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    Food, wine, the rest is peripheral.

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  1. Strange, I thought saying ‘the visual depiction (esp. clouds) has gone way down since launch and just makes me sad,’ would make it clear that I’m really dissatisfied with the clouds, which you expanded on with a long list of problems with the visual depiction (esp. clouds), but it seems that when I said ‘the visual depiction (esp. clouds) has gone way down since launch and just makes me sad,’, what you understood was *cough* ‘I support the permanence of mediocrity’. And I thought I was a reasonably adept communicator….
  2. (Smokes pipe) I would surmise that you are 85% wrong. MSFS’ live weather has improved its real world mirroring and blending of large scale weather patterns and local metars greatly over its time. I can’t think of any other sim giving a better global weather experience even with 3rd party injection. Theres a long way to go, bugs, and the visual depiction (esp. clouds) has gone way down since launch and just makes me sad, but in terms of realistic weather, it can’t be beat. How that weather affects aircraft is another story.
  3. My disappointment is regarding what’s in the statement, not the smorgasbord of possibilities outside it.
  4. NGL, bit disappointed we have to wait until the end of September...
  5. The text with the bottom picture says 'added ozone'; @timest, is this dynamic / informed by real-time weather data, or just added by default in any situation or a slider?
  6. Probably a daft question, but it’ll work with default live weather as well? Not just presets / preset-based injections?
  7. Same, updated to latest version and Bing Latest takes a long time to connect. Edit: not quite as long as Avsim does to load a page or comment though...😜
  8. This is my biggest complaint about FM in MSFS, and leads to very twitchy, overly-responsive behaviour.
  9. Have most of the aerials been updated as well?
  10. Very interested to hear more details about the cloud mechanism for 2024. If the only downloading what’s necessary extends to planes as well (or at least an option to only download frequently used planes with the rest kept in your online library until you want to use them), then that’s going to encourage me to make a lot more of my purchases through the marketplace.
  11. It’s also just been updated but I can’t see any change log.
  12. Given the struggle they had with WASM / Marketplace / memory etc. on Xbox (their very own platform), I’m gonna predict this will never happen. Where did you see these rumours anyway?
  13. Can’t say I don’t know what you mean, but I’m sure part of it is cultural #gallicshrug
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