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  1. Plugin doesn't create any log file. Stream deck log says plugin crashed. The plugin 'PilotsDeck' crashed with code -2147450730 Did you want to PM me your email and I can send the log over? Yes checked the .Net was correct. Just tried 0.6.6 with the same outcome...
  2. I followed that yesterday. Ran Powershell Command to unblock files. Still the same unfortunately. That's the point I gave up trying...
  3. Yes, first time trying your plugin. All the button types are there within stream deck . But no action types in the drop down list.
  4. I think it was likely the plug-in that didn’t work. Profiles loaded into steam deck ok.
  5. Hi, I did see your profile on flight sim.to for the Fenix. I tried it yesterday for a few hours but could not get this to work at all. FSUIPC was loading the scripts. But nothing on the stream deck seemed to work unfortunately.
  6. Not that I’m aware of. i don’t think object exclusion can be done yet. I agree it’s not great on performance. In fact I don’t think it’s a particularly good scenery. I’m considering doing some improvements to the default handmade scenery… gate markings etc and going back to that.
  7. Hurrah, Where's the like button...?
  8. I Have spoken with JB, the server requires a manual reboot. It will be up as soon as someone can get to it...
  9. If you are to confront them with damning evidence and they still persist, then Name them!
  10. IMHO you get what you pay for... I have experienced both.
  11. Bookmarked...Thanks Steve!
  12. Thank you for the condescending reply, obviously "Prologue" has a different meaning to some of us... :Thinking:
  13. Im sorry, but my email dated the 23/06 was never replied to - I chased this 2 days later - which was replied too. While I am grateful for the help you offered, I commended you for your effort in fixing the major issues in short order. Also as I said above "No, they were very fair and had offered me a refund", However, as I said in our email exchange and I still maintain this view...The product was released to early, and was still not ready for release (in my opinion) when I last tried the product. It saddens me, that there seems to be an increasing trend among some devolpers to releasing products that are not finished, call me old fashioned, but I like to see the completed article.
  14. No, they were very fair and had offered me a refund, this was after that point as I was following up the refund. Looking back at all the orignal emails, it seems they all ended up in the spam bin. It seems any replies came back marked [sPAM]
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