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  1. Hi guys! Question, if i use my PMDG777 freighter, what should be my type code? also, whats the type code for the 777-300er? Thanks, Francis
  2. Hi mike, Thanks for all the info! One other thing, everytime i select the LOC it doesnt follow the right heading for the runway and same as APP? Does both LNAV and VNAV must be armed before arming LOC and APP? If i experience that the ILS frequency disappears, can i input the frequency on the FMC? Thanks, Francis
  3. Hi pcubine, Thanks for replying. So how do i prevent the ILS frequency from disappearing? Cheers, Francis
  4. Hi pcubine, i will give this a try! Also, i just want to clarify, if i line select a waypoint and then press EXEC, will the ILS frequency show up? And why does the ILS frequecy sometimes disappear? Thanks, Francis
  5. Hi sir, I just want to ask a question regarding on my experiences with the ILS for your 777. Im having some problems whenever i go off track of the STAR so that i can take a shorter route but every time i do this, the ILS frequency disappears on my PFD. If i follow the STAR the ILS frequency is still on my PFD and it follows the LOC. One other thing, if i go off track of the STAR and try to line up on the ILS, every time i press the LOC, i can see a HDG on the bottom of LOC. I just want to know on how to do an ILS approach if i go of track of the STAR. I hope to hear from you, sir. Thanks, Francis
  6. Hi Gordon! Do i need to connect asn to rex 4 texture direct via the general settings and clicking the weather engine?
  7. Hi, So i just got REX 4 Texture Direct with softclouds last night and im just wondering if i can use activesky next as my weather engine direct to REX?
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