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About will1911

  • Birthday 04/28/1982

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    RW Commercial pilot, B737-300/900 and SAAB340 type-rated.
  1. Oh how could I have missed that? Anyhow, thanks for showing me the way! Anyone else for the other questions?
  2. Hi everybody, I just started using X-plane and although most things are quite straight-forward, I'm having trouble figuring some things out. 1 - Since I'm using the main X-plane PC as a 'visual system', I want the view to always be 'full screen without HUD' (or SHIFT+W). But when I start X-plane, it always starts up with the instrument panel in the screen. I can press SHIFT+W to get the full screen view (without panel), but when I reposition the aircraft the panel returns and I have to press SHIFT+W again. I just want it to stay in full screen view. Is there any way to do this? 2 - Does anybody have any experience with the built-in instructor panel? I'm thinking of using another PC to display the instructor panel on (connected by LAN cable). Does it work well? 3 - Any project magenta users out there that use it with X-plane? Any good results? Thanks in advance for the help!
  3. To answer the initial question of this topic: No, you wouldn't. That is, 99% of the people who think they can, will mess it up. I'm a (former) 737 pilot (still type-rated) and instructor. I have had many flight sim enthousiasts in the Level D simulator and I'll tell you that 99% of them would have totally messed it up without my help. Even if you can properly land it in the Level D sim, landing it in real life is a totally different thing. I remember the first time I had to land a 737. I was able to land it perfectly in the simulator, but in real life you're scared sh*tless. And I even had a captain and an instructor with me. If you ever get in this situation, contact ATC and do an auto-land.
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