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  1. I so wish that his plane was available for X-Plane. I have the FSX/P3D version and it's been one of my all time favourite planes.
  2. Bill Gates is a flight simulation authority? Well I never knew lol. Now if Austin Meyers or some person from IXEG, A2A, RealAir or PMDG made an appearance I'd be impressed. However, I don't think Jimi is saying he's going to impute on the character of DTG; more that he's going to be vocal in the inevitable debates that erupt on the various forums as to the merits of the latest toy. On this I quite agree with his stance. We are all vociferous when it comes to any perceived issues with flightsimming.
  3. Roger that! This I can understand and respect; and thank you for responding, I will comply .
  4. In fact it has nothing to do with manners .. or with the topic. I think this post cuts 2 the heart of successful simming. Ultimately the FS program will only b as gud & successful as the community, given the opportunity 2 build 4 it.
  5. FSX & P3D? Uses tables afaik. So does X-Plane to some degree. You're making it sound like these sim's are virtual wind tunnels. Not even close. What people are hoping for from DTG is something that works @ 60fps, looks smashing, is close enough to real physics or at least we can fool ourselves it's real (suspension of disbelief). That's all I'm looking for in any sim. Currently I get that via X-Plane and to a lesser degree DCS. If DTG come up with a product that ticks those boxes that's cool I'll buy the product. But I sure as hell won't spend a brass razoo on any developer who labours the point on why they DON'T supply a feature. Is this actually a rule here @ AVSIM?
  6. I was spending more time tweaking than flying. No longer fly FSX and rarely fly P3D. Mostly fly X-Plane (largely tweak free) and DCS (no tweaks at all ).
  7. @Bluestar; as mentioned by Patrick, yes I was responding to JYW's post . Yourself as an experienced S-64 pilot, I'd be interested on your take on the DCS helicopter modules if you've flown them. If haven't yet, I think that you'd definitely be interested in how they fly, however as we're primarily talking about X-Plane here, have you flown any of the X-Plane models? I profess I've never flown FSX helicopters .. only fixed wing. My only RW perspective about helicopters comes from flying *in* them *baggage-class* as a former member of Her Majesty QEII's spear chucker brigade ... back in the wild days of my mis-spent youth and both XP and DCS helicopters feel very convincing to me.
  8. Bill, it takes a different mind set and a new set of muscle memory to fly helicopters. Once you get the mind and reflexes wrapped around using a collective, a cyclic and yaw pedals things start to fall into place. The first thing you want to do in sim .. have no idea if it's RL or not .. but this worked for me; is to master the hover. Just a few feet off the ground and try to minimise drift. Once you can hover and move slowly from spot to pre-designated spot you'll have the basic skills to fly helicopters (in sim). Flying from point A to point B in choppers is easy, it's the precision flying (slow) that's makes the difference. Hope that helps. @Phantom ... right on mate! It's definitley my favourite medium/heavy helicopter. I REALLY hope that Conex makes it across to do some DCS modules. I want a Jolly Green Giant or a Chinook tbh ... I'm Teapot on the DCS forums btw.
  9. I normally hate Windows, but use it for X-Plane & DCS (only runs on Windows). Previously had Win 7 and resisted 8. Decided to go for the free upgrade to Windows 10 and apart from a few teething issues (Windows 10 kept wanting to update and then failed and rolled back to previous vers of Win 10) I am actually pleasantly surprised at how well it's performing. My sims seem a tad faster and more fluid in Windows 10.
  10. The Dreamfoil Schweizer S300CBi Revision1 is now available (the chopper only came out last week). There's a great review at Helisimmer where it's one of the top rated helicopters there and scores slightly higher than the DCS Huey (which I also love). If you are a virtual chopper pilot, then do yourself a favour and check it out. I nearly passed up on this one because it looked so insignificant ... boy was I wrong, it's a ton of fun to fly and great for honing basic helicopter flying skills.
  11. This! The REP modules are fantastic and I believe they *may* be bringing a REP of the Carenado Baron 58 next.
  12. Some people did. You obviously don't. Hip hip for FloB.
  13. That seems to be the case, but when I ran my Updater I swear it said b5a lol.
  14. If you've never run an XP beta before, run the "X-Plane 10 Installer.exe" which should be in the root directory of your XP install. When you run the installer there's an option to download the beta (tickbox). If you're new to XP, I'd recommend that you explicitly setup a separate X-Plane install first and only apply the beta updates to it so you will always have a stable version running (you can do that with the installer as well ... or just copy and paste your existing XP install and call it something else e.g. "X-Plane Beta"). If you don't have it you can download the latest installer from www.x-plane.com Caveat - I don't know about Mac's ... I'm running Windows 10.
  15. As per topic title Have no idea what it's like yet or what the changelog is.
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