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  1. Happy Father’s Day Captains! Now go fly!
  2. Hi Gary… Yes….this has been and continues to happen, in all its iterations for a while now. It is growing all over the globe. It is atrocious, and kills the joy and exhilaration that MSFS once gave. This must be fixed as it destroys the immersion which is so attractive to all of us. Go to the official Flight Simulator forums via the link. There are more than 900 posts. Please upvote the thread. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/aerial-ground-tiles-changing-popping-in Watch this too… https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/aerial-ground-tiles-changing-popping-in/547197/1070?u
  3. Thanks to you as well MarcG. I experienced such joy in this simulator, until this scenery tile issue reared it’s ugly head.
  4. Thank you for responding mobeans. I get smooth stutter free performance, but this tile creeping in a cone below the plane saddens me, especially this late in the game. It didn’t happen in the past, but now always. I’m surprised there is hardly any mention of it in these forums.
  5. Forgive me if this does not belong here, but has the Aerial ground tiles changing/popping in issue been fixed? This is a bug logged by the developers on the MSFS forums with 521 votes and over 900 posts. It occurs on all flights, in all locations and kills the joy of an otherwise smooth performing simulator. Thank you 😩
  6. I too have none of these issues with the 600. I enjoy the 600 very much.
  7. I agree with this observation. Yes…this is occurring much more now and creeping into USA terrain as well. It is highly annoying.
  8. I’ll go out on a limb and write that this post will not be the last in this thread🙂
  9. Are wing-views included in the updated models? Thanks!
  10. I received a few of these as well last Friday, but as usual they disappeared since.
  11. I’ll jump in on this with a genuine question. In real life especially with airliners, but not specifically, isn’t there a movement in the direction to make complex system management more the task of software, and not the pilot? The Honda jet is an example. In other words, in the “real world”, aircraft are becoming less “study level” for the pilot. I get that impression when looking back at aviation evolution, but I’m not an expert.
  12. You are so right Sky! The vnav is so rewarding. I’d love to see vnav like the HJ in all aircraft that have a vnav button.
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