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About ideoplastic

  • Birthday 05/21/1963

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    Many and varied including Flight Simulation

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    Architectural CAD/BIM specialist working in major rail and building projects.

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  1. I had the same problem and contacted the developer who sent me a file that fixes the problem. It works on v5.2 Hotfix 1 https://mega.nz/file/Ki40QILB#YIi13Cy0ySJsFr5KTrJ-w_ZaTRhQXww-D9auh9Cl784
  2. Have been using the multipanel with Spad.Next for a few years. Not being knowledgeable in programing profiles was only interested to use the panel in its default state, by that I mean it will work as indicated on the knobs and lever, so looked in the online profiles inside the software for 737 and 747 profiles. Out of all the published profiles for these aircraft found only 2, one is the 737 by c0nnex and the other the one by Ulrich51 for the PMDG 747 QOTS II . Recently and since updating P3Dv4.5 to the latest hotfix the 747 profile stopped working correctly, you can twiddle the buttons and it will alter the items on the MCP but the display doesn't work and gives strange readings. I have posted this on the Spad.Next forum but responses tend to take some time or not at all. There are many profiles for this aircraft as far as I know bar the above, they have all been tweaked to achieve different results and won't work in default state. Ulrich 51 is the owner and developer of Spad.Next. Hope you find what you seek for your panels.
  3. Thank you to Shez and rest of the team for a great scenery. I installed it and tested it and haven't found anything amiss, mind you I'm a Cargo flyer and don't usually park at terminals so for my needs it has very good quality models and textures. best regards
  4. Thanks for sharing such an informative video.
  5. Post the contents of your scenery.cfg so we can examine it.
  6. Thanks very much, will look into it. Regards
  7. I would like to record on my videos the pilot/atc transmissions while on Vatsim, I use a program called Bandicam to record the video, this program also records the sound and has setting options for Primary and Secondary Audio devices.As far as headsets go I have USB headset and an old analogue type with green and red plugs. Despite trying a few things I've not been able to record any of the sound received via the headset whether spoken by the Controller or me. Advice from someone who has managed to get this to work or any links where I can find out more, would be much appreciated.
  8. Mike Thank you for the information, didn't realise you could do that. Will look into it. Regards
  9. I purchased GSX and seems to work OK on v3, however one thing I find very annoying is when it tells me my parking is not big enough to provide me with ground services, when in fact the aircraft is parked at a heavy gate or cargo that is used in real life by such aircraft. So no ability to pushback, etc, etc. - Another issue is that a large number of gates and parking areas are missing at major airports and therefore one cannot use the follow me vehicle to guide you to the desired parking. My verdict 5 out of 10.
  10. System Images are used by IT professionals to quickly install Operating Systems and can be applied to Simulator installations too. All it requires is applying some thought as to what needs to be included in them, Pretty straight forward really. You know what they say.... "you can take a horse to water but you cannot make him drink".
  11. Whenever there is a new version of P3D out I do a clean install of the Operating System with the relevant Windows updates, and any other software that I need. Then I install P3D and activate it. When you are done and assuming you have P3D installed in your C:\ drive, create a system image. If P3D is installed on a separete drive then create a System Image and a separate image to include all your P3D folders. - If for any reason you have problems and need to rebuild the system at a later stage all you have to do is load the System Image followed by the P3D image (if the sim is on a second drive). Reinstalling the OS and P3D via images is a very quick process and will avoid the long and tedious standard reinstall. Regards
  12. I had a serious issue caused by the tool which required a full reinstall of P3D some time back, having said that I have used it successfully on a few occasions on v3.3.5 without any problems, mind you I always uninstall it after each use. Still touching wood.......
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