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  1. Hello everyone Now I am pretty sure this can be done but for the life of me I can't remember how to do it I own the disk version of MS2020 and obviously installed it from the disks and then, at the end, was asked to enter the code ... Everything worked fine ... Having reformatted my SSD I would like to re-install MS2020 but I would rather download it direct from my Microsoft Store account instead of feeding in 10 disks and then being confronted with a message saying 'this code has already been used' and terminating itself. I have looked for the download version within my Store account but I can't find it therefore, can anyone point me in the right direction and let me know where I am going wrong Thanking you in advance Paul
  2. Hi Michael .... Press Windows Key + i and go to apps, search for ''gaming services'' click ''advanced options'' and then select 'repair' Do this for the XBox app too Reboot your system and then fire MS2020 again Hope this helps Paul
  3. Hi Everyone Ok ... this is an interesting one .... I have six screens in total and using the top three to span using NVidia Surround and the bottom three for undocking windows and using LittleNavMap All went well ..... the top three screens are being seen as one screen and the bottom three screens as 2 . 3. and 4 My problem is when I start P3D it only opens up in one of the top screens ..... I usually either bump the P3D window up to the top of the screen or click the 'expand' icon in the top right of the P3D window and it will span across all three screens nicely ..... BUT not in this case .... It looks like it is going to do it but then just stays on the one screen ...... incidentally it will do the same if I want to say expand 'The Edge' internet browser over three screens ... it just stays on the one screen ... Now ..... if I pull out the plugs on the second graphics card and just have the top three screens running on my main graphics card everything is rosy in the garden and it spans beautifully ... I do think that it is Windows 11 causing the issue but why .. I haven't got a clue! One other observation I have noticed is that when all six screens are plugged in and P3D is open on the one window if I hover over the 'expand' icon (Top right) I am presented with a series of small screen boxes .. if I click on any of them it sort of spans the sim partially to the left ... or partially to the right etc etc but there is no box to span fully over all three screens! Finally .... and this is the rub ...... I also have MS2020 on the system and this opens and spans beautifully over the top three screens WITH the other three screens connected! Any ideas on sorting this would be greatly appreciated as I am at a loss ...... Cheers Paul
  4. Hi Everyone Ok ... this is an interesting one .... I have six screens in total and using the top three to span using NVidia Surround and the bottom three for undocking windows and using LittleNavMap All went well ..... the top three screens are being seen as one screen and the bottom three screens as 2 . 3. and 4 (This is obviously on 2 x graphics cards) My problem is when I start P3D it only opens up in one of the top screens ..... I usually either bump the P3D window up to the top of the screen or click the 'expand' icon in the top right of the P3D window and it will span across all three screens nicely ..... BUT not in this case .... It looks like it is going to do it but then just stays on the one screen ...... incidentally it will do the same if I want to say expand 'The Edge' internet browser over three screens ... it just stays on the one screen ... Now ..... if I pull out the plugs on the second graphics card and just have the top three screens running on my main graphics card everything is rosy in the garden and it spans beautifully ... I do think that it is Windows 11 causing the issue but why .. I haven't got a clue! One other observation I have noticed is that when all six screens are plugged in and P3D is open on the one window if I hover over the 'expand' icon (Top right) I am presented with a series of small screen boxes .. if I click on any of them it sort of spans the sim partially to the left ... or partially to the right etc etc but there is no box to span fully over all three screens! Finally .... and this is the rub ...... I also have MS2020 on the system and this opens and spans beautifully over the top three screens WITH the other three screens connected! Any ideas on sorting this would be greatly appreciated as I am at a loss ...... Cheers Paul
  5. Hi everyone I have two computer systems and wanted to find out if I can install a Steam version of MS2020 onto my two systems without having to purchase two copies? Thanking you in advance Paul
  6. Hi everyone I have the disk version of XPlane 11 and wanted to find out if I can put my license number in and download XPlane 11 direct from the internet instead of using my disks? This will be a fresh install after reformatting my SSD and installing windows 11 Thanking you in advance Paul
  7. Thank you Alvega I will do that this evening Cheers Paul
  8. Hi Bob Thank you for your valued reply .... yes the system is working perfectly fine with no issues to the SSD or other components I have upped the cache from 8 to 32 but not sure if that will make any difference .... Something else I tried quite a while back, when this lagging starts, was to close the instrument display boxes when you are on an outside view and on one occasion that did smooth things out without having to restart but i think I was just lucky on that occasion because it never resolved itself like that again haha Cheers Paul
  9. Hi everyone I have just installed MS2020 and all of the world updates onto a reformatted SSD M2 and encountered an issue which I am wondering whether anyone else has experienced. I take off using the Daher TBM 930 .... and set a ceiling height of 14000 feet and a heading of 150 .... Once in the cruise I leave the autopilot on and come back to it approx 8 hours later only to find no problem apart from dreadful stutters and lagging ..... basically if I disengage the autopilot it is impossible to fly ... If I cancel the flight and reset 'without' closing the sim down everything is perfectly fine and runs like a dream .... perfectly smooth. I appreciate that probably not many do this but it is only done to check that the sim doesn't actually fail/crash /freeze. Any ideas would be well appreciated Cheers in advance Paul
  10. Hi everyone I wanted to ask where the best place is to install MS2020 I have loads of space on my SSD so is it better to let it install to the default location or create a folder such as C:\MS2020 ? Thanks in advance P
  11. If you have been into Reg edit and the gaming services an Gaming services Net are deleted .. you have one more thing to do ... in Windows go to Settings Apps and then look for Gaming services app Click on Terminate ... click on repair and finally click on Reset Log back into your MS Store account ... go to your ‘My library’ and then click on Install MS2020 and things should work for you Good luck Paul
  12. Ahhhh I hadn't downloaded the correct version ...... had I downloaded and update? 2.4.5 Paul
  13. Hi Everyone I have just downloaded the latest version of LittleNav Map but I cannot see the exe file (World Icon) which is usually located in the LNM yellow folder? Any ideas? Thanks in advance Paul
  14. With Prepar3d v2 having been available since late 2013 I am surprised we have not had any Traffic programs from companies such as Aerosoft/Just Flight/Flight1 etc specifically for Prepar3D I wonder why this is? Any thoughts? Paul
  15. Frank's and Normand ... Thank you very much indeed for your input ... I will not be in front of my system for a couple of weeks but I promise to come back and let you know if that worked Cheers Paul
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