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Hi, I'm looking into getting global scenery for P3D. I have done some research but since P3D v2 is fairly new there isn't that much information available online. So, as much for myself as a reference for other looking at getting global coverage scenery, I would like to ask what options I have. Or rather, is there any alternative to FTX global? According to this link GEX is not and will not in the near future be available for P3D. So I guess GEX+UTX is not an option? I already own a few orbx regions, but FTX global + FTX Vector is an expensive addon so any opinions would be helpful.
With Steve Parson's kind permission I have included the Global lights patch into the shader patches collection. Fixes the FTX Global lights black rectangle background problem in DX10 preview. If you missed the scenery fixer, Steve has very kindly allowed the code to be added to shader patches collection v3.2.2 becoming v3.2.3. The file "shader_release_v3.2.3.zip" can be found in the Misc. section. Exactly the same as v3.2.2 but includes the Global Lights fix, default on. Regards Steve
Hello all. I am having problems with Ftx Global Vector configuration tool. I am trying to disable AEC on certain airports. I ran the "auto-run" option and got AEC disabled on certain airports but not others which I'm having problems with elevation issues. I tried to manually add airport code into the tool but it does not list these airports on either side; "AEC Enabled or AEC Disabled." KATL and EDDM are couple of the examples not listed in FTX Configurator. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank.
Hello All, I have been indecisive on purchasing FTX Global since it's release and have a few questions that maybe some of you can answer that would probably help my decision (and others) on going forward with purchasing FTX global or leaving it alone. First before I start with the questions I would like to note that from what I have read about FTX Global in forums a vast majority of simmers claim its outstanding and others say it has many issues. Like other addons, issues will be expected for a brand new product especially one that covers the whole world...That is simple. In addition to FTX Global, Like most users if you plan on purchasing this you are more than likely looking into purchasing Global Vector or at least considering it so there will be some questions regarding that as well. I myself currently own a couple of orbx regions and I must say that I am very impressed with the level of quality that orbx has put into these regions and the airports I have purchased. I will also add that I am even more impressed with the performance you get when using orbx products. They are very good on frames(at least the ones I have), but every PC is different! One would also expect such orbx products to mesh seamlessly with FTX Global. I understand that there are a lot of loyal orbx customers out there that are not going to give an honest opinion of an orbx product simply because of their loyalty. I am asking not for biased opinions but simply YOUR honest 2 cents from your personal experience. Everyone has a different idea of how their simulator should look and that's why some products are not for certain simmers. Let the questions begin... 1. How friendly is FTX Global with other addon airports? 2. Is FTX Global "Fully" compatible with UTX? 3. Is the quality of FTX Global similar or better than an orbx FTX region? 4. Do any users have issues with Hybrid mode? 5. Is there a way to disable FTX global for certain parts of the world if you wish to use other scenery? 6. Do users prefer Global Vector versus other terrain such as Ultimate Terrain X? 7. Are a good percentage of users experiencing a significant performance hit with FTX Global? 8. Are a good percentage of users experiencing a significant performance hit with Global Vector? 9. How friendly is FTX Global with other addons in general? 10. Is orbx addressing the problems users are experiencing in their patches or do the issues remain? 11. Has Orbx created an uninstaller for FTX Global and does it successfully wipe the program from FSX without having to reinstall the sim? 12. In your opinion, is the value of FTX Global "good enough" or do users need to spend more of their money on openLC packs and other DLC from orbx to have better quality?
Hey guys In your opinion what is the BEST Global texture pack for FSX? Please reply with the ones you use, and you have used before with your opinion on them.
Hi folks. Thought I'd do a comparison between UTX Europe and the new FTX products namely OpenLC EU. Until now I'd been pretty happy with UTX Europe with FTX Global particularly as I tend to fly the 737NGX + Dash 8 but nevertheless after an upgrade itch I decided to get hold of Vector and OpenLC. I chose a variety of areas, Nice Cote Azur, LSZS in the Alps, and two completely random areas in Norway and Holland. Done in FSX (DX9) with SweetFX. Completely unedited but resized. Decide for yourselves! However, personally for me the LSZS shot actually looks better with UTX rather than the new stuff (even without FS Global 2010) but LFMN does look ever so slightly better to me as do the others. I ended up getting a mesh product (Global 2010) and with that you can see it really does help improve the sim. Is this outlay worth the £107 I spent on Vector + OpenLC EU + Global 2010...I'm yet to be totally convinced especially as I tend to fly in an around Europe but given two of the three products have global coverage perhaps I'll be heading further afield with my VA. I think this is a testament to UTX too, for such an old product they really did get it right back then and with FS Global it improved things massively (much better then Ground Environment X IMO) but with hopefully ORBX continuing to update and upgrade their products I'm sure I'll be happy with my new purchase. ...ps only downside is I now need a bigger SSD!!! D**n you ORBX!
Hi I have been having a few issues with my FTX Global and OpenLC, I have attached images of my scenery config, FTX Central and the issue in hand. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Hamish :-)
First off, I am an Orbx fanboi. There, I said it. When I installed FTXGlobal at lot of really good things happened. Most of them have been documented elsewhere. However, when I set FTX Central to "hybrid" a wondrous and mysterious thing happened - it improved my installation of NA PNW!!! Two screenshots, first one hybrid, the second NA PNW. They both taken at high-noon, clear weather, at my reference airport of KTTD (Portland-Troutdale) Notice the decreased number of trees and objects in hybrid mode, and the radically different building. Gone is the weird building with the skewed perspective. There is a new escarpment on the small bluff. These small changes continue as I flew up the Columbia Gorge, and when I have time I will take some more comparison shots. This is but one example, and while I don't understand it, I like it! There is just an increased feeling of "openness" to the landscape in hybrid mode. Golf courses really pop out, and grassy fields are are different enough to that I caught myself thinking "I don't remember seeing that there before". They were, but they were not as delineated as when in hybrid mode. The landscape just feels more real. Velly intellesting...
My FTX Global or my openLC Europe doesn't seem to be working, as there isn't any difference between the orbx and the normal at GLCP (Gran Canaria), however it works fine in places like portugal or UK. Without FTX: http://prntscr.com/apo03d With FTX: http://prntscr.com/apo1hf FTX Control Panel: http://prntscr.com/apoqw2 If you need any more information I'll happily provide it. Regards, James Nixon
Hey, I recently bought UTX US 2.1 and I am very fascinated by this product. I am even planning to purchase GEX P3D. The issue remains is that those products for the time being have UTX Europe and Canada is in works. What about rest of the world? Default LC is boring and have repetitive textures in P3D. I looked into SceneryTech LC - their website hasn't been updated in years, is that product even supported or updated? Heck last news is from 2009 on their site. What is up with that? I don't think they have P3Dv2 installers Orbx Vector wins for having world wide Vector but it is damn VAS hog for the time being. Thanks
I am about to purchase ORBX Global Base and I would like to get some confirmation on a few points regarding the setup and installation. I currently have GEX North America and GEX Europe installed and UTX for Europe. I also have many ORBX regions and airports already installed. Questions: 1) Can I just install Orbx Global over all of the above? 2) Is it better? or necessary? to uninstall any or some of the above before I install Global. 3) When I install FTX Global I have read that there is a Hybrid mode that I can use to have Global and all my existing regions active at the same time. Is this correct? I looked in FTX Central 2 and can see no reference to a Hybrid mode. Is this because I do not have Global installed? Will it show up once I have installed it? Thanks for your help and advice.