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Posts posted by doorstep

  1. I would love to buy a PMDG made C-17.


    It's replacing the C130 Hercules and does everything that the Herc can do, only faster.


    I witnessed the first ever public display of this aircraft at RAF Mildenhall and was wowed by it's performance.


    Please can you participate in the poll?


    I know that PMDG don't do military aircraft but this one does a hell of a lot of cargo work too.

  2. I was about 100 miles off the coast of Italy, ready to start my decent after a long flight from JFK... When Window's blue hula-hoop of death appears, then FSX crashes!!!! :mad: I can't explain my rage especially after the Italy incident. I just want to throw my computer out the window and jump up and down on it. As I am writing this I am doing a flight... I hear the sound stop, I look over, and guess what? FSX has crashed!!! :mad:  :mad:  :mad:

    Can I get any help? (I have already tried The UIcore fix). I don't think its my computer because it is fairly new, and I got it specifically for FSX and gaming. 

    Delete your current 'UIAUTOMATION.DLL' file. You'll find it in the FSX root folder.  Next time you boot FSX it will build another one that will stop you getting CTD's.

  3. I suggest you get a few more before trying to second guess workload. Object orientated programming is over-rated.


    We only want fixes and a few cosmetic updates... and they do NOT take forever.


    The CTDs are well understood and gives anyone familiar with the MD-11 codebase a running start with debugging/fixing the problems.


    The problem with the MD-11 is that it is not Boeing. The fact that PMDG won't entertain ANY modern MD product says it all. DC-6 is fine - it's a classic from the 50s. MD-11/MD-8x/717 - forget it. Even Boeing IRL hated MD and were drooling at the chance to buy them in order to get rid of them.


    MD were light years ahead of everyone else - they just made some bad business decisions that ultimately led to their demise.


    Just look at the MD-XX (MD-11 stretch) and MD-12 to see where MD were in terms of thinking. Their avionics from a pilots perspective are outstanding and beat anything produced by Boeing or Airbus. Their CAWS is pure genius (it speaks "CABIN ALTITUDE!" instead of the generic overspeed warning used by Boeing for example).


    As always happens - those who are trail-blazers die early.


    Sure, the MD-11 doesn't have the VC eye-candy of the NGX or 777, but the systems are right up there with them (the only truely missing feature compared with their later products is terrain mapping).


    In many ways, the MD-11 set the standard that PMDG have strived to meet or exceed ever since. Many of the core systems technologies that they use today first appeared in the MD-11 (e.g. due to a restriction on providing performance data, they wrote the performance directly into the FMS so that it could compute things we would otherwise need tables for that they could not provide, such as fuel requirements and V-speeds). They also added custom fuel burn and engine modelling which were FS firsts. MD-11 was also the first to not only feature engine failure due to fuel freezing, but also the modelling of different grades of fuel that could be loaded (different freezing points). This continues to the 777.


    As far as complexity of the FMS goes, the MD-11 FMS has to be the most complex (and most capable) of any that PMDG have ever produced. It's a work of art. The only feature it is missing (and it was posited not long after release that they "may add it later", which we know now won't happen) is the PROCEDURE TURN function. I hope RTA function on the 777 doesn't go the same way.


    IMHO, the NGX and 777 are great, well-rounded packages, but the MD-11, as well as being a rather unique aircraft IRL, knocks it out of the ball-park. "But MD-11 was a failure; it only sold 200 units IRL!!!". So did F-22, but no-one is deriding it for that. :lol:


    Best regards,


    Good post Robin. ;-)

  4. Please help me?


    After landing yesterday I could not cancel the a/p or a/t warnings that continued up to the ramp. I then switched on the autopilot and they stopped but, of course this should not be necessary. Is this a bug please?

    Mods please delete this post as I was informed that it hadn't gone through, hence the double post. Thank you.

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