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  1. Hi dear community, I have a big texture problem in FSX. Can somebody please help me to solve the issue? After installation of FTX Australia (SP4.002), a few FTX freeware airports, Orbx Libraries (130320), FTX AU Traffic (3.23), OZx (3.3), OZx Library (1.1) and Ant's Aussies Airports I wanted to try the new scenery at Adelaide. But in the whole country there seems to be a texture problem: The textures doesn't make sense and - while flying - are changing all the time. http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/adelaidehv9cz7ow16.jpg http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/adelaide2r3z59by4ip.jpg In FTX Central "FTX Australia" is activated and my scenery.cfg shows the following content (only relevant entries): (from top to bottom priority is increasing and the local-entries are put in parentheses) - default terrain (Scenery\World) - default scenery (Scenery\BASE) - xxxx basis (Scenery\xxxx) - FS Global Ultimate - Oceania (fsgux\oce) - Ozeania (Scenery\OCEN) - Australia (Scenery\AUST) - propeller objekts (Scenery\Props) - Add-On-Scenery (Addon Scenery) - MyTraffic (MyTraffic) - FS Global 2010 OCEANIA (fsgx2010\oce) - FS Global 2010 LOCAL MESHES (fsgx2010\LocalMeshes) - FS Global Ultimate - Local Meshes (fsgux\LocalMeshes) - EXTRAs_tc_Landclasses (Addon Scenery\OZx_EXTRAs_tc_Landclasses) - aeronauta_Air_Race_tracks (Addon Scenery\aeronauta_Air_Race_tracks) - Ants Aussie Airports Roadvale (Addon Scenery\Ants Aussie Airports Roadvale) - Ants Aussie Airports Hamilton YHML (Addon Scenery\Ants Aussie Airports Hamilton YHML) - Ants Aussie Airports Brisbane YBBN (Addon Scenery\Ants Aussie Airports Brisbane YBBN) - Ants Aussie Airports Boonah (Addon Scenery\Ants Aussie Airports Boonah) - Ants Aussie Airports Ballina (Addon Scenery\Ants Aussie Airports Ballina) - Ants Aussie Airports (Addon Scenery\Ants Aussie Airports) - Static Objects Library (Addon Scenery\Static Objects Library) - AES Basepack (Aerosoft\AES) I have no idea how to fix it und therefore need your assistance. Thanks in advance and best regards.
  2. Still, after all this time I manage to find new ways around the mountains while test flying my new addons; Carenado's CT206H here. Went up from Hope CYHE to Lytton CYLY following the BC-1 Trans-Canada highway. Beautiful scenery when you stay low :smile:
  3. Today John Venema, ORBX CEO, answered in the ORBX forum the question "Will FTX Global be DX10 preview compatible?" as follows: "Yes it will, as long as you apply some of the recent DX10 fixes discovered on various forums. It will present exactly the same DX10 compatibility as default FSX does". Good news. Wulf
  4. John posted the 2013 plans for Orbx - pretty aggressive launch plans along with Orbx World .... http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/52918-2013/page__gopid__467470#entry467470 And in case you can't see the link:
  5. Hello, Well, this is nothing new really, but today I'm elated because for me at least, I've finally gotten fsx and a lot of orbx scenery stuff working beautifully....smooth 30-70 fps without jitters or tearing or anything weird over SeaTac with autogen on dense. It's been a long, tedious waste of time trying to get things to work on my system. i7 3.5 ghz, gtx 560ti windows 7. one SSD drive for Windows, one SSD drive for FSX....near instant texture loading and menu loading. Nice to have but $$$$ and limited storage. The issues I've had are numerous crashes to desk-top, fatal error messages, bizarre graphics meltdowns (black skies, smearing weirdness etc, blurries, stuttering, you name it. This stuff doesn't happen all the time, but definitely once in every flying session. Fatal error 2-3 times per session : ( I've tried everything under the sun and have reinstalled fsx and all the add ons four times (my wife is ready to leave me). For me at least I've 'learned' what works on my system and I can repeat it now every time on my computer to ensure great results. I just thought I'd share what I've done that's worked so well. I realize that all systems are different yaddayadda yadda. Some of this might work for you, some of it might not. Posts like this sure