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Posts posted by Knoxpilot



    Yea, yours is still not right. My CAS Alerts;
    1.)   FBP message is ON in CAS when FPB switch is in full ON position.
    2.)   FBP message is OFF in CAS when FBP switch in AUTO position.
    3.)   Same as 1 & 2 for Ignition switch.
    1a.)   Inert message is ON in CAS when switch is in ON position.
    2a.)   Inert message is OFF in CAS when switch is in OFF position.


    That's odd, I've installed the patch, then did a complete uninstall and re-downloaded the new complete file and did a clean install of the TBM and my AUX BOOST PUMP and INERT SEP is still functioning incorrectly.

  2. My CAS still shows it when in use, and my AUX pump annunciations are working correctly as well. Maybe you had a bad install? A quick tip to all is; If you bought it from Carenado Direct, the best way to apply SP's (from my personal experience), is to uninstall the beta ( :huh: ) , then re-dload the full installer from Carenado and install that instead of applying an SP.


    Oh, and the NG thing during start up is still there.

    Noted!  Thanks for the tip.  I'll report back after another go at it.  Glad to see that Carenado is still working on the bird.  Out of the aircraft I've flown in the real world, the TBM is by far the most fun.  She is a real pilot's airplane.

  3. Here is an update from a real world (systems related) prospective on SP1.


    I simply did a quick run around the patch to test out the systems and I can only assume that the TAS issue has been addressed from the look at most posts.  First off, the Ignition AUTO issue seems to have been fixed.  The appropriate annunciations are showing for the relative switch positions.  The inertial separator now seems to be affect the torque as it should but has no affect on ITT.  When the INERT SEP switch is in the up (ON) position, one should be observe a decrease in torque and an increase in ITT.  The opposite should take place in the down (OFF) position. They have now also completely omitted any INERT SEP annunciation, I'm not sure how that happened, but hopefully they can fix that issue with the next patch.


    The AUX BOOST PUMP is still working incorrectly and showing the wrong annunciation in the AUTO position.  And last but not least, the pulsing landing lights are now working, however the landing light switches have to be in the ON position which is incorrect, and when the lights are pulsing, the green annunciations on the landing light switches should also pulse in conjunction with the actual landing lights.


    All in all, Carenado is looking in the right direction, and I believe with a little more work and attention to detail, another patch or two could make this airplane a really good addition to the fleet.


    As always, if anybody would like to ask any questions regarding the real world operation of the TBM, feel free to ask.


    Safe Skies



  4. I'm just amazed that anyone expects a $40 Carenado aircraft to be anything other than entertainment. Why expect it to be an accurate procedural training device? Is it actually marketed as such?




    Don't get me wrong.  I don't expect the same experience that I get from my Flight Safety or SimCom training.  FSX was designed with entertainment as the general motive, nonetheless, it's still a SIMULATOR.  If I wanted pure entertainment with no simulation, I'll fly Ace Combat on my Xbox  :lol:   I don't expect perfection with any FSX aircraft but I do expect a reasonable amount of immersion from a company that claims that their product was tested by real world TBM pilots.  I also have certain expectations from a company that has previously released pretty decent airplanes.  I always considered Carenado in the same league as Eaglesoft and Flight 1, but if they don't start focusing on what they do well, instead of trying to rehash and release, I'm afraid that they will be  going down the Abacus road  :wacko:​

  5. Well, I took her up for another test run today, and guys, the news isn't good.  I've flown this bird 3 times now and every time I fly it, as a real world TBM pilot, I become more disappointed in the major flaws that I run across.  so.....my final thoughts, from a real world perspective.


    Today's flight was KHXD-MYNN@FL260, all standard conditions and no wind.  I paid much closer attention to engine performance rather than flight characteristics today.  First off, completely ignore the ITT gauge.  The ITT limits for this aircraft are 800 degrees, between 800-870 (during start only!) for 20 seconds, and 870-1000 for 5 seconds.  This puppy is idling at 945 degrees!! And why the gauge is only showing halfway up the green arc, I haven't a clue :huh:.  Gentlemen, I have seen the results of someone over temping a PT6, a TBM engine at 945 degrees for any more than 8 seconds is melting the damn blades in the engine!!  This was before I even started taxiing and I have already been completely removed from any remotely realistic simulation at this point.  ITT pegged at 1160 degrees on take off and remained around 950 degrees throughout the rest of the flight.


