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Posts posted by Reggie025

  1. Can someone tell me how to install Radar Contact into P3Dv4.4? I installed it to FSX per the installation procedure, but when I try to use it, I get a "Runtime 75" error. The messages appear in P3D, but I cannot select Clearance Delivery or ATIS.

    I'm using Rex Skyforce 3D and ActiveSky P3D as well.


    Any assistance appreciated.

  2. I'm having trouble with FreeMesh - USA in P3Dv4. Some of my airports have elevation issues. I'm using ORBX FTX Global, Vector, and OpenLC-North America, along with Active Sky. I know it's a FreeMesh issue because when I disable it, everything goes back to normal. I ran the Global Configurator, but it didn't help either. I tried to post a screenshot of my Add-On Scenery file, but it wouldn't paste.

    I've currently got it just below Bathymetry.

    Any advice appreciated,



  3. I just installed P3Dv4 and am moving my stock FSX aircraft over. I'm trying to keep the P3D install as clean as possible.

    Over the years, I've installed numerous flyable and AI aircraft in FSX, thus my Effects file is full of trash. I really hate moving the whole file over to P3D

    I'm to figure out a way to harvest just the stock FSX effects and moving them over to the P3D Effects folder.

    Any ideas?



  4. I got the new Saitek X-56 HOTAS for Christmas and am having the same problem others are having regarding the throttle that jumps from 1% to 50% when you slightly touch it. I've read all of the various "fixes" on other flightsim websites, including moving the sliders up, changing the config file, etc., but they do not work. Was wondering if anyone here has found a fix? Saitek support is no help.



  5. Greetings All:


    I was wondering if anyone would be interested in painting The Fruit Stands Saab 340 (AVSIM) in the new Glo Airlines colors. Glo just began operating out of New Orleans - KMSY and offers directs flights to Little Rock. Memphis, Shreveport, and now Destin, FL.


    They are operating three aircraft right now, but I don't have the "N" numbers. The aircraft are white with lime green nacelles and grey tails. Nice logo on the front and rear of the fuselage.


    Photos available on the web.


    Any help appreciated.



    Alabama -USA



  6. For some reason, I've got trees all over the place at Edwards AFB - KEDW (Stock Airport). On the tarmac, runways, and taxiways. Does anyone know how to get rid of these? I've tried everything in the slider section.


    Using FSX Acceleration if that helps. I'll post a screenshot if someoine can tell me how to.





    Alabama - USA



  7. Got it resolved. It is a TacPack issue. You cannot start FSX with the VRS F/A-18E with TacPack. Your default flight has to have a default aircraft for the comm/nav to work correctly.

    Then you can switch to another aircraft.


    Thanks for the assist.



    270@22 from KNPA

  8. Something's happened to my FSX program. All of a suddeen, my NAV radio frequencies end in an "odd" number instead of an "even". I can't tune in a VOR or ILS frequency.

    EXAMPLES: 116.01 instead of 116.00        111.31 instead of 111.30       125.16 instead of 125.15


    It's not a real problem if the radio has a standby frequency. The main frequency works correctly. If the aircraft only has one NAV radio with one frequency (military), I can't fly the ILS or tune the VOR.


    Any help appreciated. I've posted this on several other forums, but no replies.








  9. My computer has started to do a weird thing. I discovered it through trial and error. When my computer boots up, it is somehow detecting two mice. I can see this in the device manager. Sometimes, depending on luck, I can disable one (hopefully not the one I am using), and continue on.



    Where this comes into play, of course , is when I start FSX. It's pretty touch trying to fly when you can't get the cursor over the right knob or switch.


    I've ran several malware programs, Microsoft Security Essentials,  and CCleaner.


    Any ideas on how to fix this little problem? It's getting pretty tiring to go through everything to get FSX up and running and find the cursor racing to the top.




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