helped me sort things out, so I thought I'd give back. So here's my story: -I've tried many tweaks to the config, usually with the Bohote fsx tweaker tool. Bufferpools, max texture load, reject threshold, etc. etc. etc. After hours of trial and error using a saved flight for consistency, I only found the tweaks to cause instability and noticed little to no difference to frame rates or visual performance. I've concluded that for better or worse, the stock config is the most stable. I run the sim at stock config except for the swarmcloud fix which solved flashing clouds for me and the ForceFullScreenVsync=1 which solved the screen tearing. I run my card on default settings with vsync enabled. Nothing else is different. (I've experimented with external AA, vsync settings, external frame limiter, and have noticed no differences to the sim in performance or quality..only instability and unpredictable performance. I'm running fsx acceleration btw. -I also run all the Orbx North America sceneries. I LOVE these addons but have found them to cause a lot of instability to FSX on my machine (crashing, errors, artifacts etc.). I run REX, but have never had any issues with it anywhere and the fsx default scenery flies like a dream and has never crashed or erred. So for me, Orbx FTX was the issue. Now here's the game changer: What really solved MY problems was the UIAutomationCore-1.dll vista file 'fix'. I downloaded this Vista file and simply dropped it into the FSX main folder. I can now fly FSX problem free. I can switch menus over and over, change settings, start and stop, fly in complex areas in addon aircraft and never have a crash or error. If you're having issues on a Widows 7 setup and haven't tried this, I highly recommend it. http://www.mediafire.../?mik2mlqdz1w�� It might not work...hope it does because for me it was like Christmas. It could be wishful thinking, but I'm pretty sure I've gained 10 frames per second from this as well. I'm no computer expert though so don't know if that's even possible. As for settings: Filtering-Bilinear AA-On All boat traffic 100% Cars 25% Water low 2.0 Private traffic 100% Airline traffic-off Autogen Dense / Auto gen complexity maximum Mesh Complexity 50% Mesh Resolution 100% Detail radius 100% Texture res 100% No ground shadows, NO BLOOM!!, no aircraft shadows, cloud distance 80K, Also, I tried using the Grand theft auto ENBseries mod, but only found it to cause issues for me and maybe even instability. I don't know though, people seem to use it and works for them. Thoughts on Frame limiter: If you have a fast machine and you're getting a wide range of fps in a single flight it can cause stutters (as you know). I found that by simply setting the fsx frame limiter to 100, it stops the stutters, but still allows high fps. It's as if by simply having it on, it irons out the issues for a fast machine. So in busy areas, things drop to 20-40 fps, but can fly up to 70 fps without jitters as well in simple areas. By setting to 100, I never fiddle with the slider anymore no matter where I'm flying. Definitely advice for fast systems only though I suspect. This nice little program will allow you to slow down the AI vehicles from 1000 mph to something more realistic like 25 mph. Looks great in towns. http://www.wolfgang-...ng-picheta.de�� Also fixes lots of little details. For me, the brakes release/hold control would never repeat. I'd set the slider to max repeat but it would revert. I tried many joystick assignments for it but the problem persisted. I discovered that by setting it to medium, it now behaves like a true car brake and never reverts in the assignments. On an aesthetic note, I love the Water configurator from http://www.strikings...om/fswc.shtml�� combined with REX, the water can look beautifully real ('black' lakes, rich dark oceans etc.) Well, that's all....sorry for the novel. I just wish that I would have found this post 3 months ago, so I'm just writing it to put it all down in one place. Maybe it can help someone out there with similar issues/setup to me. I realize that it's all nothing new. It just hard to find it all in one place! Hope some of it makes your fsx experience a little more friendly.
