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About jarmstro

  • Rank
    Member - 3,000+
  • Birthday 08/14/1957

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    Torquay, UK EGTE

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  1. I quite like Cardiff. Its a dump in real life anyway.. Ground textures are much better. But i still blanch at the lack of field hedges.
  2. Thanks. But I reinstalled it and flew it in the USA where I don't have the same ridiculous amount of addon sceneries and it was fine. I even managed to land it! Trying again now EGPF to EHAM. Think its a VRAM issue..EDIT.All good now. I'm guessing the first install was corrupt. 2nd EDIT. Nope its borked the sim again.
  3. I have an odd issue with this plane. After between five and ten minutes the screen starts glitching and stuttering when panning. Its the only plane I have with this issue. Anyone else get this?
  4. In view of this thread I'm going to keep my PC running at full whack 24 hrs a day and burn as much petrol in my bike as I possibly can.😀 Modi in India boasted in his election bid that he'd managed to get Indian coal production above 1 billion tons a year and promised to double it. AND YOU WANT ME to take shorter flights on my PC?????😂
  5. Cheek! I'll have you know that the pie and mash I had last night looked and tasted exquisite.🤣
  6. I can't find any reviews of this recent release. Are RDPresets a quality developer?
  7. I'll leave you to ponder. But here's a clue. It's not because of runway lighting systems or visibility.
  8. OK I'll bite. Despite the nitpicking of some real world pilot there is a reason why 2020 is the most popular flight simulator ever made. Do you know what the reason is?
  9. Both of which are, no doubt, spot on in XP.😊 Nice try though….
  10. Haha! Oh, the irony. How time flies. So now ‘eye candy’ is virtuous!😂
  11. If it's over fifty quid I'll be surprised. Are there many people wanting to sit in front of a screen for six hours twiddling their thumbs?
  12. Subscription would be my bet. And I'm guessing £10 per month.
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