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  1. hey guys whast some of the best freeware addons in your opinions? individual sceneries or complete world sceneries/mesh etc?
  2. Hey folks, I just noticed a problem flying around one of my airports today, 4N1 Green Lake in northern NJ: I modeled this airport a while ago and you can see in the first gallery shots that the water textures were fine back then. Here's what I've done to try and resolve this so far: I disabled all my custom scenery layers to revert the terrain back to default. This worked, so I went back and started re-enabling bit by bit. I found that the only thing that seemed to make a difference was whether MegaSceneryEarth was enabled or not as you can see in this screenshot. The removal of no other layers (like UTX) had an effect I re-installed all REX water textures. No effect. I re-installed all GEX textures. No effect I deleted all entries in my terrain.cfg file following the autogen entries to reset it to default as I had tweaked it a little while back (adjusting the index count accordingly). No effect I uninstalled and re-installed these MSE tile areas. No effect. I noticed these textures looked fall-ish so I tried changing seasons (even though I'm currently still in Summer). No effect (cept the textures themselves changed seasons, lol) So at this point I am stumped and looking for advice. So far the only thing that seems to make a difference is disabling the MSE tile layers that affect this region of scenery, and I have not yet come up with a reason as to why this is. If anyone has any ideas please let me know! Thanks in advance :) P.S. - I'm not emtrely sure I reverted my terrain.cfg file back to default so if anyone has a clean copy can you email it to me? EDITED
  3. Hi guys, I'm new here.I've got a problem with shimmering textures on liveries (!only on them). It seems to be a problem.I've tried to figure out why this happens and partly solved this problem by adding MIP-maps to every texture of plane's livery. (The problem affects not all the liveries) But I know this is not normal and not all the liveries are available for mip-map adding with imagetool.Also this is not good because about 80% of the aircrafts except of some PMDG and Defaults are shimmering.Let me show you some screenshots:(press for fullscreen: http://i54.tinypic.com/2cr6kog.jpg) P.S.: I've searched alot, but nothing helped. Also I've seen this shimmering effect on other user screenshots.Specs:9600GT3GB DDR2Core2Duo E6850\3GHZ Also I heard about and tryed to do something with LOD Bias (looks like it controls this effect), it works only for modded-by-me liveries. :\
  4. I have been having this problem for a while and now I am starting to get fed up with it. The ground textures disappear and turn into blue squares (mostly over water and places near water) and "follows" me around. It starts while I am in the air.
  5. Hi All, This is my first post, so i am hoping someone can help me. I've noticed in FS9, the zoom in VC is set default .50 Zoom. Now i like this zoom distance, however i have notice the details of the touchdown zone on runways don't appear until you are approx 1 to .5 Miles out. Its really annoying because it just looks like a blank runway until you are really close, and can't use them for reference. If i change the zoom to 1, it appears much further out, which is perfect, however i can't see all my gauges due to the added zoom. Has anyone else noticed this, or better yet, has anyone been able to resolve the issue? FYI, i have a very high powered PC with all full settings running AA and all with 50 FPS... Additionally, i have tweaked my CFG with all the recommendations online. Thanks in advance. Brocky D
  6. Hello, I'm locking for freeware taxi and-runway textures for every airport in FSX. Does anyone know where I can find them ?
