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Posts posted by m4rk

  1. That thread at FSLabs never really answered the question. Just brushed it aside. I have had P3d running in this “Runways.bin still initializing…” mode for about 4 hours and it has not changed. This makes my FS Labs  addons unsuable. If I skip this message the aircraft are ‘dead’ no power and they cannot be powered. 

  2. Hello, probably this in the wrong forum, Couldn't find a dedicated request for paints.

    Question: is, or can anyone, doing the new Air Canada Livery on a -900 or -800? That is the one that will match 737 MAX we are receiving this year. The white/black bandit mask livery. I know its not a MAX model with the correct winglets, but will look cool for now. 

  3. of course, I figured it to be a joke. That's a good price... for the real aircraft. If I had the money I would get one.  Its that I am just so freakin' out to get my hands on this, especially in P3D, but couldn't click the "yes" with that number in the checkout/cart.

  4. I assume that the $2.5 million dollar tag is a joke. But.. I have a hard time clicking yes with that price tag in my cart.

    My PMDG updater lead me to purchase this. What is the point of that price?

  5. They are not below 10 yet anyway. 10.6 on the ALT. They are high on a glideslope too. I would guess they are diving to 10, going to level off there briefly to burn off the speed, dirty up the airplane, then drop for the glideslope. Perfectly "do-able".

    Not great practice......But

  6. I don t even know what you mean by trolling. Seriously. I looked it up on Wikipedia and that seems a bit of a different approach than mine. I was writing mostly out of frustration and anger. Trying to be funny in the light of it.

      I see lots of simmer in here saying things like "Goodbye to FSX.."  " Best Sim ever..." and  "Never going back..". I want to get away from FSX  just as bad as the next guy, but... of course I went through all my beefs here about P3d V2.

    With a quick link to my cfg file, and a selective start up, its not going too badly now.

    Actually to be honest.. My FSX is in worse shape. My terrain cfg is messed up and my FSX at this moment is useless. So.... P3dV2  it is, all the way.

    Other than these little problems and with enough time to straighten it out, P3d will be a great product. I have no doubt.

    Thanks for listening....

  7. I start P3d v2 in an unusual way. First click on the desktop icon. This leads you to an F22 Raptor on the runway at Langley AFB, at Full throttle and rolling down the runway. Quickly slam on the brakes and go full throttle to idle throttle at the same time. This is normal. Go into your setup scenario and select an aircraft and an airport, then click OK. This will lead you to a totally black screen. This means we forgot to delete the .cfg files before we started!!. If at this point you can get the ALT/Enter function to work great!, If not.. Oops... the next step is to Shut Off the computer. The computer has completely locked up and we need to power it down and restart. Once that is done, its only about 5- 6 minutes, you are good to start over.

    This time, before hitting the desktop icon, we will go into C:/ Programs/ Prepar3dV2 ...and find the .cfg file. Delete that. It is much easier then continually going into the cfg file and changing HDR= 1 to 0. Subsequent start ups will revert back to 1 anyway. Also, to save yourself time have a direct link icon on the desktop to the .cfg file!!

    Now, start over, and hit the desktop icon and once again you should be in an F22 at Full throttle,  Once again, slam the brakes and throttle to gain control. This is normally how we start aircraft. Now select the setup scenario and the aircraft etc....This 'should' put you in the aircraft, on the runway you chose, with engines running at full throttle and ready to go. If you like to do startup procedures, check lists and taxi to runways etc.. that's not good here. Saving a flight and scenario will totally mess with the simulation and it is not recommended..

    Last step, go into the Options BEFORE taking off. This is important. Do not under any circumstances, during flight, select any Map mode, or Options modes. This is because when returning to the flight, you will be at full throttle and possibly inverted, usually pointed 90 degrees down. This over stresses the airplane. On the runway, make any last minute preparations in Options. Especially to resetting all of your controls and joystick inputs to where they were. Also, if you do not like the Red Messages, click on the link to your .cfg file and change those back to False once again.

    You are good to go!!!

    From hitting the icon to flying time is about 20 - 25 minutes depending on your threshold of pain and your ability to control anger.


    Simple.. I love P3D!!!

  8. Hello  Avsim Forum!

    I have unusual messages that come up everytime I start FSX. In all there are six messages in total. Each pertaining to some addon and its "config number" and Modules. The photo shows the one for A2A Accu-feel.