  6. Hi There, I have been playing Flight Sim for a while now, But recently it seems after around 30 Minutes to an hour i get a FSX CTD, It either Hangs and goes to the desktop or purely hangs. Upon the last crash i pulled up the error log and this is what i found Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61472.0, time stamp: 0x475e17d3 Faulting module name: MSVCR90.dll, version: 9.0.30729.6161, time stamp: 0x4dace5b9 Exception code: 0xc0000417 Fault offset: 0x00034b4c Faulting process id: 0x10a4 Faulting application start time: 0x01cda78c0fd24175 Faulting application path: D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe Faulting module path: C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_50934f2ebcb7eb57\MSVCR90.dll Report Id: f8a2a553-1382-11e2-b47b-c860004efcb5 I have updated my direct X runtimes, and checked numerous C++ Distributable from links with people with the same issue both of which say I am already up to date. I do Notice that my memory is between 1,000,000 and once I think I seen it at 8,000,000 upon which time the system ran out of memory completely but that was only once. Also i notice this seems to do it a lot when i am doing a few things quickly such as at landing or Take off So i am a rock stuck in a hard place, I really wanna get back up and fly flight sim as i have finally mastered the PMDG 737NGX and now on longer flights that are not training I get these errors, and all the programming i did seems to be a waste Any Ideas anyone? :wacko: Also, as per ORBX's Suggestion i have got a customised FSX Config from a website (Cant quite remember the one) For my computer, Which increases the FPS on my system so its preferable to leave it there.
  7. Hi folks. Thought I'd do a comparison between UTX Europe and the new FTX products namely OpenLC EU. Until now I'd been pretty happy with UTX Europe with FTX Global particularly as I tend to fly the 737NGX + Dash 8 but nevertheless after an upgrade itch I decided to get hold of Vector and OpenLC. I chose a variety of areas, Nice Cote Azur, LSZS in the Alps, and two completely random areas in Norway and Holland. Done in FSX (DX9) with SweetFX. Completely unedited but resized. Decide for yourselves! However, personally for me the LSZS shot actually looks better with UTX rather than the new stuff (even without FS Global 2010) but LFMN does look ever so slightly better to me as do the others. I ended up getting a mesh product (Global 2010) and with that you can see it really does help improve the sim. Is this outlay worth the £107 I spent on Vector + OpenLC EU + Global 2010...I'm yet to be totally convinced especially as I tend to fly in an around Europe but given two of the three products have global coverage perhaps I'll be heading further afield with my VA. I think this is a testament to UTX too, for such an old product they really did get it right back then and with FS Global it improved things massively (much better then Ground Environment X IMO) but with hopefully ORBX continuing to update and upgrade their products I'm sure I'll be happy with my new purchase. ...ps only downside is I now need a bigger SSD!!! D**n you ORBX!
  8. Hi, I'm looking into getting global scenery for P3D. I have done some research but since P3D v2 is fairly new there isn't that much information available online. So, as much for myself as a reference for other looking at getting global coverage scenery, I would like to ask what options I have. Or rather, is there any alternative to FTX global? According to this link GEX is not and will not in the near future be available for P3D. So I guess GEX+UTX is not an option? I already own a few orbx regions, but FTX global + FTX Vector is an expensive addon so any opinions would be helpful.
  9. With Steve Parson's kind permission I have included the Global lights patch into the shader patches collection. Fixes the FTX Global lights black rectangle background problem in DX10 preview. If you missed the scenery fixer, Steve has very kindly allowed the code to be added to shader patches collection v3.2.2 becoming v3.2.3. The file "shader_release_v3.2.3.zip" can be found in the Misc. section. Exactly the same as v3.2.2 but includes the Global Lights fix, default on. Regards Steve
  10. Hello All, I have been indecisive on purchasing FTX Global since it's release and have a few questions that maybe some of you can answer that would probably help my decision (and others) on going forward with purchasing FTX global or leaving it alone. First before I start with the questions I would like to note that from what I have read about FTX Global in forums a vast majority of simmers claim its outstanding and others say it has many issues. Like other addons, issues will be expected for a brand new product especially one that covers the whole world...That is simple. In addition to FTX Global, Like most users if you plan on purchasing this you are more than likely looking into purchasing Global Vector or at least considering it so there will be some questions regarding that as well. I myself currently own a couple of orbx regions and I must say that I am very impressed with the level of quality that orbx has put into these regions and the airports I have purchased. I will also add that I am even more impressed with the performance you get when using orbx products. They are very good on frames(at least the ones I have), but every PC is different! One would also expect such orbx products to mesh seamlessly with FTX Global. I understand that there are a lot of loyal orbx customers out there that are not going to give an honest opinion of an orbx product simply because of their loyalty. I am asking not for biased opinions but simply YOUR honest 2 cents from your personal experience. Everyone has a different idea of how their simulator should look and that's why some products are not for certain simmers. Let the questions begin... 1. How friendly is FTX Global with other addon airports? 2. Is FTX Global "Fully" compatible with UTX? 3. Is the quality of FTX Global similar or better than an orbx FTX region? 4. Do any users have issues with Hybrid mode? 5. Is there a way to disable FTX global for certain parts of the world if you wish to use other scenery? 6. Do users prefer Global Vector versus other terrain such as Ultimate Terrain X? 7. Are a good percentage of users experiencing a significant performance hit with FTX Global? 8. Are a good percentage of users experiencing a significant performance hit with Global Vector? 9. How friendly is FTX Global with other addons in general? 10. Is orbx addressing the problems users are experiencing in their patches or do the issues remain? 11. Has Orbx created an uninstaller for FTX Global and does it successfully wipe the program from FSX without having to reinstall the sim? 12. In your opinion, is the value of FTX Global "good enough" or do users need to spend more of their money on openLC packs and other DLC from orbx to have better quality?
