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  1. Hello everyone, I have been a lurker of these forums for about 3 years now, but it is only now that I have decided to make my first post, and unfortunately it is with a question. I have been an FSX user for around 4 years, but recently I was convinced by a fellow simmer that Prepar3d is worth the upgrade, especially since version 2.5 turned out to be very polished. For that reason I decided to give it a try with the Academic version. I have installed a few of my most used add-ons (REX 4, FTX Global and Vector, Soft Clouds and KMIA from LatinVFR) to use with this version of the simulator. Even though everything looked very promising with the use of DX11, tesselation, better lighting and overall graphical improvement over FSX, I have come to notice a few things that are a little bit disappointing in my point of view. To illustrate what I mean, I will add a picture to the post: http://i.imgur.com/6IYsZtN.jpg As you can see, everything above that red line is completely blurred. Is it normal P3d 2.5 behavior to have such a low level of detail radius? I have tried to increase this in the simulator display options and also through the Prepar3d.cfg file, but these tweaks have not had any effect. Another problem that I am having is that, even though I may get used to live with the short radius of detail, as soon as I start moving towards these "blurries" the buildings pop up in a very noticeable way. Here are my computer specs" Processor: Intel i7 4790k @ 4.4 GHz Graphics: EVGA GTX 980 Superclocked RAM: 8 GB Prepar3d is installed on a 1TB Western Digital Black That picture was taken using one of the default GA aircraft. My graphics settings are as follows: FXAA: Off (Set through Inspector) MSAA: 8 samples Texture Filtering: Anisotropic x16 Texture Quality: Medium (1024x1024) Resolution: 1920x1080x32 Vsync: Off (Set through Inspector) Target Framerate: 30 Tesselation Enabled Lastly, these are my autogen settings: http://i.gyazo.com/e4ae13600ba00282069a17dcde230def.png Is this normal behavior, or is there something wrong with my system? Thank you all!
  2. In the beginning days testing my computer with FSX, I got so bad performance that I decided to spend some money into the new hardwares (new CPU and VGA). However with the help from a friend I got to know about tweaking the fsx.cfg and wow, it DOES boost the performance that I managed to run quite smooth PMDG 777/Aerosoft Airbus with some detailed airports. Of course settings only at dense and normal. Now I'm thinking about not buying new computer parts and use those money into some scenery addons. After days of reading topics and googling, I'm going for Fsglobal Ultimate and FTX Global. From what I've read these 2 shouldn't impact my fps much? So I'm done for mesh and ground texture. How about FTX Vector vs UTX? Topics dicussion between these 2 mainly from last 1 or 2 years in the early stage of Vector so there are many bugs, don't know about how is it now. Just thinking that because I use FTXglobal, using Vector should work better? No price talking here of course Vector is much cheaper comparing to all UTX packages. Last thing I want to ask is the X series of cities from Aerosoft, Aerosoft Manhatan X. What are the differences between these and the FTX Vector/UTX? Do all of them work well together and harm significantly the performance? I'm the kind of person that despite flying 99% IFR high altitude, I can sit for hours on the computer looking at the ground when crusing, let autoland do its job and panning around in spot view looking at the city below... Thanks for helping me and sorry for my bad English BTW, my specs i5 3570k@4Ghz, 8GB ram, Nvidia GTS450 (yeah, I know, horrible). With those new addons I think I should get 750Ti or 660Ti, should help me load the texture better. Buy 2nd also save some more money into the addons.
  3. Hi everyone. Few days ago I uninstalled some addons and installed the Carenado C337 and since this moment the startup loading take 5 minutes at the autogen loading and when the game is started I have no autogen at all ! I tried with a clen fsx.cfg, logbook.bin... But nothing happens. Do you have any solution for me ? Thanks in avance guys !
  4. I have a perplexing problem and I am wondering if anyone has every had this issue and knows how to resolve it. I have autogen objects (trees and buildings) in all of my water. I have several ORBX regions and UTX which I have uninstalled and reinstalled and the problem still persists. I don't know if I have corrupted my scenery library somehow. I have tried lowering the priority as well and it has not work nothing short of turning autogen off helps. I use AES which needs autogen set to sparse to display properly. If anyone can help that would be appreciated.
