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Posts posted by Mork

  1. I would back it up as a precaution and as reference material. It's always good to do some cleaning after a period of tweaking and adjusting in the FSX.CFG, so I would always recommend starting fresh and add the necessary tweak manually again. It removes misspelled words and redundant entries that might sneak in when tweaking. Especially when starting with DX10, since you should "recalibrate" your settings with DX10 usage, I would recommend backing up the old one and start fresh.


    But of course, if you are a very precise person or you just don't want to start over or need advise from others concerning performance, then don't.

    Why should others care about what you do! :P

  2. Anybody having luck getting VC shadows in the T7? I'm seeing them in stock aircraft but not this one.

    I'm not sure about this one. Yesterday I added the VC shadows in the Real Air Legacy and they looked GREAT. But, you have to add them yourself with the DX10 Toolbox which comes with the fixer.


    I didn't test enabling VC shadows in the NGX. But if you do, I recall seeing an checkbox option in the Fixer saying 'HD Jet shadows' or something like that.


    Did you actually add the VC Shadow to the NGX using the toolbox?

  3. Why on earth did you create 5 exact same threads in 17 minutes time? :lol:


    But to answer your question, I've tried several SweetFX settings from others, but for some reason they were never good on my PC. I think it's very dependent on monitor settings (contrast, brightness), FSX settings, videocard settings etc.. and so it's better to fiddle with it yourself. You can actually change setings within SweetFX WHILE running FSX, so you can immediately check the results. Either change things in the settings.txt and go back to Full-screen FSX OR use a SweetFX configurator utility to force the changed setting while still running FSX. 

  4. I have terrible AA with this Fixer and Nvidia Inspector, the picture just doesn't look as good as my DX9 + SweetFX setup and my FPS are not any better esecpiually in the clouds! I've tried everything I can think off.


    Good AA is very well possible with DX10, so I'm sure there is something you haven't tried. Did you set the two parameters under the [GRAPHICS] section in your FSX.CFG? (MultiSamplesPerPixel=X and MultiSampleQuality=X)

    Try setting both at 4 first, and in NVidia Inspector try the 4 X Multisampling (<--- although I believe this setting isn't needed anymore with the fsx.CFG entries) in conjunction with the 4XSGSS setting. This should give you some good AA which you can later alter to test further.

    And what are your specs, type of videocard etc? You can edit your profile here on AVSim so that it shows your specs under your username as you see on the left of this post under my username (My PC).


  5. hello Paul!

    first, i installed the DX-10 with the FSX main installation. but how do i chek wich version of DX do i have?

     as i said, i have a ADM graphic card, not navidia.

    and here is link for my FSX.CFG file: https://mega.co.nz/#!hYJ2WBRA!Cn_PeUpiFuRLcSgvtzZI-hMhlRMMYZ2cVS9bLJFVL_c


    my graphic card is: ADM 6800HD

    Proccesor: Intel I7

    Ram memory: 8GB

    thank you !

    Hi Fox,


    You can put your system specs in your profile, so it shows up under your name here on AVSim. It would be useful to also put in your CPU details, so what I7 do you have? And at what clockspeed are you running it? (if you are overclocking).


    The version Paul was talking about is of the free shader patches Steve has release over the last year here on AVSim -- that is IF you used those prior to the new DX10 Fixer. Or is this the first time you installed anything to try DX10?


    When it comes to AA with an AMD card, it is possible, but Paul and I aren't really experts when it comes to AMD cards. I do read everywhere that AA needs to be forced by an AMD program called Radeon Pro.


    You might want to check other topics as well, because I know of several users who had the same problem as you, but managed to get it working.


    Edit: Ok LOL, there is such a topic right here in the DX10 subsection with screenshots and all:


  6. Thanks Julian. So would you say that the effects are not so much of a night and day difference as far as looks go, or just not that visible from screen shots.

    You can't capture smoothness on a screenshot. DX10 is not so much about better graphics, although it has some advantages regarding to water, use of bloom and VC shadows. You can only upgrade scenery for real difference in eye-candy, or use a mod like SweetFX for more vibrance, contrast and effects.

  7. Well a brand new sim for me in dx10 so happy - figured out my pmdg 777 problem maybe this will help someone


    As I built a new fsx.cfg file from Bojote tool (which is the best tool imo for a great start)

    Wideview was not set to true needed to fix that

    Pauls dx10 guide added buffer pools = 0

    Jeroeons settings except I run 32x in dx10 fixer

    And a big one noticed in 777 fmc I had vc fps set to 60 set them to 30 bam all is great now


    Wow how cool - if you have not picked up fixer yet go get it game changer, amazing Steve


    I would seriously advise AGAINST using the old Bojote's tool. While it was great for people to get better performance, nowadays with DX10 it is really not that great anymore.

    It makes all kind of changes to the fsx.CFG which makes it very hard to help people around here. They simply do not know what kind of tweaks they are already using (and why).


    With DX10 the amount of tweaks needed are much less than in the old days, and if people want to have better performance it is best that they have some clue of what they are doing.

    I'd rather point them to the How-to doc which Paul has composed with some decent evidence based testing as back-up. 

  8. I haven't used ProATC for months also. I really regret my purchase to be honest (it's pretty expensive for what you get), I should have gone for VoxATC which is more mature at this time. But I'm not going to invest this much money anymore in any ATC add-on, so I'll wait for the update that was promised months ago. We'll see I guess, nothing we can do about it!


    The thing that really bothers me is the lack of communication. They promised Jarkko (who posted here somewhere above ^^) answers to his bug reposts "ASAP!", and still after weeks/months absolutely NOTHING. That is just disgraceful. And then they openly attack their customers who complain elsewhere, saying that their customers are unprofessional (LOL!).... That is really beyond me...


