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Posts posted by trucker17

  1. Hi everyone.

     I have a 3d model of the Seversky P35/ AT12 Guardsman. i got from a friend.

     I do not know anything about modding and was hoping since i have the model. I could find someone who could bring it to FSX and P3D.

     The model will be freeware. so everyone can enjoy it.

     If anyone can help and take the project please PM me and i will send you the model.

     The AT12 Guardsman is the last remaining model of this plane that is 100% and flyable. And can be found at the Planes of Fame air Museum in Chino California.




     Here are some picts of the P35 and AT12.






  2. Hey guys.
    Some of you may remember me and Amanda my daughter.
    We are back. Mandy will still be using my log in until she decides to get her own account.
    You may have been wondering why i just stop coming into the forums.
    Well here is why.
    Last year while i was on the road. My daughter and fiancee was at home during a home invasion. Amanda was hurt pretty bad, and spent a week in the hospital.
    My fiancee was not so lucky. She fought off the burglars as best she could trying to protect Amanda and our home. In he process she was shot 5 times. Katie died in route to the hospital.
    I was such an emotional wreck from loosing her, that i stopped playing FSX and even stopped going on the computer. and focused my attention on trying to find the people responsible for killing her. Once they were found and convicted. i turned my attention to work and just ran away burying my feelings in work.
    Amanda convinced me to return to FSX and spend time on the computer talking to her while she is at school. And she let me know it was time to get back to my life.
    So i am back, even though i am still fighting my feelings. No i am not over the loss completely.

     As for the Memorial flight.
     I will start working on a new flight to honor Tom, when i feel better about flying and we get away from so many airshows.
     I will get with the STAFF of AVSIM, to set up a perminate date to hold the flights.

  3. As the title says, we are seeking people who are either in a flight demonstration team, or interested in putting one together.
    We are looking for 21 pilots in a single team that can be split into 3 groups, or 3 separate teams. That will perform at each stop, here is what we are thinking. one team start the flight from the beginning, and starting their performance at the second airport. the second team will join in the flight their, and proceed with up to the 3rd and the 3rd team at the last airoprt, where both demonstration teams will form up for the final demonstration.
    These demonstration flights will be held every year, for the Tom Allensworth memorial flight.
    If anyone is interested, Please let me know here . The type of demonstration flight is of your choosing. So get your team together and get practising.
    These are the airports for next years flight and every flight from here on.

  4.  Everything is set up and we are ready to go for this flight.

      date will be Saturday April 9th, at 7PM.

     The airports are (KAVL) Asheville Regional Airport, (KTRI) Tri-Cities Regional Airport , (KROA) Roanoke–Blacksburg Regional Airport, (KCHO) Charlottesville–Albemarle Airport.

    aircraft, their will be private planes to WWII era fighters and bombers. (Or any aircraft that can safely take off and land at these airports.

    Flyby's and precision flights are welcome.

     We will be using SimLink software so that all platforms of FSX can fly together (such as classic, p3d, steam).


     If you need to set your system up with the systems we will be using before the flight, Please set it up and test it before the flight.

    We want everyone to have a enjoyable flight.

     I will be sending a reminder to everyone in the next couple of days.


    This post has been promoted to an article

  5. Ok. Saturday April 9th, sounds great. so lets set it up for then, and 7 PM PST.


    OK. Everything is set.

      date will be Saturday April 9th, at 7PM.

     The airports are (KAVL) Asheville Regional Airport, (KTRI) Tri-Cities Regional Airport , (KROA) Roanoke–Blacksburg Regional Airport, (KCHO) Charlottesville–Albemarle Airport.

    aircraft, their will be private planes to WWII era fighters and bombers. (Or any aircraft that can safely take off and land at these airports.

    Flyby's and precision flights are welcome.

     We will be using SimLink software so that all platforms of FSX can fly together (such as classic, p3d, steam).

     More info to follow.

  6. Flew this route today and despite mostly IFR conditions was able to get some good screen shots that show the character of the flight. They have been posted in a new topic in the Screenshots Forum here on Avsim.  My flight time, airspeed, and wind component are reported in that post.  


    Actually I few KAVL HMV V16 ROA V375 KENNI (which is the IAF for KCHO ILS 03). Unfortunately I was IFR with a 500 ft ceiling on approach.  In VFR conditions you see the city of Charlottesville, including the University of Virginia, on approach to Rwy 03.  NIce if you have photo real scenery.


    Here is the link:



     That sounds good. If no one objects.this will be the route we use.

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