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About Torsen

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    a few miles north of EDLN

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  1. In my experience I'm using ASFS always BUT switching modes when needed. The big downside of AS in preset mode is the transitions taking place and no global weather model so no fronts etc. In the end flying low and slow I go preset mode to get the nicer overall view and flying tubeliners or anything that goes higher and faster I go passive mode as the transition and lack of more globalized weather is a turndown for me. Regarding whats coming plus with passive from AS (taken from their FAQ): Passive Depiction Mode Passive mode is used with live weather and allows MSFS’s internal live weather depiction to take full control of weather depiction in the simulator, while Active Sky FS provides Active Air Effects and all other non-depiction features (mapping, planning, voice features, conditions report, web companion app, etc.) This can provide better regional variation and cloud variations outside of Preset control, recommended for LIVE WEATHER VFR and casual flights where visuals and effects are more important than weather conditions accuracy. Active Air Effects Provided in either depiction mode, Active Air Effects enhance your flight with turbulence, drafts and more: Clear air turbulence Internal MSFS turbulence compatibility (for combined ASFS-applied and internal MSFS-applied turbulence effects) Updrafts Downdrafts Microbursts Thunderstorm vicinity turbulence and draft effects Gusts, wind variation and gust-related turbulence
  2. happy flying for the ones jumping on this version...wake me up when the first F variant is arriving.. I want no stinking pax 😄 T.
  3. If you check their Discord there is quite some topics around the Boeings. The 732 is soon to be released and the other v4 versions are planned also. The Q400 is one of the best planes you can get so I would not create a dependency to the Boeings 😉 Cheers T.
  4. ...but... but... it's done by AH? Really? Really really? Thats... I don't know how to say politely...
  5. I'm happily flying the heck out of the A300F on a quite old rig with a 5700XT... Can't comment on the scenery but me not having issues with the bus. On the other side I'm not able even to tell you what fps I have as I do not check. As long its smooth for me all fine. And yes I know my limits and leave traffic off or very limited on hops into bigger hubs. And yesI fly JF classics, Fenix and pmdg also... Cheers T.
  6. I always thought the "H" in "AH" stands for herpes or hell... but half-baked does fit also 😄
  7. Don't know why this rename your community folder myth whitchcraft is still going on. Makes zero sense but if it gives some people a good feeling. @ozzieblr have you checked your usercfg.opt if it has lost your custom packages folder? I've seen very rare cases when killing the sim in start or update process that may reset settings in the usercfg.opt. Perhaps something to check before doing a full reinstall. Cheers T.
  8. worked for me now... seems like heavy load 😄
  9. That is the sad truth, yes. In case of the FSR500 a lot of the new features are part of SU15. To release before you would have internally to support two dev branches with a lot of changes between and split your team to test both SU14 and 15. That is unfeasible for a small studio and I don't think even teams with enough man power would go down this road. T.
  10. There's nothing to rethink. If you rely on new functions coming with SU15 and/or you use WASM - what I assume blacksquare is doing - there is no way to release it for current SU14. SU15 wasm planes are not working in SU14. And its not only holding up blacksquare. A lot of devs are forced to delay new features and updates and new planes cause of this nightmare. We'll have to be patient. T.
  11. This is unacceptable! Real life is made unflyable by this! Killing immersion for me! Silly real world clouds, they need an update for sure... 😄
  12. Just checked and I have flow installed exactly with v20204.13.3 and its working without problems with AS. Perhaps something else on your side in addition? On my side for sure I had to deactivate some other product in Beta to get AS working. Cheers T.
  13. why not use the free flow? its compatible and doing better stuff 😉
  14. perhaps the LNAV update to support proper curved legs like most other devs doing for ages? Oh wait... that was announced in 2019 already... word not allowed... at the moment honestly I do not wait for any news from them at all. They are by far not an innovative dev anymore. Solid but nothing special. In contrast to many other products out there I miss a lot of immersion. But happy to be proven wrong... who knows... Cheers T.
  15. Hi Matt, download link was provided already by Dan. If you still need more info on the FSR500 feel free to join Raul/FSReborns Discord. There is plenty of information available and we have several real 500 pilots answering questions. The center console FMS was introduced by WT with SU14. The FSR500 is coming with a lot of changes and additions to the G1000 so it was released with a "locked" version of SU13 functionality as every SU and especially the Betas are breaking a lot of things otherwise. Raul is currently working on lot of additions to the FSR500 including the center console. A complete list of the things already added/fixed or worked on was posted just a few weeks back: Hi Dan, I reposted the latest dev update from 15.2. above. I hope you are not refering to this as "long time I have seen any updates" 😉 The topic with the backup instrument was discussed a hundred times me think. Though you are right it is in a real world aircraft essential, you have three Garmin Screens with full redundancy on two busses fully simulated. It is highly unrealistic that all these will fail and in case of a complete loss of electrics/battery your backup instrument won't help you either. But yes, it is still on the list to be implemented. Though to be honest it has a low prio as Raul is more keen to bring additional features into the plane. Cheers T.
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