  11. First off, this is my first post and I'm a total newbie to simming, so apologizes in advance. Just bought FSX a couple of weeks ago and barely know how to fly -- but that's improving. There are many scenery options, but it seems like there's a consensus and it basically comes down to two formats/systems: Ultimate Terrain X + Ground Environment X vs. FTX Global + FTX Vector + a landclass layer. Ok, so maybe there are other viable options out there, but these are the two I've narrowed it down to. And I know you can mix & match to some extent, but it seems like it makes more sense to stick with one since there will be fewer possible incompatibilities. Anyway, here are my questions: 1) Lots of people say that the Orbx FTX combo looks the best, especially if you add a landclass layer (which they currently are working on apparently). Will this supposedly better looking suite of programs be harder to run on my machine? Basically does it come at a cost of FPM? 2) If I do go the FTX route, will what landclass layer should I buy? Until they put out their openLC, it looks like basically my options areSceneryTech and Cloud9 XClass. 3) Either way how much of an impact will getting terrain mesh (probably FS Global 2010) impact the visual experience. There's only so much I can afford right now and I'm not sure if this is something that should just wait. Fyi, couple of things to consider your advice: I fly mostly in North America, but I think that will change once I start to get more into it; I'm a bit more inclined to prop planes at lower altitudes, but again that might change as well; my computer isn't quite a potato, but it's not a marvel of technology at all (AMD A10-5700 @ 3.5 GHz, 8 GB / Radeon R7-260x, 2 GB, DDR5 / Win 8, x64bit). Thanks so much for whatever input you can offer. Like I said, I'm a newbie and am completely overwhelmed by all the many options -- and all the money that I could easily spend.
  12. Hello, As part of my bi-annual format and reinstall i like to upgrade my FSX installation with the latest and greatest, so i am seeking advice on if people here would replace/upgrade any of the below: FSGlobal 2010 R2 UTX GEX Europe Thank you for your advice
  13. Hi everybody! I reproaching this question in comparison to last time. I got FTS Global sometime early to mid April. I must say, really impressed by the amount of autogen drawn, and how everything follows patterns and there are more trees, and even individual light orbs! But I quickly realized I was encountering an issue when I started to see the scenery. My FPS dropped from my average 20-25, all the way to somewhere around 12 or lower. For me... this soon got unbearable. This is where my two part question comes in (or three parts, depending on how you look at it): 1.) Could I have installed incorrectly? I heard there was no FPS drop whatsoever... but looks like I heard wrong. If I did install correctly, do you think it's just my computer? (view system specs below). 2.) When I could no longer take the lag, I decided to uninstall. I think some sort of error occurred while this process occurred because the FTX app opened by itself (or I left it open) causing an interruption in the uninstall... and subsequently leaving bits and pieces of FTX in FSX. So, here's question number two/three: How can I uninstall FTX manually? I tried doing this, going through FSX effects and texture folders, deleting a good amount of files, but not deleting the bits still. Ugh. I'm tired of know my FSX is fragmented, and I'm tired of seeing some odd scenery textures when FTX should be uninstalled. Maybe I'll just reinstall FSX completely [and get a new computer] - but wouldn't we all want that. Anyway... here are my system specs, at least, as much as I could find and offer: CPU: Intel i7 quad core 2.67GHz Graphics Card: NVIDIA NVS 3100 OS: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit RAM: 8gb (7.86 usable) FSX Acceleration/Gold (already flagged Large Address Aware). Thanks Joe
  14. Hello all. I am having problems with Ftx Global Vector configuration tool. I am trying to disable AEC on certain airports. I ran the "auto-run" option and got AEC disabled on certain airports but not others which I'm having problems with elevation issues. I tried to manually add airport code into the tool but it does not list these airports on either side; "AEC Enabled or AEC Disabled." KATL and EDDM are couple of the examples not listed in FTX Configurator. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank.
