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About doorstep

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  1. Quote from Kyle; Our EULA for the MD-11 specifies FSX as the simulator for the MD-11. It shall not be used in other simulators. Strange I was running it for FS9 as well Kyle?
  2. From an announcement that V.3 was imminent months ago and users saying that they won't buy it if it doesn't contain 64 bit, I suggest that this demand is being taken seriously now? Let's all hope so?
  3. I'd just say that enabling 'tooltips' is the way to go.
  4. In the picture, It's pretty obvious what display he's using Kyle. Shame on you. lolol
  5. Well I RTFM and read something about using ATI cards and already had the settings advised and the graphic driver too but it was of no help at all.
  6. I hope that is constructive advice Jim and not just a spontaneous answer?
  7. Gives me 'artifacts' before the first hours flight is up! Changing back to DX9 gives me no artifacts using the same 'fsx.cfg'. So, please tell me what is wrong please?
  8. 'Opus' has a very good 'camera' function. Try that, you can get it for a months free trial?
  9. http://www.itvv.com/pages.php?pageid=50143418 Convinced me to buy the PMDG MD-11 for both sims.
  10. I would love to buy a PMDG made C-17. It's replacing the C130 Hercules and does everything that the Herc can do, only faster. I witnessed the first ever public display of this aircraft at RAF Mildenhall and was wowed by it's performance. Please can you participate in the poll? I know that PMDG don't do military aircraft but this one does a hell of a lot of cargo work too.
  11. The DC-6 is older and is expected soon. I'd love a PMDG B727.
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