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About brinx

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  1. The hot garbage comment itself was the hot garbage. That is ironic. As you said, you've never flown MSFS, so you seem to scour the internet for the worse images you can find and then try to make a point. However, if you choose any random area of the world, you'll find MSFS scenery will be superior to xplane's. Laminar just does not have the resources to compete with Microsoft here. It is also looking like the scenery will improve even further with 2024. Xplane has many other strong points compared to MSFS, but scenery isn't one of them. Your comment would come across as more credible if you pointed to other areas. A more honest comparison would be to find the same location in both sim and compare them. Secondly, I've seen you post the same photogrammetry images for years now. The early photogrammetry in MSFS was not the best. Microsoft has gone back and redone/improve the photogrammetry in many areas of the world. The latest is UK/Ireland coming out next week, so the PG images you post may not have even been relevant for years now. Thirdly and most importantly, as stated above by another user, if you don't want photogrammetry scenery, turn it off (hot garbage problem solved). I'm sure you'll ignore this part though. You can also make scenery in xplane look good, but it takes effort and a lot of custom stuff. Outside of a few die-hard fans that only fly xplane; you are NOT convincing anyone with eyes flying both SIMs that MSFS' scenery is hot garbage. This is why you got called out.
  2. So, you are agreeing with him that "No VR = Garbage"? It is somewhat of a silly statement. Poor airlines!!, still spending millions on garbage 2D training simulators instead of saving by using VR. This statement does not apply to me. I have a few VR headsets and I use the quest 3 from time to time, but I have gone back to primarily using flat screens. I do like VR especially the Field of Depth that you get from it. But there are so many drawbacks for me including headset weight, and inability to use certain hardware like the G1000s I have on my desk. I would definitely take a home flight deck over VR at this moment in time. For some shorter hops, VR is cool. mspark seems to think that anything he does not like is garbage, whether it is windows, msfs, on and on...
  3. Really? This is news to me and millions of others.
  4. It's two different software. 100% confident we'll be able to run both. This is on xbox and there has NEVER been a case where you can't run one game because of another game on the console. Jorg said in a number of interviews, they are adding feature to 2024 not subtracting. Yes. They are adding not subtracting. I think the only reason would be if 2024 if is not a smooth launch. Ex. Bugs or other issues. My opinion is that updates to 2020 will be mainly stuff like world updates, city updates and stuff that can be easily backported from 2024. Once 2024 launches, it will be the primary focus.
  5. I don't like that the logo is animated as it draws your attention to it. At the same time, I don't understand how the logo can be immersion breaking but the popup menu over the sim is not. Besides the fact that the logo is animated, I don't really see an issue with the logo being there. Similarly, I've seen people say Microsoft and Asobo should remove the logo when the sim is loading. It is not going to happen. Also seen, why do I need to see this Dune Expansion while loading. A discussion of whether the logo is intrusive or not, is not a problem to me. However, I do think this issue should/could have been resolved privately without resorting to posting the emails though.
  6. For me, It has been working without issues for the last few hours.
  7. Looks like we'll be able to check out the 4th of July fireworks over Washington D.C. in the SIM. Do we need to fly at a specific time? I've been using the flightsim.to addon to add Dorney Park in Allentown, glad to see it is native now. Hopefully they added Scranton PA because it also has photogrammetry on bing, fingers crossed.
  8. I don't get the logic either. The kids I see flying it have gray hair and gray beards.🤔
  9. That is great. I have no loyalty to any one brand. I just want the best experience. In terms of value, meta 3 offers the best value for me at the moment so I bought it. Stories like the below sounds like bad news for VR though. By "they", I mean Phil Spenser and Matt Booty. Yes, it is not planned currently. Initially it was planned but dropped. As you can see with both Sony and Apple cutting production, the market isn't there. Matt's quote below. I feel like we are going in circles here, so I'll just end by saying: Once the VR tech improves (smaller, lighter, comfortable) at affordable prices, we'll see a lot more support including from companies like Microsoft.
  10. As I said in my previous post, they are not interested in VR at the moment. They spoke on the issue, and said they are waiting for the technology to advance further. I know you like VR and I do too, but until the technology improves (lighter headsets etc.), it will not see widespread adoption. VR is not selling well at the moment unfortunately. PSVR is adding PC support to help boost sale.
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