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Posts posted by thejoe

  1. WOW! So much to read, so much to think about. 


    I am usually a passerby so to speak (read but don't post a lot), but as I understand that the speculation aspect of this is fun, we really don't know what will be in the product (if you do, please send me the lottery numbers). 64 bit, DX22 (a joke), whatever...


    I am just hoping that it will look nice and not require a supercomputer for smoothness. After that, does it really matter, as long as we can afford it?


    Of course I will buy it, just to add it to my collection if nothing else.


    Just have fun, whatever that is to you!


    Joe Balmas

  2. I fly FS9 and P3D. At night the AI traffic is very visible (position lights/strobes) in FS9 but has never been in either FSX or P3D for me. I actually increased the scale (to 25 X original scale) of fx_strobe in P3D so that I could see the traffic. I really don't know the limitations, so I leave that to the experts. 

  3. I was looking at the throttle kits at fsxthrottle.com, but no response to my inquiry at their web site, other than a "thank you for asking" automatic response. Too bad too, because it looked very promising. Supposedly did everything you want (me too, I'm trying to build a cockpit).


    ...not to hijack the post...but...has anybody dealt with them?


    Throttletek makes exactly what you want, but expensive.




  4. I have the Taburet lights for MI/ILL/MO with FTX Global and Vector. The products work together without issue on my system. I experienced a minor frame drop, but not enough to make a difference to me.


    I find, that to my eye, the Taburet lights fill in much nicer than the ORBX lights, as for me, the ORBX lights tend to "pop" into view as you are flying over them, but the Taburet lights fill in to the horizon, as it looks when I am flying RW.


    With that observation, I admit, that I am still experimenting with my setup. 


    P3d v2.4   ORBX FTX Global/Vector   Taburet MI/ILL/MO

    tested flying TDS B783 KDTW - KORD, POSKY ERJ145 KDTW - KGRR

  5. On a recent install of V2.4, I had a similar issue with Linda no longer loading from exe.xml as it had done originally. I went into the properties and selected "Run as Administrator" and everything back to normal. Just a thought.





    EDIT: "Run as Administrator" set in properties for Linda.exe as well as prepar3d.exe.

  6. Have you tried pressing the "1, 2, 3" auxiliary buttons at the top of the radio portion? The Linda setup for my MCP uses those buttons to toggle between different functions for various payware aircraft. Since I don't use payware aircraft (I usually fly a TDS 783), I had to comment these out in the MCP lua file before I could get anything to function. Also, the rotaries on the EFIS didn't work until I pressed the switch in once.


    Good luck. I really like mine.



  7. Based on my observations;


    1. Airspeed hold is just that, plug in an airspeed value and the autopilot holds it, regardless of altitude.

    2. Mach hold holds a particular mach number to which the associated airspeed value varies with altitude.


    As the altitude rises (aircraft climbing into the FLs), the airspeed value associated with a set mach number gets smaller, and the autopilot will automatically adjust the airspeed setting to correspond with the mach number at the given altitude.


    If following just an airspeed setting, as the aircraft climbs, the maximum operating speed of the aircraft can be exceeded causing at the least an "overspeed" warning and at the most catastrophic damage to the aircraft (if you have that sort of thing set up in your preferences).


    Keep em flying.


  8. Frank,

    This is even a later response. After some dickering around, I was able to get the 783_TRENT.MDL to work in P3D v2.1 Then, of course comes the upgrade and....VOILA! it still works in P3D v2.2! Right now, I'm getting my GSX and FSUIPC back on track and will try to fly again tomorrow. I get the same flight  plan crashes (fix is imminent, I understand) when I create a new flight plan, but I have not had an issue with loading and already created flight plan, so IFR has not been an issue with me. Funny thing, in v2.1, the flight planner would always mess up the route altitude of a saved plan, in v2.2 it's OK.


    What I really wonder is how these guys are locking 60+FPS. I am lucky to get 22-25 (I7-2770 3.2 mhz, 8g ddr3 ram, Radeon 7750 with 2g). Oh well, that is off topic, sorry.


    Thanks for the help though. Late help is always better than no help.




  9. I am unable to use any of the TDS B787s (-3 is my favorite) in P3D V2.0 or 2.1. V2.0 would CTD when selecting the aircraft. V2.1 doesn't CTD, but all it displays is a phantom (no aircraft visible), then CTDs when trying to do anything (i.e. start engines..)


    I have verified that all of the special gauges are in the panel.cfg file and the gauges, effects and .CAB files are in their respective directories.


    This has me baffled simply because I have other POSKY (B757), SkySpirit (B767) and TDS (B737) aircraft that I have no problems with.


    I have a clean install of V2.1 with no addon sceneries. I use all freeware airport AFCADS.


    All of these aircraft worked perfectly in FSX and P3D V1.4. I posted in the LM forum, but it was suggested that I post here. I will appreciate any suggestions and help.



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