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Posts posted by ltnicolas

  1. Question as simple as that. Found POH for many Cessnas at: http://www.redskyventures.org/free_stuff.php
    And there is only one for the non-turbo M-variant (C210M)

    Why I ask? Just found a discrepancy on the Carenado's supplied document and this POH: VLE (Maximum landing gear extended speed) is 195kt on Carenado's Reference and 140kt on the C210M POH.

    Any light on this? If you help mme, i MIGHT make a damage mod for this wonderful plane.
    Thanks guys!!!

  2. <p>Yes!! And also check Nick Needham's guide for Ultra-Tuning Windows. Everything is explained there, what to do after your windows fresh install. That goy is really knowledgeable, and certainly is a FSX authority :) Nickn's guide: http://www.simforums.com/forums/setting-up-fsx-and-how-to-tune-it_topic29041.html Just in case you have GBs to spare, I heavily recommend CloneZilla for making whole partitions/Disks backups, just in case you want to restore FSX after making a mess. it works from a Pen-Drive!</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>EDIT: ooops, looks like Nick's guide was posted just before. anyway, I stress once again it is really useful.</p>

  3. Hey guys!! I'm drawing Battleplans for my future FSX-dedicated rig, and came with this little doubt:

    I'm planning on Mid-Overclock i5 3570K (no more that 4.5GHz, needs to last 3 or 4 years) and de-lidding it. Aftermarket AirCooler too. check below

    I Came across AsRock Z77 Extreme4 ¡OR! Extreme4M. I have read good reviews about both mothers.

    Fact is that Extreme4M has 8+4 Power Phase, while the M has only 4+2.
    (NOTE that I have read they are all ANALOG PWM not digital, as AsRock markets both as DIGItal. check this: http://hardforum.com/showthread.php?t=1700041)

    So my question is: for that mid-overclock on air cooling, would the Extreme4M overclock the same as Extreme4 despite the power phase difference?? Regarding to ports i don't need the non-M additional ports. But I may save a couple of bucks and better airflow inside my Rig with a MicroATX board.


    Cheers and thanks much in advance!!


    ****ADDITIONAL DATA in case you want to know:

    *i5 3570k already said. Planning on De-Lidding, replacing SuperCrappy stock TIM with Coolaboratory Liquid ULTRA (not Pro!)
    *coolerMaster 212 Hyper EVO (or, if I have the cash: Noctua NH-D14).
    *1 monitor only, no three-thingies for now :)
    *EVGA GTX-660 non-TI FTW! Signature 2 (maybe overkill for 1 monitor, but that question would in another forum :). Was planning on the 760 when it came out). maybe ASUS *counterpart too.
    *Case, PSU and monitor not relevant, but haven't decided yet. Case will have more fans for 2 hard Drives, maybe 3. no SSD.

    ***********this is a "tentative" Rig, nothing has been bought yet.

  4. Man, it may be better to stick with 2*4GB RAM Dual-Channel.

    Aim to at least 1600MHZ and CAS9 Latency.


    maybe not the best suggestion i can make, but your rig specs seems so damn good i need to tell you this. Remember: FSX NEVER uses more than 4GB and Windows may not need 4GB at all.


    Go buy them as a kit, not the two separately.

    Hope to help (first post in this forum! :) )


    Dual-Channel doubles the data rate between the memory controller and the RAM themselves. that's why 2*4GB is the best bet. It's no use having 16GB in a single stick

  5. hey there my fellow simmers!! i love the CarenadoSkywagon, just i don't love that it doesn't have DME. So i came with a workaround with the default Bendix King Radio Stack gauge (2D).
    This is an alternative to bliksimpie's DME and ADF combined gauge. Just came with this crazy idea and made it happen.

    Check this example below: To simulate old-school bush flying, i removed the GPS and instead put this DME gauge as panel N°2.

    *****BACKUP THE PANEL.CFG FIRST! just in case you don't like/goes wrong
    Replace the [Window01] section of your panel.cfg with this one.
    This will replace the GPS with the DME. if you want to replace another gauge, just copy it to another section (for example: replace [window08] and/or whatever; got it?)

    if you want you can change the window's name, at the beggining of the panel.cfg it says [window Titles], change the corresponding window number with a new name (DME or whatever)

    So okay! here goes my contribution to the "Cause"! and as usual...
    Cheers and happy flying!

    [Window01] //don't copy this line if you want to replace another gauge
    size_mm=234,61 ///312,82!!

    gauge00=Bendix_King_Radio!Bendix-King Radio DME,    0,0,234,61


  6. Stephen, would there be a way to render your post more useful? It comes in like a rant and, if you get CTDs on your system, even a sad one. :mellow: Ventilating frustration?


    We may agree that a thread starting like that may not end well, or at least helpful for readers. And I have yet to see helpful posts including the words 'rubbish' or 'poor and buggy'. I think you can do better. :smile:



    Haha. Good point.


    CoolP, I want to echo your comment. This kind of posting will not be much fruitful and can generate great discomfort if one of the developers of the listed products comes across this post.

    Great effort is required for creating addons and criticizing their jobs would be painful.