    Taxiing this airplane should require no power.  Seriously, you need to keep the prop back in beta just to keep it at an appropriate taxi speed.  The sim is wanting nearly 60% torque to get her going.  Not a huge deal for a simulator, but these little discrepancies are really detracting from my experience.


    Climb performance was pretty close to the real airplane, but then as many have experienced, cruise performance was a little slow.  At FL260, Tq 121.3%, Ng 99.8%, 2K RPM; I was getting 298 KTAS, 200 KIAS, @ 66GPH.  The fuel consumption was close to real anyway...lol.


    To answer a few questions from above....I have never actually flown a G1000 850, just the older avionics style 700 and 850, so I'm not EXACTLY sure what the torque gauge is supposed to do at the 100% mark.  I have flown a G1000 before, but only in a C182 and Bonanza.  I can tell you that the Carenado G1000 is extremely limited as has been discussed in numerous other threads.  The noise is considerably louder in the real airplane, but for me this doesn't really detract from my experience, just pretend that you're wearing some nice Bose headsets.


    My final thoughts on the Carenado TBM 850.  If you enjoy flying through FSX in a pretty airplane, then go for it...BUT Carenado might as well of slapped the Wright Flyer cockpit into it.  She's pretty much nothing more than some very well organized pixels, flying through, what can be, a very pretty simulator platform.  Yes, the flight dynamics feel similar to the real airplane, but the systems are so completely wacky, that I won't be flying it anymore until a considerable upgrade is made to it.  It's simply not an accurate simulation of the real aircraft.  Just because it looks pretty and feels "similar" doesn't make it safe to practice on!  If I were to "practice" on this simulated model, I would destroy an already unairworthy aircraft, and could actually develop habits that would prove to be unsafe for my real world passengers.  Harsh, but true!  That being said, and as I've said before, your FS experience is all your own.  If you like what you see, and this aircraft will provide what you want out of your experience, then go get it.  Just don't pretend like you're a real TBM pilot  :P


    Safe Skies



  6. Hey guys, thanks for the compliments on the review.  I've been doing a little real world flying today, so I still haven't gotten to play around the the TBM sim anymore.  I'm hoping to try out the cruise power settings a bit more this evening and take a look at the numbers a little closer.  I can say that last night, at a quick glance, they weren't nearly as off as some people are claiming.  I think I noticed a TAS of around 290 something, at FL280.  I can't recall what the temps were though.


    It is important to realize, as some of you have pointed out already, that the TBM 850 does in deed have an "850" notch on the flaps.  During ground ops and take off profiles, the flaps should be in the UP or TO (takeoff) position.  This simply means (other than the flap position) that the torque limiter is engaged on the engine and you essentially have a TBM 700, producing 700HP and protecting for over torquing during the take-off roll.  Rotate at 85kts, positive rate-gear up, 110kts-flaps UP (NOT 850) Yaw Damper ON.  Once established on your climbing cruise, take the flap lever and put it up into the 850 range.  All this does is remove the torque limiter for the engine, so you are free to push it on up to 121.4%  In the actual aircraft, you would have to be worried about over torquing since there is no longer the protection of a limiter, but I couldn't get the sim to let me over torque the airplane.  Here is a good AOPA article if anyone wants to dig a little deeper: http://www.aopa.org/pilot/features/2006/feat0606.html


    It's also important to realize, that unlike the P46T, you're not gonna hit the airspeed red line of 266 Kts on this airplane at altitude, even when producing max power.  The TBM has almost an entire 100kts indicated before it hits the structural airspeed redline than the Propjet.  You shouldn't even need to pull the power back until you begin your decent.  Don't wrongly accuse this as "not going as fast as advertised".  Its all about TAS, not IAS.


    Anyway, I'll take some more notes and share with everyone on my next go around.