  5. I turned off Autogen in the FSX settings. I have used FTX Central to return FSX to default so no Orbx/FTX scenery is enabled. The dll.xml does not have any modules from FTX/Orbx being loaded. Yet, using Process Monitor during several flights, FTX/Orbx Autogen and every FTX/Orbx .bgl and textures from the Scenery/Global/Scenery folder were loaded during a flight from Chicago to St Louis over MegaSceneryEarth V2 photoscenery. Orbx Lights, Orbx trees, well, everything. Not only that but all of my FSX Autogen is being loaded too. Autogen is turned off. Doesn't the turn off switch work? With photoscenery I don't need Autogen. It uses a lot of resources. Can someone tell me how to make it go away (short of uninstalling Orbx/FTX products). Best regards,
  6. Salut les pilotes ! Je balance une petite trouvaille car je suis tombé dessus complètement par hasard : https://earthsims.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/235619-i-need-the-autogen-compatibility-files- Il s'agirait de définitions autogen permettant la compatibilité des scènes d'éditeurs tiers, comme par exemple ORBX et FVFR. Je n'ai pas le temps de tester cela ce week-end, car je ne suis pas chez moi et qu'en ce moment j'ai désactivé mes scènes FVFR par rapport à FTX. J'espère que cela fonctionne effectivement et que çà vous apportera une souplesse dans l'utilisation de plusieurs scènes issues de créateurs différents. Liste de compatibilité : 1: Earth Simulations Ltd Sceneries 2: Orbx Sceneries 3: VFR Germany 4: France VFR - FSX Sceneries 5: Justflight RevX Scenery 6: Flylogic Scenery 7: French Free Unified Scenery 8: Occitania Scenery (revision 7.0+) 9: Fly Tampa - FSX Scenery 10: 29Palms - MykonosX/SkiathosX 11: Sim720 - FSX scenery 12: 3D Automation - FSX Scenery 13: Fly Tampa - FSX products 14: Simulation Data - FSX Scenery 15: AutogenFactory - FSX Scenery Bien sûr avant de tester, il est bien écrit de sauvegarder les fichiers qui vont être remplacés. note (rien à voir) : overclock réussi de mon I5 750, qui passe de 2.6Ghz à 3.4Ghz, sans augmentation de tension, et m'évitant d'envisager l'achat d'une tour nouvelle pour FSX. Avant j'étais fluide à 22fps, et quelques stutters trop présents en fonction du traffic (UT2/VoxATC/IVAO) et des scènes. Désormais je suis fluide à 30Fps et les stutters sont partis. Tous les curseurs à droite, avec l'utilisation conjointe de FSX Booster 2013...
  7. Hello everybody! I'm here because I've ran out of useful tips & tricks on autogen problems with my FSx+Acceleration version. Problem: Autogen elements popup and mesh increases definition only at a small distance from my aircraft, like in a virtual small circle. Please find explanatory screenshots attached. First of all here are my specs (PC is 6 months old): M/B: AsRock Z77 Extreme 4 CPU: Intel I7-3770K (non-OC) PSU: BeQuiet! Straight Power Modular 580W RAM: 2x4GB Corsair Vengeance 1833MHz Graphic card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX670 HDD: WD 1Tb 6Gb/s 7200rpm Monitor: DELL U2711 at 2560x1440 (32bit) Overclocking: usualy I prefer to no OC (3.9GHz), but I reached a stable system up to 4.3 GHz. I read a lot about this kind of problem and I think I've tried everything (including switching from a wonderful Sapphire Radeon 7870 to my actual GTX 670) and obviously all kind of tweak. No results! Let me share something abount the tweaks. For my configuration they are almost useless! I found out that Bojote's, Nick's, Word Not Allowed, and others tweaks, simply do not make my fsx run smoother that a clean fsx.cfg. And of course none of these tweaks have helped for the sayed Autogen and definition problem. HIGHMEMFIX=1 POOLSIZE=up to 100000000 rejectThresol=... TextureMaxLoad=12 SmallPartRejectRadius=4 and many others; even trying to find out which combination of tweaks could improve my performance! In addition I found out that nVidia Inspector (with common settings derived from forum reading) has a significant hit on the smoothness and provides very poor improvement from the trilinear (or anisotropic)+antialiasing fsx visualization (e.g. without nVidia Inspector, at unlimited Frame rate, I reached 60-70 FPS; with nVidia Inspector, I reached less than 35 FPS - both very variable that make me prefer Framerate locking). So, when I see all those youtube fsx videos ("As Real as it gets", guitargamery vids, Cessna154 vids, and so on), running at 40 FPS, smooth as silk with building and terrain crisp till eye's reach, and after reading a Pc configuration much older than mine, I just want to smash my beatiful PC down the stairs, it's getting real frustruating! :angry: On some posts I read that FSX performance is strictly related to each kind of PC configuration... so, do I have to face the reality? Have I built a useless system to reach those levels of performance? Or is there a way to exploit the power of my system which is well above those of whom have published FSX movies of unquestionable quality? Just finding out a way to resolve my autogen and mesh definition issue would really make me happy! PLEASE... HELP!
