  10. The 3D FMC works fine. Also you can use a tablet/smartphone to control FMC too.
  11. Since I'm Mykonos Airport developer, I would like to thank you. Also I would like to make clear that the whole island (in version 1.01) is covered with houses!
  12. Thanks guys! Addons are: the aircraft is FlyJSim's 737-200 and scenery Aerosoft's Mykonos Airport (v1.01). Nothing more than these.
  13. Thanks! The beauty of X-Plane is that those lights are "real lights". By real lights I mean than they lit objects around them like the real life lights will do. No texture-bake-lighting. As it is for every single light you see around that island!
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