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About Pastaiolo

  • Rank
    Pasta Eater
  • Birthday 07/24/1989

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    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
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    "The only thing that whines louder than a jet engine, is a flight simmer."

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  1. A thing i didn't hear about, remember time ago when they were talking about off loading part of the calculations to their servers (a bit like Geforce Now does by running games remotely and sending to your pc just a video stream)? Maybe they changed idea or maybe they haven't shared news about it yet? What do you think?
  2. Just remember that we are being shown what Microsoft wants us to see. And it's a wrong assumpting to think that what we see will be all around the world. But i am sure we'll know more about it in some months with new discovery videos emerging.
  3. Great ships as usual. I just wish the live traffic part came to conclusion 😞
  4. 12 fps but SMOOTH as butter! Jokes aside, in all videogames i always found it pretty evident going from 30 fps to 60 fps and viceversa
  5. Bugs are bugs, and they show up regardless of handling. Besides, i would expect most of us (or anyway those commenting and making comparisons between Fenix, FBW and Ini) to know how to properly operate it by now 🙂 Once the bugs are dealt with, i think it will be alright and most importantly a welcome addiction for console users too.
  6. Working fine here, but i also noticed the VNAV issue. We'll see if they can fix it, either way it's a good platform especially for console users.
  7. Looking great! Can't wait to fly it 🙂
  8. I don't think you understood what i was saying, there are other interesting aircrafts out there and i'll rather wait for them than pay for the third time for the same plane.
  9. B-O-R-I-N-G. Oh wow, a 777. Been using it since FSX, that was August 2013. Years passing by, but the only thing PMDG does is selling the same planes over and over again, while also trying to make it appears as gamebreaking..
  10. Yes. Once in the beta channel, you don't need to revert back on release. And once a new beta is out, you'll find you need to update for it
  11. Thanks Matt, always with spot on info! 🙂
  12. Flying with it now. I can't find where this optional soft ground collision model is activated at the time. I noticed the chassis bounces a bit more around on the ground but that's about it, the rest depends on activating that optional thing. Any suggestion for checking this high accuracy physics system with vibrations and micro movements? I would expect vibrations to occur on the ground when testing full power for example, or near stall perhaps?
  13. For Caribbean probably, but i think it will still be limited and not part of the on-going project to have them around all the world. We'll see i guess
  14. I guess the main difference is that FSLTL, while getting real traffic just like PXST does, leave its handling to default ATC. Overall tho, considering it is free and easily available in the FBW Installer, it is worth trying it before spending money to see if it does a "decent" job But actually you can also do this, i was reading the User Guide again: FlightPlannerDB API - Configures injector to represent optional realistic flight plan following. Without this API key aircraft will fly direct from origin to destination. Create an account at https://flightplandatabase.com and enter the API key from the settings page to use this feature. Optional but highly recommended.
  15. Welll, you could just use FSLTL since it's free and has live traffic But actually from the user guide you can do this step too: FlightPlannerDB API - Configures injector to represent optional realistic flight plan following. Without this API key aircraft will fly direct from origin to destination. Create an account at https://flightplandatabase.com and enter the API key from the settings page to use this feature. Optional but highly recommended.
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