  7. Hello, I recently got the Airbus X Extended add-on for FSX but my textures are invisible in DX-9 mode. When I switch on DX-10 preview mode, however, my textures become visible again. I wish I could use Airbus X in DX-9 mode so I can use ENBseries again. Here is a screenshot of what my textures look like for Airbus X with DX-9: My current add-ons are: GEX USA UTX USA REX Essential Squawk Box FSUIPC Computer specs: Manufacturer: TOSHIBA Model: Satellite S855 Processor: Intel ® Core i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz Installed memory (RAM): 6.00 GB (5.89 GB usable) System type: 64- bit Operating System, x64 based processor
  8. Hi All, I am unable to make the grass adjacent to runways hi-res. I find that my payware airports provide excellent textures for ramps and tarmacs, and that Rex Essential does a great job with runway surfaces. But on either side of runways the turf consists of nothing more than blurry streaks. How do I make those areas look realistic? Thank you so much for helping me out! Best, Lucky /////////
  9. Recently I have purchased and loaded up Active Sky Next, FTX Global and REX4. The scenery is a continuous water world with mountainous seas and waterlogged airports. Where do I go from here? Scrub FSX off my hard drive? Start again and check each program? Cannot get GSX or UAE to work with REX4. Not a happy pilot Oscar de Wyldde
  10. Many third-party airplanes today are shipping with 4k/2k textures. While we can debate its usefulness to no end, the fact remains that they are quite memory intensive. There are ways to reduce texture sizes and mip them, but I came across an easy tool which makes it a breeze, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12801/?, developed by AdPipino for Skyrim and other games. I let this program run through my airplanes folder, to reduce texture size to 1k and mip them also, and then I measured the results. All tests were done on runway at supposedly the most isolated airports in the world, Mataveri International Airport / SCIP. All situation were loaded after fresh start of P3D from saved flights. After loading I panned/zoomed around in both VC and spot view, measured VAS using ProcExp and GPU using MSI Afterburner. While VAS and its effects we all know, I am not sure about GPU memory and its effects, but I still measured it. GPU experts can chime in. System Specs: i7-4700MQ @ 2.8, 16GB 1866Mhz Ram, 755M SLI 2GB DDR5, 128+512GB SSD Settings of note: FFTF=0.0, AM=244, TEXTUREMAXLOAD=27, TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=1024 Observations: We are saving about 150-300MB VAS, depending upon the Airplane. None of these aircraft had mips in their original textures. Some have 4k textures, some 2k. You might think that just by selecting 1024 as texture size in the P3D settings, it might reduce memory load. But this is not true as you can see above. This maybe because, none of the original textures are mipped, my guess. So if you want you can choose not to reduce the textures, but just mip them. I have not tried this. After reduction, I did not see any visual difference. There were no FPS differences between the textures sizes, so this does not do anything for FPS performance. The B1900D has shimmer in the cockpit controls with the original textures, but after reducing/mipping there is no shimmer :smile: So how can you do it easily? 1. Make a copy of the Airplanes folder in SimObjects directory. Let the copy be in the SimObjects folder itself. 2. Run Ordenador tool (link above), and select the folder copy you just made. And other settings as below Also in the More/Extras tab, un-select backup option, as we already made a backup. 3. Click Start and wait for 10-15 minutes for it to finish. (You may have to confirm the no backup and reduce textures options in the subsequent dialog prompts) 4. After finishing, I suggest you copy the log window and save it as text for future reference if need be. (for me the original folder size was around 21GB and it came down to 10GB after reduction) 5. Rename the original Airplanes folder to something like "Airplanes_ORIGINAL". 6. Rename your folder copy to "Airplanes" You can switch back and forth between original textures and reduced ones just by renaming the folders in future. I also want to try out the new BC6/BC7 texture formats supported by DX11, but the conversion speed is pretty pathetic with the tools today. Maybe in the future. Mega Airport experiments are next up, till then just imagine the savings! Edit: I just realized that the textures more than 1k and being cut in half, but not cut to 1k. E.g. 4k texture becomes 2k, 2k becomes 1k. So finally we are left with 4k converted to 2k. If we run tool one more time, it should convert the 2k (4k originally) down to 1k also. So more savings!
  11. Hi All, After Re-Installing Windows because of some series of problems,I Installed fsx and tweaked it like before. But Now i'm experiencing strange behaviors: "Blurry Textures",but 'mostly' on pop-up 2D panels http://xum.ir/image/boMy http://xum.ir/image/boZ7 http://xum.ir/image/boZM http://xum.ir/image/boZb http://xum.ir/image/boZF http://xum.ir/image/boZn http://xum.ir/image/boZq p.s. my AA settings on graphics CP is 16X.
  12. Hello, All of sudden out of the blue this morning the red line containing metars and coordinates appeared, Can anyone tell me how to remove them from FSX, I searched for about an hour this morning and couldn't find anything, I tried to screenshot it but no luck, It's still there right now, It says, "LAT: N41` 58.47 LON: W87` 53.92, ALT: 675.FT MSL MAG 24 0.0 KIAS WIND 124 MAG @ 24KTS". Second issue is with my Imaginesim scenery designs for FSX, None of them have textures. I can see the building shapes and what looks like taxiway's and runways, I've already tried the following fixes/changes: -Uninstall and Re install -Removed from the scenery library and added them back, -Re install of FSX -Several computer updates reboots and defrags even though it's only 2 weeks old. Other smaller issues with less impact: -CTD if I change the time drastically -Scenery 115 is missing and I get the same pop up window everytime upon opening, If anyone can help with at least one of these issues, that would be awesome. Cheers! UAL4LIFE P.S. I am running on windows 8
  13. The ground night textures in my FSX load at around 2-3pm in the afternoon which is annoying obviously. This also happens in the morning when the night textures stay until around 10am. Actually even the night textures of Aerosoft's London Heathrow Xtended load at those times during the day. Is there any way that I can change the time that the night textures appear? I don't want night textures loading during the day. I want night textures to load during sunset time and day textures to load at sunrise.
