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About Corke

  • Birthday 06/07/1994

Flight Sim Profile

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  • Virtual Airlines
  1. How do you do that? Is there a button? Because my screen resolution is set up so I can't see a few of the unimportant (to me) buttons. You know, to immerse myself more.
  2. When I create a server in multiplayer, I make a specific request in the description. Everyone who joins my server has to fly a fighter. Not too unreasonable a request, yes? I mean, there are other servers for those who want to fly commercial airliners and GA aircraft. When I'm flying in a fighter, I get a feeling of..eliteness. I don't know how else to describe it. I feel awesome just flying a fighter in this sim. I have tons of combat sims, and I just don't get the same feeling because other people's bullets keep bursting my bubble. So, when I fly on my server, I want to be immersed in a world of fighters, just flying and doing patterns on a carrier. Now, whenever I see a Cessna, that illusion is shattered by Thor's hammer. I flip out and do my best to crash my fighter into them. It's sooo annoying! Why can't they go away?! How am I supposed to fly with these things buzzing round me?! So, is there a setting to turn these monstrosities off? Or maybe one that makes their engines cut out in mid-air? Please help me.
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