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  1. Hmm. Kinda takes the "Software Development" out of the "Kit", leaving just "Kit" :).
  2. Hi Jan, You are right - very useful. Thanks for your example gauge also. Eric
  3. Gentelmen, thank you very much. FontSize did the trick. Do either of you know if FormattedText is documented anywhere? As I said, I looked in the FSX SDK but searching the help file turned up nothing. Eric
  4. Hi Bill, I finally had time to try out switching from text to formatted text. The good news is ... the color switching works perfectly! Thank you. The bad news is ... now the text is about 1/10th the size it used to be and is now impossible to read. So, this code, though it generated an FSX error message, actually worked (i.e. the colors switched and the text was the right size): <Text X="172" Y="24" Bright="Yes" Length="13" Font="Glass Gauge" Color="%((G:Var1) 0 == if{ 'White' } els{ '#a0a0a0' })%!s!" Adjust="Center" VerticalAdjust="Bottom" Fixed="Yes" Multiline="No"> <String>Course</String> </Text> while this code also switches colors correctly but produces text that is too small to read: <FormattedText X="172" Y="24" Bright="Yes" Length="13" Font="Glass Gauge" Color="White" Adjust="Center" VerticalAdjust="Bottom" Fixed="Yes" Multiline="No"> <Color Value="#a0a0a0"/> <String>%((G:Var1) 0 ==)%{if}Course%{else}\{clr2}Course%{end}</String> </FormattedText> I have tried searching through the main FSX SDK help file for "formattedtext" but it claims there is no such thing :Phbbbt: . I am obviously missing something, but I don't know what. Do you know what is causing the text to be resized? Thanks for your patience. You have certainly earned the "tutor" badge. Eric
  5. Hi Bill, Thanks very much. This gauge needs to work in both FS9 and FSX. I'm a newbie to XML programming. Will the code you posted work in both sims? When you said I had to laugh a bit because I don't even know what "scripted text" is. Does that refer to trying to code an if-then-else construct inside double quotes? Eric
  6. Hi Jan, Thank you. I will try that when I get a chance. The odd thing is, the gauge seems to work fine in FSX even though the simulator displays that error message! I find that to be confusing. Eric
  7. Hi, FSX is complaining about this snippet of XML, but I don't understand why. Could someone please help me figure out what, if anything, is wrong with this XML fragment? Color="%((G:Var1) 0 == if{ 'White' } els{ '#a0a0a0' })%!s!" The error message displayed by FSX is Error: Invalid script (no command is more than 4 characters): ")%!s!" Thanks for any help. Eric
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