    Safe Skies,



  7. Hey guys, I just finished up my first flight in the new TBM 850 and I thought that I would share some notes that I took during the flight.  First off, this is a review from a real world prospective.  It's important to note that your simulator experience is exactly that...YOUR experience.  My experience is infused with real world training and recurrency, so my opinion of FS aircraft may differ from your own, and I will aslo focus on the real world application of the aircraft rather than computer performance and FPS.  All I know is that my computer is mean enough to run it, other than that, I can give little technical insight.  A quick background on my "expertise"  :huh: of the aircraft.....I am the assistant chief pilot for a corporate flight department of 4 (and growing) aircraft types based out of Knoxville, TN; including a Premier 1A, Pilatus PC-12, TBM 700/850, and SR22.  I also have a Beechjet type rating from a previous job.  I have been very patiently awaiting the release of this Carenado aircraft for training purposes.



    *Beautiful exterior model (as expected with Carenado aircraft)

    *Proper system modeling include: Electrical, Pressurization, and Fuel

         -I was very pleased to see that the fuel Auto/Man select switch is actually functioning with only one little hick-up I'll get to later

    *The aircraft flies and feels very similarly to the actual aircraft when hand flying.  Steep turns, stalls, and maneuvering feel accurate and the appropriate power settings give the expected flight profiles.  And be forewarned, that last notch of flaps WILL make you balloon intensely.  I suggest trimming nose down as the last notch comes in at the 500ft call out, in the real aircraft and the sim!





              - Incorrectly modeled.  Being that the AUTO and ON are modeled exactly the same.  The only way to get rid of your IGNITION annunciation is to turn it completely off, which is completely WRONG.

         -Inertial Separator

              -Engaging the INERT SEP switch will move a flap inside the engine intake to protect from FOD damage and icing.  One should see fluctuation in ITT and Torque when the switch is manipulated and the flap is in motion.  Unfortunately, by flipping the switch in the sim, it simply turns the INTER SEP annunciation on and off.  It actually changes absolutely NOTHING with the aircraft system.  It's a shame since it's kind of an important system in any turbo prop aircraft.

         -Aux Boost Pump

              -Similar to the ignition issue, having this on AUTO simply turns it on.  It is impossible to turn the annunciation off without turning the whole system off.  In the real world, this means a grounded aircraft!!  The ONLY light you should have on during take-off is a yellow INTER SEP light.

         -Auto/Man fuel select

              -While the system actually seems to work (not exactly sure if the proper tank switch times are down right), when going from AUTO to MAN, you should get a yellow AUTO annunciation making the pilot aware that the AUTO tank switch is now inop.  The sim doesn't show this.

         -Pitot/Static heat

              -No annunciation indication that the system is off, as there should be.

         -Pulsing Landing Lights

              -Completely inop

         -Overhead Gear Warning/Overspeed Aural Warning Test

              -Completely inop

         -G1000 :wacko:

              -Well.....yes, you CAN manually manipulate a flight plan from within the unit, BUT....unfortunately you can not add departures or arrivals.  Only waypoint to waypoint.  This is a step in the right direction but is still VERY far from being remotely 1/2 way functional.  Very simplified port of the Cessna 182T G1000.  Think I'm kidding....go into the the MFD (AUX page, tab 5) it says that the airframe IS the Cessna 182T  :lol:.  They literally pulled it out of one sim and pasted it into the TBM, put a fancy TBM home page on it and called it done.  They would have been much better off modeling a TBM 700 or early model 850 with the older avionics and allowed for the RXP import, similar to the King Airs and PA46

         -Start UP Procedures

              -This one really bothers me.  During the start up procedures, BEFORE taking the condition lever to low idle, one should observe a few things happening to the engine.  Most notable is: Starter-Ignition-Oil pressure rising-and Ng increasing.  The lack of an increasing Ng would indicate a locked up core and adding fuel would most definitely induce a hot start.  The sim shows NO Ng increase until you add fuel with the condition lever.  This is very poorly modeled.


    So there you have it.  I could see using this model for air work and practice approaches, but as an accurate cockpit procedural training device, it leaves a lot to be desired.  Maybe some patches could be on the horizon?  If anybody has any questions or comments, feel free to post or PM.




    Seth Evans


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