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About alexcolka

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  • Birthday 01/23/1972

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    Aviation, Computing, Music, NLP

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    Simmer since 1987 with Atari 1040ST, Sublogic Flight Simulator II

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  1. Same for me with the 777. Using stock pushback for now until the 777 gets its own pushback.
  2. Hi, no but maybe my TCA airbus joystick may interfere in the z axis a little. Will check the dead zone, hope toolbar pushback take this calibration into account.
  3. I like a lot this utility, have even the payware version too. I don't understand why with some planes, when pushing back, the tug makes the plane dance all over the place by zig zagging.
  4. Is there a similar lossless scaling frame generation tool like this one for Win that works splendid with X-Plane 12 but for Mac?
  5. Being both a father and a simmer nowadays is hard but both things are so rewarding! Happy Father's Day to all!
  6. I couldn't resist myself and purchased the thing. It is excellent at this current stage, that's all I can say.
  7. I read in another forum that this app is not working with Nvidia Gsync VRR, in this case this app won't be useful for me.
  8. Wow, that's an impressive good comment on the 777 v2 because I'm also thinking on grabbing my copy, however I'm a little cautious for its current state at v2.0.10 alpha state, or is in beta state? I'm a little confused. Anyway I appreciate a couple of comments too from other users owning this product at current development state. thanks!
  9. I love Just Flight and the support they have. Only hope they release an add-on manager like Aerosoft One.
  10. Pardon my ignorance, but what a release manager exactly does? Is it like a quality software control before is released? In the simulator context of course.
  11. FG is the best thing I ever seen with 40 series cards, effectively doubling my frames turning MSFS liquid smooth. Only downside is that DX12 still in beta, you may encounter some graphics glitches with some 3rd party airports, like some incorrect texturing on the ground.
  12. Only if you need the A321 form factor, besides that, FBW A32NX is more than enough and a lot superior system wise.
  13. And the reason for our investments in better hardware too... 😉
  14. Is this a bings maps textures update worldwide? if this is the case, the results are horrendous, the updated textures are of lower resolution in many areas and not in sync with the houses or buildings on the ground in several areas. The new colors also don't blend well with other areas, this is the case of the area I fly the most, my country, Ecuador. Previous textures, even if outdated, were nicer, crispier and with better colors. Btw, I'm not planning to use the google maps utility. Can anyone please confirm if this is the case?
  15. Hi, ok, that was also my situation with my previous 2K monitor, not so crisp inside cockpit textures. For testing reasons then, I configured in the NV control panel a custom resolution up to 4K and used it with my 2K monitor and wow! crisp cockpit textures! The 4K graphics were like shrunk or compressed in the 2K monitor, that gave some sort of automatic AA, improving more the whole graphics quality, it is a very interesting experiment if you have the hardware capable of moving 4K graphics. Maybe you could try it with your 1080p monitor to see if your inside cockpit textures are crispier with that trick. With 4K, your crisp textures issue will be gone.
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