  8. Hi there, I have downloaded autogen from this website, made with scene proc and data from OSM. I've placed all .agn files in the texture folder of the Waffle Flight scenery. At first, it seemed to work and the autogen including houses appeared and looked great. However, not anymore after shutting FSX down for the night. Now, only trees appear sparsely, but no houses anymore, overall coverage is very low. I've already re-downloaded the files, tried several different configurations in the scenery.cfg, but nothing seems to work and to bring back the lovely autogen. Autogen for the Netherlands from the same developer on-top of NL2000 photoscenery works flawlessly. I'm out of ideas on how to solve this problem. Does anyone have any ideas, tips or suggestions on how to tackle this problem? Cheers
  9. Hi , here is my system i7 2600k (4.4 ghz) , 8gb ddr3 , Nvidia Gtx 570 and dedicated 200 gb disk space seperate from Os and my screen resolution is 1440*900. And here is my problem , ive got clean install fsx then load Rex , Gex , Utx and Fs Genesis Mesh. First time i try the Bojote's automatic cfg tweak tool , it helpep to sim for better running but not i expected. Then ive read Nick's tweak guide , i recreate new cfg file for these tweaks ( which these are , Affinity Mask=14 , Fiber Frame Fraction Time=0.33 , Highmemfix=1 , Lod Radius=6.500 ,Texture Max Load=4096 , BufferPool=0 etc). Then i defrag my hdd and fly with Pmdg Ngx. But when i flying , autogen materials are poping up and they are load lwhen i come too close to them , some ground textures load and covered late as well. Is there any solution for this issue ? Thanx already for any suggestions and sorry for my bad english. Exactly same in these videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys00cghD2Ag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVWdPNO5pjI&feature=related
  10. I cannot seem to get rid of these buildings at a remote Alaskan outpost. The three storey mansion in the foreground is the most incongruous.These are my fsx.cfg settings.AUTOGEN_DENSITY=0TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_TREES_PER_CELL=1000TERRAIN_MAX_AUTOGEN_BUILDINGS_PER_CELL=0000Would be grateful for advice. Thanks.
  11. Hi The default airport is covered with autogen trees, no conflicting addons for KMCO, running v3.1. anyone experienced this issue. Mike King
  12. Can't get enough of this autogen. Let me know if you're interested in my ultra LOD secret sauce.
  13. Hello, I've recently installed FSX:SE on a new computer which specs are: Windows 10 Home intel i5 5200U @2.2 GHz Nvidia GeForce 840M (2GB) 8GB of RAM @ 798MHz I'm having some issues with the autogen: they load up close to my aircraft, but when you look further away there are no autogen buildings or trees and the textures are quite blurry. Here are some pictures to illustrate my problem: These are my current FSX:SE settings: does anyone have an idea of what I can do to make buildings and trees appear further from my aircraft?
  14. For those who crave for lush X-Plane 10.50 autogen... I will update this post with more locations, keep an eye on it. Standard X-Plane 10.50b7+ scenery. HD Mesh V3 by Andras Fabian. Clouds and atmosphere rendering by SkyMaxx 3.2.1 (incl. RWC) and Maxx FX 1.0 (custom settings). No RTH. Click on images for unedited 900p X-Plane output. Misty L.A., CA morning. Philadelphia, PA. South Philly, PA. South L.A., CA. Downtown L.A., CA. Downtown L.A., CA. Downtown L.A., CA. West L.A., CA Palm Springs, CA
  15. Hello guys, Hoping some can maybe offer some advice on guidance on an issue I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to resolve/improve but have unfortunately had no look. I'm trying to solve the problem of autogen, particularly buildings, loading/popping up in 'patches' or squares, which is really obvious and detracts a lot of realism from the simming experience for me. Rather than it loading up subtly, it loads up in horrible blocks/chunks. I've tried numerous settings, including a whole variety of Fiber_Frame_Time_Fraction=xx values, as well as tweaks such as TextureMaxLoad=30 and adding an afffinity mask, but haven't been able to get this problem to improve. I'm hoping somebody can offer some insight on anything I am possibly doing wrong? The sim apart from this runs great, performance is good etc, just this little niggling issue I would love to fix. In terms of In - sim settings, I have LOD at Max (Although I believe this has been limited anyway in P3D 2.5 to help combat the VAS issue, I am wondering if this is possibly causing the Autogen loading up like this due to the LOD restriction?) Kind Regards, Daniel
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