  15. I do not usually leave bad reviews but the way FTX has promoted their products with some high quality screen shots made me spend my hard earned savings to try some of their products. I was fairly 'happy' with Iceland demo and decided to buy England and Scotland expansion pack but both of them turned out to be nothing but utter disappointment (Scotland more so than England). I don't know if it's my settings or if it's in general I didn't notice a huge ground scenery improvements in both day and night mode. - Vegetation and farm lands are not as vibrant in colour as it looks in some of their screenshots. - Big cities like London/Edinburgh looks considerably dark in the night mode. Even in day mode London doesn't appear to be as big and as dynamic it should be. - Edinburgh's very very poorly laid out with car parks appear to be flat mesh of multiple colours and motorways that are not distinguishable from above giving you a feeling that cars are running on flat empty ground. However, it's not all bad as buildings and textures around some airports seem to have improved dramatically. And in some cases there are some water crafts, cruises, and vessels that matches real life, i.e., Cruise ship to Amsterdam standing at Tyne mouth, Shields Ferry etc. but again the quality of the models aren't great. I am yet to explore the Pennies, Highlands, and Lake District but my first impression was 'complete waste of money'! It seems the developers haven't put as much effort in designing this part of the Europe as they have for some of the American and Asia Pacific regions. Or may be just the quality of FTX in general is not that good?! I was planning to buy other FTX products but I will certainly not after such a let down. Now I am thinking I should have listened to other's advice and should have gone for a software like Open VFR. This is not just some criticism thrown at Orbx but I am genuinely disappointed with what I expected and I have got.
  16. Hi, here are my first screenshots. Orbx England with REX4 and ASN in DX10. Marko
  17. I turned off Autogen in the FSX settings. I have used FTX Central to return FSX to default so no Orbx/FTX scenery is enabled. The dll.xml does not have any modules from FTX/Orbx being loaded. Yet, using Process Monitor during several flights, FTX/Orbx Autogen and every FTX/Orbx .bgl and textures from the Scenery/Global/Scenery folder were loaded during a flight from Chicago to St Louis over MegaSceneryEarth V2 photoscenery. Orbx Lights, Orbx trees, well, everything. Not only that but all of my FSX Autogen is being loaded too. Autogen is turned off. Doesn't the turn off switch work? With photoscenery I don't need Autogen. It uses a lot of resources. Can someone tell me how to make it go away (short of uninstalling Orbx/FTX products). Best regards,
  18. I recently installed an ORBX FTX Freeware pack for FSX, more specifically Neil's sixth freeware pack for Global containing 10 airports in Hawaii (North America Pack 6). I compared the pictures of the airports of what it is supposed to look, and what I had once installed, and they don't look anything alike. I followed the installation procedures and it showed all of the files in my FSX folder, but the airports don't seem to have changed. Please help!
  19. First off, I am an Orbx fanboi. There, I said it. When I installed FTXGlobal at lot of really good things happened. Most of them have been documented elsewhere. However, when I set FTX Central to "hybrid" a wondrous and mysterious thing happened - it improved my installation of NA PNW!!! Two screenshots, first one hybrid, the second NA PNW. They both taken at high-noon, clear weather, at my reference airport of KTTD (Portland-Troutdale) Notice the decreased number of trees and objects in hybrid mode, and the radically different building. Gone is the weird building with the skewed perspective. There is a new escarpment on the small bluff. These small changes continue as I flew up the Columbia Gorge, and when I have time I will take some more comparison shots. This is but one example, and while I don't understand it, I like it! There is just an increased feeling of "openness" to the landscape in hybrid mode. Golf courses really pop out, and grassy fields are are different enough to that I caught myself thinking "I don't remember seeing that there before". They were, but they were not as delineated as when in hybrid mode. The landscape just feels more real. Velly intellesting...
