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  1. Sorry for the confusion fellas, Oliver's right I do fly the NG on FS9, I didn't get it for FSX for much the same reasons as the 777. And Oliver, I tend to use 2D for the takeoff and landing portion of the flight, but use the virtual cockpit in climb, cruise and descent. Best Sam
  2. I've put my specs in my profile gents so you can get a better idea of what I'm working with. I have to admit, it looks phenomenal in that video. Best Sam
  3. Evening gents I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this but I'm sure the mods will move it to the relevant place if required. Essentially, I'm looking for user experiences of the 777, because I'm thinking of upgrading my computer at some point in the near future and if sufficient funds make themselves available, I'm interested in a high quality 777 (PMDG's being the clear frontrunner based on what I can see). The truth being known, I don't get overly terrible performance from FSX out of this current system (I'll put specs in my profile as and when I get chance) in most cases, I get decent performance out of the 747X at times, but I'm fairly sure that the 777 would stretch it to it's limits. That said, my main platform is still FS9 (both the 747 and the NG are particular favourites of mine) because I get very good performance on it but obviously, developers have moved past this and I'm going to have to as well at some point. I'm just wondering how the 777 compares to the 747X, LDS 767X, which are the two best aircraft I currently own for FSX, how it affects your system in terms of memory usage, frames per second and so on? Reviews everywhere rave about it, quite rightly I'm sure given my past experience of PMDG's work, but I'm wondering about the experiences of other users too? Any help would be much appreciated. Best Regards Sam
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