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Posts posted by abasa12

  1. +1 for the splits (visual or otherwise). Based at YVR and 90% of the NG's we see are equipped with them now. Understand the 74 is the priority, and there's probably a ton else going on, but I'd be happy to pay for even a visual update.


    Just my two cents.

  2. Are those bridge textures mipped? I haven't used it since FSX as the performance was brutal.


    Hey Dave, that's actually a good point. I'll try and find the file and see what I can do with it. Thanks!


    In the meanwhile, this is a picture in case it makes it any clearer...


  3. Hey simmers!


    Quick question apropos the late John Patch's wonderful VanPlus v3 scenery, specifically within Prepar3D v3. For any of you who know the scenery, I've noticed a heavy shimmering on the Alex Fraser Bridge (about ten miles east of YVR), which does not diminish with distance. For example, I can be lining up at YVR and still see it well off in the distance, the only scenery object present with the distance, and incredibly bright and shimmering. I have FTX PNW installed, along with its config option in the options menu of VanPlus. Having come at a loss to find any active forums for the scenery, I thought I'd ask here.

    Thanks for any and all help!



  4. Simmers, 


    I'm having an issue in the sim, and I've been trying to mess around with my settings to fix it to no avail. The issue is in the ground LOD, wherein anything more than 50 feet in front of the aircraft becomes super blocky and blurry. The attached photo is from FlightBeam KSFO, though I have experienced the same issue at other airports. As for settings, I've basically tried with everything on max, and nothing is fixed (full texture, mesh, tesselation, LOD, MSAA, FXAA, and texture filtering) to no avail. The texture LOD still remains abysmal. Any suggestions on settings to play around with that might fix this issue?





  5. Simmers,


    Having recently purchased (and fallen in love with) the NGX: Reboot after owning the legacy version for years, there were a few things I was wondering with regards to the 777. Specifically, if any of the new features rolled out in Reboot could be implemented in a future FS2Crew 777 update. Now, as obviously neither a real-world 737ng nor 777 pilot, I do not know the intricacies of CRM with regards to the 777, and these calls could indeed only be present in the 737, and not part of 777 SOP, though I imagine at least some of these are used by 777 carriers. These calls really improve the workload, flexibility of operation, and crew dynamic in the NGX, and I feel could do similar with the 777. These features/calls include:

    • FMC-style configuration
    • More advanced briefings (windshear/bird concerns, ETOPS, forced return, self-tracking, crew change, first leg, etc...)
    • Fuel checks call from FO
    • "cleared to close long taxi/short taxi"
    • "Confirm execute" when programming the FMC
    • "Clear left/clear on the left" when crossing a runway or entering the runway for departure
    • Flight controls check responses (this may be a 737-specific item, I wasn't sure)
    • Lack of gear up confirmation until 400'
    • "Bug up" command
    • "Set VREF plus 5" command
    • "Cleared to release the cabin/cabin crew?" during climb
    • "You have control" before descent preparation

    There are a few other things too though I believe those are company-specific. I only mention these because I've been told no 777:Reboot is in the works considering its newness, though with all the fantastic technological developments in the NGX department, I was wondering if any of that could be ported over into the triple.




  6. to increase the stars brightness externally try to look into particles settings

    or edit existing starts.dat color settings (open with any text editor)


    Good to know - thanks!


     The AutoStar X program will do that for you based on your location and current date. Makes it super easy.


    Thanks Dave! Good to know - I'll look into that.

  7. Know I'm kind of digging up this thread, but I was wondering if there was any way to adjust the brightness of dawn or dusk specifically? I'm at a point where I'm happy with my night and day settings via tonemap, but my dawns are way, way too bright, with incredibly bright stars and cockpit displays. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to rectify this?

  8. there is a dedicated starts config file!

    you can also modify or rebuild it with your own updated starts map

    Thanks! Is that the stars.dat file? Was wondering how to decrease brightness within, but I wasn't sure. 

  9. Sadly the landing lights option didn't work in helping the problem  :sad: . Below are a couple pictures from the default Westjet livery to show what I mean. Both were taken during the day (in the external view the position light splash was not visible as it was in the cockpit). Top one is with the lights on, bottom lights off.





  10. Hello simmers!


    Been having a tiny bug with the NGX, and was wondering if anyone might be able to help me shed some light on its cause. Whenever I look back at the wing from the VC in the day with the position light on, the winglet is completely lit up as though it is night. I don't see this from the external view, and have had the same issue in both FSX and P3D. The problem has persisted with multiple different textures. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do?


    Any help is greatly, greatly appreciated - thanks!





  11.  I think it comes down to fine tuning your HDR settings to your own personal taste Derek. For me to get it properly dark at night so far means it's not bright enough during the day etc etc. I would like to see presets in the HDR settings.

     Regarding the actual stars, I use AutoStar X (which is free as well) to populate the sky with correct placement and brightness of the stars for our area and season.

    Thanks Dave, quite good to know. Thanks!

  12. Simmers and support staff,


    I recently purchased Prepar3D v3, and having flown around with it in the NGX and a few other add-on aircraft, I have to say I'm extremely loving it! There's only one thing that's been a slight bother, and this is the stars in the sim. I have HDR lighting enabled, and while my lighting config works pretty well during the day and alright enough at night, I find the stars to be way, way too bright. Reduced visibility in ASN helps this, but only to a certain extent. They're still even brighter than the moon, quite unrealistically so especially when on the ground at airports for which the stars are usually completely invisible or barely so. In addition, and I'm not sure if this is a problem I exclusively have, but the stars start appearing before night truly begins/ends. It looks rather odd at sunset or sunrise when the sky is still speckled with these stars.


    Thank you all very much for any and all help with this, it really is greatly appreciated!





  13. I actually find the volume of the boarding sound to be quite low, which is the way it should be.


    I wonder if your audio hardware is processing the volume for it differently somehow?


    Could be - I'll try a few things and let you know if I'm still having troubles. Thanks!

  14. FS2Crew support and simmers,


    Hello! I just purchased the NGX: Reboot after a transition over to P3D, and on first glance, it looks incredible. Systems depth is astounding and I am eager to experiment with it and see what I can come up with. Unfortunately, I've been getting a slight annoyance, and I'm not sure if there's any way it can be fixed. It seems pedantic, though for me it is rather distracting and I was wondering if there's some way it can be dealt with. The problem is in the looping of the boarding sounds. Now I understand that to minimize the size of the audio files, boarding sounds as such must be kept on a loop, though with the loud boarding sound volume, it's quite distracting every time the sound abruptly quits and then comes back. Is there any chance of either disabling the boarding sounds, turning down their volume, or maintaining them without them being cut out (eliminating the fade-out/fade-in)? 

    At any rate, thanks for such a great product by and large, and happy holidays everyone!





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