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Everything posted by NoDnArB

  1. Hi guys,Just bought AS 2012 a few days back and had it running on my FSX PC. However, I noticed a huge lost in frame rates 30FPS to about 10FPS average. Side question, anyone had a problem with this? I'm using 2048x2048 on 3D cloud, the rest are on highest setting.Anyway, back to topic. So today I tried installing AS onto another PC that I had on the same network so that it can help reduce the load on my FSX PC. Installation went successfully and selection of folders was smooth too. However when AS started, I do notice that anything below the 'Help' button, where there was supposed to be the 'Start FSX' button and the rest were missing. Thinking it might be caused by the networked mode, I installed the graphics and hop on to FSX on my machine. Again I noted that the weather isn't set to 'User-defined weather' like when it was opened using the 'Start FSX' button of AS on my FSX PC. Finally, I ran FSX and realised that the weather was just the default clear skies weather of FSX. The XGauge however worked and is the same as the Map that showed up on my non-FSX PC. So is there something I did wrong which prevented the weather from loading in FSX correctly??Any help is appreciated.Thanks in advance.
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