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About phoenixphire

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  • Birthday 08/21/1973

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  1. Does the MCE work with the PMDG cargo variant? Mine is not working. Do I need to enable data broadcast? If so where can the options.ini be found I cant find it anywhere. Thanks in advance
  2. Hi just wondering how the new version for the PMDG 737 is coming along? Any status updates on release? I used the beta then purchased the MSFS version which isn’t yet fully compatible with the 737. Looking forward to it!
  3. The sounds are mind blowing. As I have been spending more time with the airplane the subtleties are incredible. The deep growling sound of the engines and the little clicks of the FMC and the spinning trim wheel are incredible. I’m using a Reverb G2 for sound.
  4. Will the new version work with all the 737-6,7,8,9 & Max variations? Flying the CRJ with FS2crew has been a blast. I probably won’t touch the CRJ now that the 737 is out. FS2crew is a must for the 737!!! Can hardly wait!
  5. After installing SU8 all of my clickspots in VR have shifted to the right. Very hard to set up a flight when you can't push the buttons. Anyone else have this issue? Plus whenever I open one of the windows in VR an resize them when I hide and bring them back up again the size is back to default.
  6. You are probably right. I need to "keep mine off the books" and pay cash cause my wife doesn't know I have money squirled away for it. I am not that worried she has her own stash. This means I have to wait for stock to arrive at my local retailer.
  7. I have been reading about Pascal for a year now. I have enough saved up plus my VR arrives in July. The news about enhancing VR is very good news.
  8. Well this is good news then. Since the beginning of flightsimming many years a go I have always locked at 20FPS and always had smooth flight. And that is with pmdg, activesky, airports, rex, photoscenery My Rift is coming in July and I will be getting the new Nvidia Pascal card when it comes out. If it does not run smooth I won't be disappointed and move forward with new simulators that utilize the technology more efficiently.
  9. I agree with that the OP's France VFR looks outstanding. I am sure that the developer focus their energy on a small area at a time. Which is why it looks so amazing. I don't fly to France enough to justify the cost. I tend to fly long haul into an international airport. Looking at the current offering for Charles DeGaulle it looks like it needs a serious refresh. This keeps me out of France. Developers are doing some big European airports like Schipol and Frankfurt I would love to see CDG.
  10. John, not sure if you meant that all you are missing for Central Europe or that MSE doesn't have a product for France or Germany. Just in case you are not aware MSE does have Germany. Unfortunately It is not very good in my opinion. I am eagerly waiting France as well. I believe that MSE made a post about a year back about two surprise sceneries. Not long after that announcement they released Germany. Since then they haven't released a big scenery. I may have missed something but I wouldn't be surprised if France is in the pipeline. Anyway, you may know this already.
  11. I don't think this is a PrecipitFX issue. I have seen this issue for years with ActiveSky. Are you running a 3rd party weather engine? If you alt+enter out of FSX end ActiveSky it should go away. I am not sure what causes it.
  12. I was at work and thought the same thing. Sent off a quick email to BMT Micro and got a quick email back assuring me that it was normal. I was relived as last month I had some unauthorized purchases on one of my credit cards.
  13. I am having the same issue and it has only occurred since the switch to P3D3. I am going to look at some of the suggestions in this thread.
  14. Is there any update to this issue? Is this realistic behavior in the real aircraft or a bug? Sorry to resurrect an old thread.
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