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Everything posted by zecabaleiro

  1. Yes, I want to save the airstars state and not intalling them because that's already done.About the transponder is the save, I leave the 7000 in the end of the last flight, I save the panel and them when I come back is already there the 1200. The same is happening with the radios and navaids. I changed the freq in the <panel>.sav but it's not changing in the aircraft.I don't know if someone has any solution for this.
  2. Actually I tried that before solving the problem but I couldn't open it in notepad. Now I tried again but with wordpad and it worked.I also prefer to play with text most of the times.BTW, do you have any ideia if it's possible to fix the airstars or transponder in the panel.sav file? I didn't find it.Tanks
  3. Hi Emile!I think I start to get it now. So, I don´t need the mouse but 3 keys right? Maybe that's the problem because I just did 1. I assigned the ctrl+end (and is not used by any other stuff) to the LuaToggleMinimums with condition 0. I just don't know what to do about de 1 and 2 that you said. Also the flags I didn't get it.Maybe if you help me setting the other 2 keys it can work.Many thanks.
  4. Hi mrscott!The hydraulic panel is in the overhead panel, what you are showing is the lower DU (display unit).I don't know what you are missing but if you are talking about the diferences between the images, that's because some equipment and configuration is an extra and each airline decides what an how to have. The brakes temp and flight controls information is not in all B737 airlines and probably that's why you don't have it in your new livery. Anyway, with PMDG you can set it up with your CDU in menu>PMDG setup>aircraft>displays>page 9/9 (brake temp and fcs indication).
  5. Thank you Fabo and thank you killkenny1. I did it as Administrator and it worked, just the airstars, radios, navaids, transponder, etc didn't work but the rest was saved.Problem solved!
  6. I had 3 pages before but I removed the panels states from the tutorial so I became just with one but after saving my panel state he doesn't appear on the list I don't know why.Anyway thanks for the help.
  7. Thanks SKeller!That's what I thought but the problem is that I can't save my panel state. I have sp1c and when I try to save the panel state I give the name and execute, it says saved but then it not appear on the list or even on panelstate folder.Do you have any ideia?Thanks
  8. Hello everyone!Anyone knows if there is a way to set the Baro default mode to hPa instead of having to put it everytime manually?Thanks
  9. Hi Emil!Thank you for your help.I don't know so much about FSUIPC programming but I tried anyway. I did everything like you said and assigned ctrl+end as well, but after confirming when I press ctrl+end and then click on the minimums knob a few times nothing happen. I tried several times and nothing. Then I changed the parameter to 1 and when I press ctrl+end I hear a click sound but still nothing happens. I changed again the parameter back to 0 and the click sound disapear but I can't get it working.Anyway, thanks for the help.
  10. Dear PMDG,When flying to some airfields with Baro minimum at around 3000ft or even more, it take ages to setup this value with the actual minimum knob.In the real 737 if you hold the knob it start to increase very fast the value but not in your product.I also use the Baro minimum for takeoff to setup the EO Accel Alt which helps when not permorming an VNAV takeoff, wich means that twice per each flight I'm loosing lots of time setting the minimum.Could you please fix this?Thanks.
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