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About Steingrobe

  • Birthday 03/06/1978

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  1. Cheers, many thanks for your information. Maybe you can provide me with any kind of email adress etc as a PM for getting a close line to you "after" the T7 release . So far best wishes for the T7 as we all are getting curious about it for the next CTP. Kind regards, Sascha Steingrobe
  2. Dont get me wrong - I am talking about the voice and micro issues. All the time I am on the network as a controller or pilot I got nearly 30 % of users who have not proper adjusted their sound, has bad quality of sound hardware - whatever, they are not clearly to read. Best example is, people are using no headsets instead of a stand alone micro in front of them... . Thats what I mean...at the end, a big training for the users who are using CPDLC is needed, as its more then just sending some SMS from their airframe. So we are about to create a PRO and AMATEUR version which means the controller get informed if CPDLC is active on this ACFT or not, which comes automatically as well as an option in the PRO version only. You can easily switch via the options menu between the modes.
  3. First we need to get in closer contact to PMDG as other publisher are on their way to create a CPDLC/ACARS service for their 3rd party aircraft via our plugin system to the client. So its up to the development and PMs of the 3rd party software to say yes or no. We are ready to go into deeper discussion and preparing everything for this implementions. Hey, yes we are currently in development and closed version 0.1, 0.2 and got more then 50% closed of V0.3 so we are on our way straigt to V0.4 where we got more detailed parts and features of the client structure. You got already the link to the latest VATSIM forum posts as we had a blackout in the forums in the last 2 months and some parts have not been recovered yet. I dont know if it would be available - but we deliver requested informations out of the client as well for the new ATSAW system: Ay you can see (its Airbus sure) you got much more informations than TCAS will provide at the moment. (TRACK/HDG, SPEED, CLM/DES, CALLSING, etc..)
  4. Many thanks Jeff for supporting Hope to see you then back in the sky next time.
  5. Thanks andy. Much more we would be happy, if we could get connected to the 3rd party developer and it will not end at the pilot client but will work with your plane (CPDLC/ACARS) etc and interact. Then we are on the way to the future where we wanna be.
  6. scandinavian: You are right with your impressions about the pilots in the network. Thats we as why we say, its mostly not used on APP or DEP but more on CTR, GND, DEL... There you got more time and space, to use the system via the aliases and predefined buttons to get easily and fast messages to loads of aircrafts. ...and you dont need to get your eye off the screen as the buttons with the predefined messages are directly as a box in the screen - you do not have to write anything
  7. Thank you both for you comments. As scandinavian nicely showed up with some information, I would like to add some more: The ARCARS will be done in a unique way. Everybody VA is very welcome to come up with some request and we will be able to deliver an SDK where you can "code" your VA ARCARS like you want it, but the major coding is unique. Regarding CPDLC: As we are a VATSIM hosted service, it will be active all over the VATSIM network once u log in as a controller and ur ATC client is already updated to promote this service. Today I have spoken with the Euroscope developer and we will work on ES with him first, to get it integrated. After that we will go for the other ATC clients as well / parallel, to see how and if they are able to integrate that service as well. Hoppie is not an options as its not VATSIM integrates, webbased and at the end its not integrated into the clients. The effort of an CPDLC is high in high traffic situations. With aliases and easy methods like in real life the controll can manage and controll the aircraft in his airspace. We are creating the unique text and command options out of the real world instead of the ATSU link switch. The ATSU link switch will be created in a more easy way, as we do not have all these stations and features like in real world - so we can make it in this way easier as it will not effect the function of a CPDLC in any kind for the network. Here the latest news (as the VATSIM forum got a blackout the last months) for the client and CPDLC: http://forums.vatsim.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=61678&p=449633#p449633 Thats exactly why its less work load - even for DEL Andy So mostly its a misunderstanding of online controller of how the system works. Great example for the effort of this system.
  8. As a complete ACARS and CPDLC system is one subproject which will be integrated into the VATSIM network, we would like to connect this feature to 3rd party developer like PMDG, Aerosoft and FSL. CPDLC system will start with the release of the new VATSIM pilot client and as well the ATC client will be updated to be fully integrated into the new service....but on the other side, it will be very quite on the COM frequency at events like Cross the Pond
  9. As the VATSIM forum crashed several weeks ago, I am about to summarized the facts, the steps and pics we have posted so far for a new one. I will post a link later on.
  10. Thanks mate. Did not get that Email Adress from somewhere:)
  11. Dear developer team, as I was writing for 1,5 months to rsrandazzo and got no reply after 3 mails, I have to try it this way as we could not wait any longer for any reply of your company. This was the original request and we would like to see your answer regarding this topic: Dear PMDG development team, as the PM of the VATSIM pilot client project I would like to contact you and give you some information about the situation we have and would like to ask you, if you are interested in. As we are developing the new client, we suggested some further plugin / interface system for 3rd party software developer as there have been requests by FSL and Aersoft regarding a CPDLC datalink system. We are setting up a complete custom VATSIM CPDLC system connected with the client deamon and as well we would like to offer it to 3rd party software developer to establish a connection for a CPDLC of their aircraft via the client to use it on VATSIM. Therefore we have created the plugin system - which was created in C++ QT5.1 DBUS system. As well more then only the CPDLC could be connected to the client via the DBUS. So we would like to ask you, if you are interested in any contact points for maybe a CPDLC system for your payware products in the future or ARCARS - whatever you are interested to add. Please contact me here or via : steingrobe@md-international.de to let me know about your thoughts. We have an example ready up for the DBUS system, as you would like to have a closer view how its build up and working. Kind regards, Sascha Steingrobe PM VATSIM pilot client project sorry, the topic have been opened twice as there was an unexpected error from the forum.
  12. Dear developer team, as I was writing for 1,5 months to rsrandazzo and got no reply after 3 mails, I have to try it this way as we could not any longer for any reply of your company. This was the original request and we would like to see your answer regarding this topic: Dear PMDG development team, as the PM of the VATSIM pilot client project I would like to contact you and give you some information about the situation we have and would like to ask you, if you are interested in. As we are developing the new client, we suggested some further plugin / interface system for 3rd party software developer as there have been requests by FSL and Aersoft regarding a CPDLC datalink system. We are setting up a complete custom VATSIM CPDLC system connected with the client deamon and as well we would like to offer it to 3rd party software developer to establish a connection for a CPDLC of their aircraft via the client to use it on VATSIM. Therefore we have created the plugin system - which was created in C++ QT5.1 DBUS system. As well more then only the CPDLC could be connected to the client via the DBUS. So we would like to ask you, if you are interested in any contact points for maybe a CPDLC system for your payware products in the future or ARCARS - whatever you are interested to add. Please contact me here or via : steingrobe@md-international.de to let me know about your thoughts. We have an example ready up for the DBUS system, as you would like to have a closer view how its build up and working. Kind regards, Sascha Steingrobe PM VATSIM pilot client project
  13. Hey mate, worked very well Thanks so much!!!! Cheers, Sascha
  14. Hey, thanks for your reply. I really appreciate this. I have loaded your files and have a question to these both files as they are not custom. Especially the _T_SPEC.dds. How have you created this one?
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