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JPC van Heijst

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  1. On the 'real' aircraft you normally have the packs on (auto) during takeoff to prevent just this problem.Pack-off takeoffs are only conducted on airports where you really need all the performance you can get (short runway, high elevation + heavy weight).Just put the packs on (auto) after engine start and put them off when you are parked at the gate.
  2. Hey guys!By accident I stumbled upon this thread and noticed the very kind and positive words about my 737 gallery on pbase!So nice to hear people enjoy the photos and views I try to capture with my camera and hopefully some of you can use those pictures to gain perhaps extra knowledge about flying the 737ng in FlightSim.Indeed; after 5 years of flying the 737 I recently moved from Transavia to Cargolux where I am now flying the 747-400 and in the near future the -8... a step I could have only dreamt about and is now reality. Honestly, I dont miss the 737 at all. The systems, manuals and operation in general are so much more fun and easier with the 747.. though the 737 had some perfect spots for long-exposure shots without tripod.Because I have a one-year probation time I am really careful with taking pictures on the 747 for the moment, but in about 6-7 months from now I hope you can all start enjoying the same kind of shots from the 747, if the captain doesnt mind of course :)And by the way; feel absolutely free to copy the images to use as your background!But please contact me if you want to use the photos for other then personal use (eg printing them, putting them online on other websites etc).Again thank you for the kind words, very much appreciated :)- ChristiaanAnd this one made me laugh out very loud haha;
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