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Everything posted by andrewlsummer

  1. Hi guys, (Using ADE) I am working on a scenery area and I have worked out that the default lake polygon can be excluded with specific 'hydro polygon default lake perennial' (or somesuch naming). However there is part of a nearby shoreline which I just can't exclude. Can you firstly tell me what shoreline exclude polygons I should be trying? Now, that other shoreline I want to exclude does disappear when I use general Water Polys and Waters Polys GPS. However, this also converts the adjoining ocean area to land (it excludes the water completely). So I know what the default base scenery file is (cvxXXX.bgl) and when I load it in TMFviewer it only tells me that the island with a lake has Water Polys and a shoreline, but it doesn't tell me exactly what exclusion polygon I will need to add to exclude the default scenery. (I replace it with my own DEM and water/ground masks). Is there any program that can load a default base scenery to find out what particular polygons are used? This will allow me to use the correct exclusion without trial and error. Thanks for your help! A
  2. Hi,I wouldn't say I have a lack of understanding as I have been commercially draping sites outside of fsx for ages. Firstly, the -10 coords are just to hide my working location because they are beside the issue and to make it more readable. Secondly, there is a real problem with worldwind dem data and it is projected from south-to-north.I think the issue above has just been solved in another thread as it appears I misread a minor detail in the SDK, in that pixelispoint only centers the actual pixels and not the entire image area area over the coords. Is it possible to center an image by center point and not NW of bitmap?I am just try to work out the most accurate way to drape aerial images once true DEM data has been imported as I have found some issues with the way fsx handles the image importing even though I know the source is accurate
  3. Hi gang,I followed the MS FSX SDK as best as possible and it appears that RESAMPLE only recognizes the PixelIsPoint variable when a BMP is used (it is noted optional for BMP but not listed as optional for TIF)When I use the following INF file, the upper left corner of the output starts at the center of my elevation BGL, instead of centring the ground in the middle of my DEM.[source]Type = MultiSourceNumberOfSources = 3[source1]Type = BMPLayer = ImagerySourceDir = "."SourceFile = "GROUND.bmp"Variation = AllChannel_BlendMask = 2.0Channel_LandWaterMask = 3.0PixelIsPoint = 1ulxMap = -10ulyMap = -10xDim = 1.05E-05yDim = 1.04E-05[source2]Type = BMPLayer = NoneSourceDir = "."SourceFile = "BLEND.bmp"SamplingMethod = GaussianNullValue = 255,255,255PixelIsPoint = 1ulxMap = -10ulyMap = -10xDim = 1.05E-05yDim = 1.04E-05[source3]Type = BMPLayer = NoneSourceDir = "."SourceFile = "WATER.bmp"SamplingMethod = GaussianNullValue = 255,255,255PixelIsPoint = 1ulxMap = -10ulyMap = -10xDim = 1.05E-05yDim = 1.04E-05[Destination]DestDir = "."DestBaseFileName = "my-bgl"DestFileType = BGLLOD = AutoCompressionQuality = 97If I set the coords to be the upper left of my DEM BGL then it works fine. But I can't get my GROUND BGL to render by referencing from the center coordinate position and using the PixelIsPoint = 1Thanks for any help!
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