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  1. Does this sim support ultra-wide monitors (21:9 at 3440x1440)?
  2. Thanks Jim, What you say makes sense so I will warm a bit to the thought of a vendor that uses an add-on manager. To be on the conservative side maybe I will just pick one vendor and its add-on manager (at least to start). Both Ernie and yourself have mentioned FSDT and FlightBeam so anything to choose between them given the other preferences I stated? (static aircraft, ORBX compatibility, performance, availability). If it is FSDT I will do as you mention and hold off for a bit and follow their forum discussions.
  3. Thanks Ernie, I included that because I have heard of folks having more trouble with add-on managers associated with third party products than with the products themselves, both in the short term (initial install) and long term (upgrades, service packs etc.). I was trying to avoid added complexity and the "one more thing to go wrong" scenario. Are these add-on mangers things you must install to then go ahead and install the vendors product(s)? I will go ahead and take a look at Flightbeam's KIAD. Thanks for the recommendation. Do I have to install the add-on manager to try the demo?
  4. I have purchased many aircraft and much scenery for FSX:SE (using Steve’s DX10) but as far as airports go I have only purchased ORBX airports to date. I love them but as a rule they only do small or medium size airports for N.A. and Europe. I would like to add some larger airports to the mix for use with ORBX Global and ORBX detailed regions (I own all the detailed regions in N.A. and Europe). I have looked at many of the airport vendors often mentioned at AVSIM but I am still wondering which ones might best fit the following requirements: Airports that work seamlessly with ORBX scenery and are just “install and go” No other add-on managers or other software required. No playing with external files. Have static aircraft included at the airport Have good detail but still gives reasonable performance. I have a high end machine so I have some leeway here and I have no memory or performance problems at all with any of the medium sized ORBX airports in any region. However I am thinking I may want to avoid very detailed airports in detailed regions (i.e. FlightBeam KSFO in NCA). Ideally can be purchased through one of the major flight simulation software sites (i.e. the vendor does not just have their own unique e-commerce setup). Any input or suggestions for vendors and/or specific airports would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  5. Hi Rob, I was the guy who asked about the 737 capable ORBX airports awhile back. I was beginning to believe I had somehow offended ORBX airport lovers by asking that question until you provided your wonderfully detailed answer on the subject. I am now the happy owner of almost all of the airports you listed (including PAKT, PAJN and ESSA that you mentioned at the bottom of your post). I have only skipped the Aussie ones (I do not have the Australian Region) and KSEZ. Thanks - I appreciated your input.
  6. I find that Rex's Weather Architect helps out wonderfully in situations such as that.
  7. Looks like it may be time for some new airports. So, given the one parameter that I only buy airports that you can land a 737 at, what would be your favorite ORBX airport(s) and what is your least favorite(s).
  8. I found those stats very interesting and I certainly would not have guessed that. Thanks Jim (and keep them coming as time goes on)
  9. Sad to hear about the glass panels on this one.
  10. Thanks Jim, I belong to many hundreds of forums so I usually try one I belong to before I join another (and I find the good folks at Avsim very helpful and knowledgeable). I will probably try Rex directly on this one. BTW... I did confirm that it is REX generating these directories and files. I am a bit puzzled but it could be a bug and they are just not cleaning up directories and files correctly.
  11. I just installed and set-up Rex's Weather Architect in FSX. I love the product but I have one quick question for anyone else that owns it. I am finding that after setting up flights in Weather Architect that I have multiple directories created called "PMDG" in different places on my PC. I have found the directory so far on my root drive and in my FSX folder. They have a sub-directory called WX and some wx files inside of it. I have not told the application to create the directories and nor do I really want them (especially in my root drive folder). Anyone else experience this or know a solution. Thanks.
  12. Yes, I believe the Steam Version of KCGX is the ORBX product. ORBX also did a version of Friday Harbour (KFHR) for Steam but in that case I believe that after they did the version for Steam (90 days later) they released an enhanced version at the FlightSim Store. That is why I was wondering if the latest KCGX is enhanced. Someone please feel free to correct me if I have any of this wrong.
  13. Does anyone happen to know if this the same as the FSX Steam version of KCGX that has been out for awhile now or is it enhanced anyway? I would certainly prefer to purchase from the FlightSim Store where I have purchased all my other ORBX products but on Steam it is currently $11 and at the FlightSim store it is $34.50
  14. Is there any definitive way to tell if I am seeing FTX Trees HD in FSX:SE? I own many ORBX products (from flightsimstore) but this is the first time I purchased an add-on from Steam (FTX Trees HD). Given that it was a steam version the product did not make the changes to FTX Central v2 that the ORBX manual talks about. In other words in FTX Central I see "Use Orbx Trees" but there is no entry for "FTX Trees HD". So I am not sure whether to leave "Use Orbx Trees" checked or unchecked in FTX Central. Is there a very specific and clear way to tell if the new tree textures are loaded in the sim? I have tried with and without "Use Orbx Trees" checked and I really can not tell any difference.
  15. Thanks David, Even though it is not the exact same error message I am getting, it looks like it is very closely related to one of the set of problems (the ObjectFlow problems). It may well provide some of the key answers. I am off to look at some things. Thanks again.
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