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  1. Just reinstalled my P3D V5 after a long period and found out I have FTX Global NG in my simmarket account. Of course having a discount from the developer for the Ultimate 2024 version but still considering the upgrade. Hopefully someone can point me into the right direction here. Cheers
  2. So could be the developer not responding and / or not supporting the product any longer in the end, not buying it...
  3. The airport is no longer at Simmarket, anybody knows what happened?
  4. I'm really enjoying this, although the performance still very slow but very helpful software!
  5. Sorry to bring this topic back up but thank you so much, it fixed my problem! I got stuck at 6% for about 10 minutes before it continues to load, so it was because of avast, not because my old computer.
  6. It's a long post but I hope someone could help me with this. Thanks!
  7. In the beginning days testing my computer with FSX, I got so bad performance that I decided to spend some money into the new hardwares (new CPU and VGA). However with the help from a friend I got to know about tweaking the fsx.cfg and wow, it DOES boost the performance that I managed to run quite smooth PMDG 777/Aerosoft Airbus with some detailed airports. Of course settings only at dense and normal. Now I'm thinking about not buying new computer parts and use those money into some scenery addons. After days of reading topics and googling, I'm going for Fsglobal Ultimate and FTX Global. From what I've read these 2 shouldn't impact my fps much? So I'm done for mesh and ground texture. How about FTX Vector vs UTX? Topics dicussion between these 2 mainly from last 1 or 2 years in the early stage of Vector so there are many bugs, don't know about how is it now. Just thinking that because I use FTXglobal, using Vector should work better? No price talking here of course Vector is much cheaper comparing to all UTX packages. Last thing I want to ask is the X series of cities from Aerosoft, Aerosoft Manhatan X. What are the differences between these and the FTX Vector/UTX? Do all of them work well together and harm significantly the performance? I'm the kind of person that despite flying 99% IFR high altitude, I can sit for hours on the computer looking at the ground when crusing, let autoland do its job and panning around in spot view looking at the city below... Thanks for helping me and sorry for my bad English BTW, my specs i5 3570k@4Ghz, 8GB ram, Nvidia GTS450 (yeah, I know, horrible). With those new addons I think I should get 750Ti or 660Ti, should help me load the texture better. Buy 2nd also save some more money into the addons.
  8. Yeah unlucky that I have to do a little "trick" to get the Vsync on. Thanks to Glynn everything works like a charm now.
  9. Thank you so much! Works perfectly! After hours of googling, I found out my problem called "flickering horizontal lines". Some other people had the same trouble.
  10. Thanks, I gave it a try and it didn't work. It happens both in full screen and windowed mode. Only when my Win7 is in basic themes, in aero themes the browser functions normal. Thanks I tried but still no luck. Wait, after doing this AND set vsync ON in Nvidia Inspector. It works in full screen mode. But how about windowed mode since I use windowed most of the time.
  11. It looks very similar to what happen when scrolling up and down the website with Win7 basic themes, of course when running FSX win7 changes to basic themes but I don't know if both of these are related. Because my English isn't good so I don't know how to explain the problem. All I can tell is that it isn't smooth. My FSX is a fresh new one will Acceleration package, just installed it. I don't know how to mod or config the fsx.cfg, most settings in FSX are default. I'm brand new to this game, moved from Fs9. Is there a way to solve this? Thanks all!
  12. GTX670 is way better than 760. The new 760 only can compare with the 660Ti (which loose the 670 quite a lot). In my country 660Ti price is quite the same as 760 so getting a 760 will be better. But the GTX670 price is wayy higher.
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