    But some loyal people reply that if the developer would answer any questions or bug reports, that he wouldn't have time for working on the new update. Like 10 minutes a week makes any difference.... I guess some are scared that the developer will stop supporting it if things get too negative. The developer or Clive are the only ones who can make everyone confident again by giving a official update. Even a couple of lines would make a difference, and of course be a little active on your own forum and give some basic support. They charge full price, but really lack any kind of service to make up for it. It's a shame, but again... nothing we can do about it unfortunately.

  9. The question in your case is how your rig without graphic card is dealing with DX10?


    I guess DX10 puts more load on your graphic chip and this demands more power from your CPU. With DX9 you're already riding on the edge of a stable system.

    My suggestion is to stay with DX9 and think about upgrading your hardware. There should be at least a separate graphic card. A good graphic card can take a lot of load from FSX. Maybe you can OC your CPU and after you have a more powerful rig try DX10 again.





    I think you system is just not powerful enough to handle the graphics load under DX10. DX10 generally runs better because nowadays the GPU's are very strong and can easily handle what the CPU is throwing at it. But since you don't have a dedicated videocard, I think it's already 'flooded'.

  10. Do you still get the black screen? Because that sounds to me like you have files of the ENB-series or a similar mod still in your FSX directory. Shade and SweetFX work perfectly in DX10, but ENB-series and another one (can't remember the name) ONLY work in DX9 and those can give problems like a black screen when starting in DX10 mode. So please scan you FSX root map for remaining .DLL's.

  11. No, there isn't enough information. And even if there was, going through 10+ pages of a thread to find the bits and pieces I need to know before dropping $35 is NOT what should be expected of the customer.

    All of this should be on the product page, end of story.


    I did, however, read through this whole thread so far, and still don't know if my FSDT scenery is supported.

    I have no idea if it's confirmed from the developer that VC shadows do/do not work in PMDG products.


    As far as Flightbeam and FlyTampa, I missed your fixes, but I'm pretty sure I didn't see anything in this thread about CYUL from Fly Tampa.

    I use this scenery a lot, and need to know if this product supports it.

    When looking at the product page, no where does it say if it's supported or not.


    If he's going to charge $35 for a DX10 conversion program, then he needs to list EVERYTHING the program WILL or WON'T convert to DX10 so it's usable, and on the product page.

    Potential buyers need to make informed decisions before spending money (at least the smart ones do), and they need complete information to do that.

    Hi AJ,


    All FSDT airports work (you can test this even with the free shader patches, without costs). I have their KLAS and KLAX so I can vouch for those, but I'm positive so do the others.

    There are compatibility reports on Steve's website and on the AVSim DX10 subsection.


    The VC shadows are indeed fixed by Steve but PMDG did not model them, so there is nothing to see there. If the developer doesn't add it to the model, Steve's fixes can't program them in.

    So you need an airplane with the VC shadows build in or use the default planes which have them.

  12. I don't really mind the Dusk/Dawn thing, just tried it at KLAX; looks ok. However, I want ALL my textures to look "normal" while using DX10 and Im not convinced that it will for many airport's and Im not willing to throw $35 at it just to find out, if it was like $18 maybe I would.

    You can try the free fixes already available here on AVSim. I have used DX10 for well over a year with the Shader patches Steve released for free.


    The new fixer (which is not free) will help with most planes and most add-on scenery, but not all. So you might want to check compatibility first on Steve Parsons (developer)  FSX blog.

  13. Hi Rob!


    Your settings are pretty high. I can't believe you could get great FPS with these settings on DX9 regarding your current system specs, wow!


    You have a lot of things loading up with FSX and some of your settings are really pushing the limits for a system like yours, like:








    Also I noticed you don't have Antialiassing on in FSX, which is a must in DX10 or it won't work. But again, if you don't have a dedicated videocard...... I'm not sure.


    What I always say to people who are dipping their toes in the DX10 water (which looks better B) ), please back-up your current FSX.cfg by renaming it to FSX.CFG.DX9 for example for use with DX9.

    Then start FSX to allow it to create a fresh one. Then read the How-to guide that Paul wrote which can be found in the sticky thread in this forum.

    Some tweaks work differently with DX10 and overall you will need less tweaks. Some are even counter-productive!

    A fresh fsx.CFG will get rid of all old junk you don't even remember putting in.


    Just set FSX to DX10 and turn on AA, put the HIGHMEM fix in and start FSX. Check performance and start editting your config with the How-to guide as a reference.


    I do have to say that without a videocard it just as well may turn out that DX10 will not work good for you, because it stresses your GPU relatively more than with DX9. But you can always try.

    You can always come back here if you have done the basics and need some specific help to improve performance further.


    Good luck! :smile:

  14. +1 to everything in this thread. They did and are doing a great job.



    Now let's hope that developers will pick up this new 'phenomenon' and are willing to read some of Steve's notes regarding DX10 compatibility.

    It would make the products better and will lessen the amount of skepticism still roaming around wildly, even here on AVSim.


    The things you still read sometimes...  :help: 

  15. Jim, why are you so negative? A patch is issued by the developer and yes, should be free of charge. This product really is quite different and I cannot for the life of me understand why you cannot see this. Steve has developed a product to enhance FSX, much like any other 3rd party developer sells a product to enhance FSX. Remember Active Sky?


    Now I mean this in a humorous way rather than a personal attack, but continue down this path and I will be left with the personal opinion that if your IQ was any lower, you would need watering!

    :He He:

    Maybe I accused him too quickly of being a troll then.

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