    Bit out of my realm I'm afraid. Anyone seen this before or know have a suggestion to get rid of these messages? It does not affect FSX in any perceivable way.


  9. I paid with Paypal on JF, it said "an error has occurred" but the order showed up on my order screen and I can download. I guess it went through? 20 mins to finish downloading....

    Did the same for me, JF answered an email request and stated it will be processed as one DL as of Monday, ie. Refunded.

    BUT...why I really came here for was, as I can't seem to get onto Majestic's website, I will state my accolades here.. Completely awesome representation of the Q.. I have flown as Capt. on this beautiful bird for about 2 years now and still can't get enough of her. So far I can only see that this is one of the best Turboprops in FSX and also one of the best add-ons to ever make it to FSX.. Thanks again MJ, so completely worth the wait.!

  10. ATC will generally try to launch you off in a direction you are going. Key word is generally try, it all depends on the controller, the traffic inbound and the airway routes you are filed on. Most of all, its on the traffic. The wind direction doesn't really play a part in the decision to launch, unless its pushing up to 20 -30 knots. Then it becomes an operational necessity to go into wind. All of which would only be documented in the company operations manual, and the pilots experiences logged in their heads. Of the airports you mentioned, each is different. HOU can be accomodating on a quiet day. ie late at night. PHL,STL same. EWR, to coin a phrase....forget about it. Once ATC in these busier hub airports have set their runway choice, based on their logged experiences of day to day traffic patterns, they will be concentrating on sequencing all departures, quickly and safely. You can sort out your direction once in the air chatting with center.

    Hope this helps?

  11. Sorry for the delay, some other problems came up, was away for a few days.....Anyway I did as sugggested. First, I couldn't find anything named FPS limiter, ( nothing in Modules like that) but did find my Xtreme FPS booster program was missing. I reinstalled and ran its internal setup which allowed me to Enable all of the Launch Addons in the dll. xml folder. After this the FSUIPC was now missing for some reason(??) Once this was reinstalled, FSX has worked perfectly. I have only completed 4-5 circuit/patterns to test it, but it was good. I am going to get some serious flying in before the weekend and make certain.

    I cannot thank you enough for your help. I was steps away from removing everything to do with FSX and starting over. You saved me a lot of work.



  12. Hi Jim Thanks for replying; I have run the AppCrash as briefed....See below.

    I do get as far into FSX as the opening VC and then it shuts down. This is with all aircraft. My default starting point is Carenados Be 200 in Kingston Ontario, but even if I change to something else, or somewhere else, it still crashes.The opening menu selection will allow me to select and aircraft, airport, weather etc.

    App Crash shows 676 crashes of all differing varieties. The one I copy pasted is the latest date of about 50 FSX crashes.I hope this is what you are looking for?

    I really do appreciate the help. The finer detailed intricacies of computer programming are out of my league.


    Process File : fsx.exe

    Event Name : Stopped working

    Event Time : 24/10/2012 3:34:13 PM

    User Name : Mark

    Exception Code : 0xc0000005

    Exception Offset : 0x10fae0b0

    Fault Module Name : VRS_TacPack.dll_unloaded

    Fault Module Version:

    Process Path : E:\FSX\fsx.exe

    Report File Size : 23,552

    Report File Path : C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_fsx.exe_123584a2838ccf787447fbc2677b4d458d23972_13a694a4\Report.wer




  13. Hello; I have been following these posts about CTD's and have some questions. My FSX recently began to "Crash"(?). What happens is it loads normally, goes to my default start flight. I press Fly Now, the flight loads, I appear on the ramp, in the VC ready to go. Then FSX just shuts off. I am back at the desk top. Its strange and instantaneous. It just disappears. Happens everytime. I recently installed a hotfix/update for the OV-10 from aerosoft. It is the only change. But, I have uninstalled this aircraft, and still the same problem.

    I have followed some of the sugestions here, and have run the original Disks in Repair mode, for both FSX Deluxe and Acceration. No fix.

    I updated FSUIPC, and No fix.

    I must claim some ignorance here. I assume I am missing,or lost some type of .dll file? I do not know what a .dll file is. I know where they are and how to find them, but not what they mean.



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