  7. Since I've installed FSX, I've had my fps locked at 30 and I achieved that 30 fps in about 99 pct. of all my flying. Never gave a thought about changing it. Then I recently DL'd the Carneado King Air, and for the first time, I saw a dip in that performance. Moreover, the King Air had an effect on Tileproxy--tileproxy's textures would blur more often. I did not want to give up the King Air or Tileproxy, so I decided to reduce my fps to 18, which took a bit of trial and error. From the beginning, it seemed less smooth but Tileproxy was back to crisp and sharp textures for me.


    I figured I would just change the fps back to 30 whenever I wasn't using the King Air. Fast forward a few weeks, and here I find myself, with the fps still locked at 18 (if only due to my being too lazy to change it back and forth). And you know what? I've gotten used to it! It's not as smooth as 30 fps was, but it seems a lot smoother than my first trying it out. I think I am beginning to understand what simmers mean when they say FSX is smoother than FS9 was. FS9 did not seem smooth back in the day of my old P3-800 when I could only crank out 18 fps around heavy scenery.


    Anyway, I thought I would share this. I've have logged hours of flight time since my change, mostly in the King Air, RealAir turbine Duke, and Carenado's C210. It's all been enjoyable flight time spent soaring over Tileproxy's scenery.






    Hello there! Just a little suggestion: put your FPS locked at a dividend (language error here) of your monitor refresh rate... is it 60Hz? then lock FPS at 30, 20, 15 whatever.

    This is recommended by 'bojote'. one of the top-tweakers round here. I have mine locked at 18 too (but because 20 is too much strain and 15 gets too choppy :) so no hypocresy! ),

    Glad to see you enjoying FSX! my crappy laptop struggles to handle. no ORBX, no HD craft... as we say in our country: "I healthily envy you" :D:D


    Cheers and keep happy flying!


  8. Each time you fly it's recorded in a file called Logbook.bin it's located in the Flight Simulator X Files sub folder in your my documents folder. If that gets corrupted, FSX will crash. If that happens just delete or rename it (I usually just rename it just in case). and FSX will rebuild a new one.

    There is a program that checks for corrupt entries in the logbook and fixes it.

    if that down't work, try deleting it but don't lose hope: you can look for some logbook editors to get back what you had in the broken one.

    there goes my 2 cents. Good luck!



  9. Hi there fellow simmers! If you check my specs you can see i have a rather indecent Rig for fsx (a laptop with an ATI card (!))

    So I have embarked on a quest for lightest FSX possible.


    I am currently tacklin' 2 hogs: Carenado C208 Grand Caravan and PMDG JetStream J41.


    All i want is to make the textures (outside and Virtual cockpit) more FPS-friendly. Truth is, I do not have any texture-managing knowledge.

    How should I start? Anybody can hand over some clues?

    I'm also looking for some light clouds, but that should go in another thread, maybe.

    Any help is appreciated.


    Thank you and have happy flying!


  10. Chris, I'm joining your quest as well.I can't run FSX very well! maybe FS9 has better luck on my laptop.




    I can get a good 15 - 20 FPS at FSDT Zurich in FSX with fair weather and about 60% traffic. Then again I have a somewhat acceptable rig. I can easily get 50+ FPS in the same situation with overcasts and full traffic in FS9. FS9 all the way.

    Man that is awesome! Surely FS9 is lighter (i.e. more FPS), but what else does it has to offer compared with FSX?

    How about flight dynamics, textures, autogen...?

    Also, Chris: What has made you embark this quest?


    Cheers and have happy flying!


  11. Thanks for your input, Brett;

    Actually weather was fine. I should had said CAVOK instead. no IMC

    I used VOR/DME to navigate, as I was not familiar with the zone.


    This was my exact trip: I took off and gained altitude until I got the ANC VOR/DME, I flew the radial that would get me to PAZK until the appropiate distance, AND THEN when I spotted the airstrip I proceeded VISSUALY


    So you see, IFR at the beginning and then proceeded VFR? what's your opinion, Brett?


    Thanks and as my custom: "Cheers and happy Flying!"


  12. Hi people! I recently made a flight in Alaska Anchorage (AK24 to PAZK). I followed ANC (Anchorage) VOR/DME to get the location of PAZK.

    Is this IFR? Is this VFR? I (think I ) know what are both, and their differences, but this just seemed to be a hybrid of them both (does it exists?)


    Weather was 20NM visibility, few clouds at, say, 5000ft. strong crosswinds (~20nm)... so no visibility or icing problems.

    Any input from a RW pilot or somebody knowledgeable is appreciated.


    Cheers and happy flying!


  13. Hey there.. I managed to merge the RealAir C172 FDE with Carenado's 172. This is how yo can do it, in case you dont know how:


    Just download the RealAir 172 (it is freeware!) and look for its .air file.

    Make a backup of Car's (Carenado...) 172 .air file. rename something like "SingleEngineProp.air.CARENADO". Just in case.

    Copy the R.A. .air file to Car's folder, rename it to "SingleEngineProp.air" and your done!


    As i'm not a Real World Pilot I can't really say which is closer to the real thing, but I had heard lots of good t hings about R.A. FDE


    Any RW pilots that tries this: I would love to hear your imput.


    Cheers and happy flying!


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