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  1. Disable all GSX jetways or it will CTD.
  2. What controllers are you using? If your using thrustmaster boeing yoke you need to remove the assignments for freelook. MSFS assigns one of the hat switches as freelook.
  3. Just enjoy what you enjoy. My god avsim is becoming the reddit of flightsim.
  4. Why are people so against other platforms. What do you have against xplane, does it affect your enjoyment? I never understood this community so much against other simulators.
  5. Terminal interiors can be disabled along with many other options.
  6. To capture altitude you must first hit the ALT button then either IAS or VS. That is the only way I was able to capture the altitude set in the preset selector.
  7. If you have Orbx Vector uncheck exclusions I think in the scenery library. I'm not sure of the exact vector entry because I use UTX without any issue.
  8. Next update we will be able to steal cars and rob banks in the Orbx scenery.
  9. Turn VSYNC on in the display settings.
  10. ORBX SCA is most likely the culprit. I don't own the product but ORBX NA Landclass does just fine for SCA without the fps and VAS hit.
  11. No it will usually show up after an approach is selected and you are within range of the ILS. You are out of range possibly. You can always insert the frequency manually into the NAV Radio page of the CDU.
  12. This is a bargain after buying the Aerowinx PSX for $350.
  13. I will say the Aerosoft CRJ will be out before FSLabs.
  14. If you bought the 970 video card you could possibly be getting $30 for the memory issue. We have been informed about a class action lawsuit settlement with NVIDIA regarding the GTX 970 graphics card. Newegg is currently awaiting details about the settlement claims process (instructions, website). Once we have this important information, we will send you a follow-up email with the specifics on how you can submit your claim. If you have any questions regarding the information provided in this email, please don't hesitate to contact Newegg Customer Service through one of the convenient contact methods provided here. Sincerely, Your Newegg Customer Support Team Sorry if this is the wrong forum to post feel free to move.
  15. Yes. I used the exact flightplan you posted. The STAR does not directly lead you to a IAF to intercept the approach. It ends at HILLZZ at 6000. From there you will need to self vector yourself to the active landing runway if you do not have ATC. In PSX the ATIS stated runway 13R was the active so from HILLZZ I flew a downwind heading of 315 about 10 miles abeam of the rwy. Abeam the IAF I turned base then turned 100 to intercept the ILS. Performed a LAND3 due to being at work with no controllers to use for PSX. Unlike Europe approaches which lead you directly to the approach US approaches usually require some form of vectors to aquire the ILS.
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