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About EagleOne49

  • Birthday 01/16/1949

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  1. I got it. It had been so long since I had really configured FSX, I had forgotten that I had to set the resolution for all 3 monitors in the FSX>Settings>Customize>Device (ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series.0, ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series.1 and ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series.2). Now, if I can just get my reinstall activated, I'm back in business. For some reason, the online activation is not functioning... Thanks for your help, Bob. Much appreciated.
  2. Thanks, Bob, for the timely response. I first tried deleting any reference to DISPLAY.Device and restarted FSX. No change. I then deleted the fsx.cfg file and letting FSX rebuild the file. When FSX started you could see it sampling the screen resolutions (flickering screens), but then came up with the incorrect screen resolution. I rechecked the "new" fsx.cfg file and the same DISPLAY.Device data was there. Any other suggestions? Thanks again. Ted
  3. Greetings from a noobie to AVSIM. I've been a MS FlightSim enthusiast going back to the first edition when 3D scenery was "stick outlines". I have been successfully running FSX Acceleration with 3 displays, using 2 ATI Radeon HD4850s for 4 years. I started with three 20" monitors (1440x900x32) with no resolution recognition problems. I then upgraded the center monitor to a 23" monitor (1920x1080x32), and FSX was able to keep track of the two different screen resolutions. Most recently, I replaced the two 20" (outboard) monitors with two 23" monitor (1920x1080x32), matching the center monitor. I also upgraded my GPU with a Radeon 6950 2GB and successfully operated FSX in eyefinity (5760x1080x32), although with very poor frame rates. I decided to test things out and went back to the two Radeon 4850s, using the three 23" monitors. To my amazement, FSX held onto the center 23" monitor resolution, but downsized the resolution of my outboard 23" monitors to 1440x900x32, the 20" display state prior to the monitor/GPU upgrade. I uninstalled/reinstalled FSX Acceleration, keeping only my flight records thinking that would solve the problem. Sadly, I'm still experiencing the same issues. My guess is that FSX held on to the "old" resolution setup through the uninstall/reinstall process. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Ted
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