  20. Hi everybody, well I sold my last dell computer and built my own but it doesn't seem to be a big improvement on anything. the old cpu on the dell was an i5 with 3.3ghz paired with the stock gpu that came with it (gt635) and I could play fsx with add ons and the only areas that gave me trouble were northern California and kmry by orbx, none o thir other regions gave me trouble. I thought this would change if I upgraded to an i7 4790k and gtx 660, but it didn't. in my new computer no matter how much I increase or decrease the autogen sliders the fps are still the same which causes me to think that the cpu is not the problem. i zeroed ai traffic and lowered water and yes the fps do increase but that's ridiculous, i should be able to play with at least dense settings and 50 ai traffic with 25+fps all the time.I heard nick say that a low-to midrange card could bottleneck an i7 but then in other forums i heard the opposite which is that a gpu never bottlenecks the cpu. Also when i go to best buy and check their desktops out their windows is so smooth! like you click on folders or internet and they opened up so fluidly with no stutters and they got a little Winnie i5 running them! that ###### me off. my windows is not even smooth like that and i got an ssd and a devils canyon!! i installed windows off an iso that i burned, i burned it at the lowest speed. idk if its a bad idea to install from isos? if anybody would read this and have some suggestions i would be very grateful! the new built spec: i7 4790k stock for now psu CX750M Asus z97-a motherboard gtx 660 SC ddr3 1600mhz
  21. I have a perplexing problem and I am wondering if anyone has every had this issue and knows how to resolve it. I have autogen objects (trees and buildings) in all of my water. I have several ORBX regions and UTX which I have uninstalled and reinstalled and the problem still persists. I don't know if I have corrupted my scenery library somehow. I have tried lowering the priority as well and it has not work nothing short of turning autogen off helps. I use AES which needs autogen set to sparse to display properly. If anyone can help that would be appreciated.
  22. Hello guys. I have this problem and I dont know how to solve this. Everything is up to date and I even installed all the latest libraries from the website. Here are some pictures to support my claim. can you help me resolve this issue? Everywhere is blurry but airports. Thank you. Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/K9GYH P.S: By the way my system is pretty decent and my sim is FSX. I generally get around 35 FPS.
  23. The following are shots from my FSX setup. Resolution has been lost somewhat sadly in the sceenshots... I am an internal member and beta tester at AIG (Alpha India Group) and FAIB (A32X Series, 737 Series, 747 in development). What you see here is a professional carefully built AI setup with material from AIG and its associated painters work. I use ORBX FTX England, Simwings Heathrow 2014 Xtended (ADE tweaked to my liking), REX Direct and ORBX BOB. This entire AI setup is self built with the latest flightplans and liveries. I do not use any AI programs like WOAI or Ultimate Traffic. I do not endorse Ice Traffic.
  24. I had this problem occur a few days ago, since then I did a clean install of the entire OS, reinstalled P3D and the scenery, however the problem still exists, Does anyone know how to fix this? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9U6maU2iaxnVmw0b2lyMkJsOFU/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9U6maU2iaxnRkdsei1INmV1TTg/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9U6maU2iaxnZUgxdTVKaGNMS3c/view?usp=sharing sorry I could not figure out how to post pictures here, but as you can see, there seems to be a default runway overlapping RWY27, interestingly RWY 16/34 is not affected at all my p3d: P3D V2.5 YMML 2.0 FTX Australia SP4 REX Texture Direct HD Thanks in advance
  25. Hi everyone, i was thinking to purchase ORBX AU SP4 as i have few bucks to spend! It's a shame I did not get on time to the sale, but my room needed new paint! I mostly do GA flying, but at some point i'd like to try the light airliners (dash8) so i thought that a huge region will be the best. I want to know your opinions against the other NA regions, mostly on performance, attractions and quality (Considering Central Rockies too). I did some research and saw screenshots with mostly 15-20FPS on the counter, so this really push me back. My sistem is not high end, i own a i5 3470 and a GTX 660Ti SC 3GB, but my sim is pretty light, and I'm planning to do a full reinstall of windows soon. So thats it, thanks in advance!
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