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Posts posted by joomie

  1. Can this one or any other device from RealityXP get fully integrated into a virtual 3D cockpit in X-Plane?

    I used Google for two hours now and find no description/ how to guide to estimate if I can do that.

    I read that it is possible in the PilotEdge forum. But I've no clue, how difficult that would be.


    My interest is to put such a device into the 3D cockpit of the Carenado SR22T aircraft.


    Second question is how regular one can update the database for the tool and how much that cost?


    Many thanks and cheers,


  2. Hi Guys!


    I assume everybody here knowing the page



    Does anybody know, why no code listings can be seen?


    I only see something like "<Listing:" at the places, where a listing should appear!?


    I tried different browsers and different computers..





    Look for "Writing XPluginStart" for instance. It is hard to learn plugin development without the introducing listings :search:


    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


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