  14. Hello All, I recently edited a scenery in ADE, adding ramps and hangars to Chatham Airport (KCQX) and I also extended the runway to 4000 feet. The only problem is that when I start flying, part of one of the ramps I added seems to be under the ground textures, resulting in a very strange looking ramp; as half is grass and half is pavement. Is there any way to raise the elevation of the ramp by a couple of feet?? Thanks!! ~John M.
  15. Hello guys, for a long time I am not happy with my water textures which are created by REX 4. I just see ocean water textures everywhere. There are no inland water textures. Neither in lakes nor in rivers. I have set "Low 2x" as water settings in FSX. Furthermore I am using Steves DX10 Fixer with the water settings attached. ORBX OpenLc and Vector is in use. The Lake Constance, Germany Rhein River, Switzerland: Steves DX10 Fixer water settings (even the preview picture shows what I mean): And my REX texture set which is correct installed: See the greenish/brownish inland water textures I choosed? I dont see them in FSX. Hope you guys can help me Thanks a lot Manuel
  16. Hey everyone, I'm doing a repaint of the C152 for my flight school and I've got a problem and I hope you guys can help me. I'm using the blank textures Carenado provides, here's the issue: In this picture you can see that both orange and yellow stripes on the horizontal stabilizer are aligned: But once in FSX this happens: The right side shows up unaligned. In case I haven't explained well enough, I'm talking about the alignment between the elevator and the rest of the horizontal estabilizer. Now I believe this part of the plane is mirrored, so why one side is aligned and the other one isn't? Hopefully someone knows how to fix this. Thanks!
  17. I have been trying to improve on some of the landing light textures for the POSKY A330 and the Project Airbus A380 as follows, but whenever I alter one of the lighting textures, they no longer switch on and off with the landing lights (glare from the landing lights remains on the fuselage even when the lights are off). For the feelThere E195 I have also been trying to find any lighting textures at all which will switch on and off with the landing light and tail logo switches in the cockpit. POSKY A330 I am trying to improve the textures on the vertical stabiliser, which are patchy and inconsistent on each side - but lights cease to operate properly whenever I alter a file; Project Airbus A380 I have added a nice glare on the fuselage from the landing lights as there was none before, and have the same result as for the A330! feelThere E195 None of the standard or add-on lighting for landing lights or tail logo is operable by the cockpit switches. Whenever any of the lights are on, the tail logo is lit and the landing light glare on the fuselage is there regardless of the position of the switches or the status of the landing lights. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to resolve these issues? Regards, brianlr
  18. I am attempting to add custom taxiway markings with ADE's custom ground polygon tool. I've followed the instructions for texture management, placed the texture in texture_def.txt, and inside the actual textures folder. The ground poly is not showing up, however, once I load up FSX. When examining my own texture and comparing it to the ones that come with ADE, I see there is a difference in formatting, even though both appear to be BMPs. This is a screenshot comparing the stock texture to my own: Anybody know what kind of format that is on the left or what steps to take to get there? Edit: Just to be clear, the screenshot above is of the original PSD, but the texture in the ADE folder is an exported, flattened BMP.
  19. Hi, I recently built my new PC (specs on my profile) and upgraded from FS9 to FSX. For some weeks now, I've just been putting up with the following issue: Firstly, FSX is running in 32-bit colours, as is my GPU and Windows 7. Secondly, both FSX, Windows 7 and my GPU are running the same 1920x1080 resolution. I've gone through countless threads saying 'turn on 32-bit colours' and 'make sure your resolution is the same', but could not find anything helpful. The above picture is at ORBX YMML - and all the taxiways are ground textures. When at a normal addon airport (eg. FSDT KLAX), I still get colour banding around my lights. What I have gathered is that this is an FSX programming issue. Is there a fix to this? Something I missed? Because it feels as if the first few night flights I did, there were no issues. I don't remember how or when it started to look like this, or became more noticeable. I have rebuilt the FSX,cfg, rebuilt the shaders, and also fiddled with GPU settings. I've tried as much as I can without luck, and am hoping someone could shed some light onto the issue for me. Many thanks in advance! Brendan
  20. So since about a month ago I've been having this issue with FSX. My ground textures load very slow. They don't load until I'm right over the area. Random trees keep appearing up. The ground about 5 miles in front of me is completely barren. I have no clue what to do. It's not my add ons because I've tried it all. Have done a re install and it's still the same. I have no clue what to do. It drops my Frames about 20 fps! Anyone know about this? Thanks. PC Specs -AMD 8320 8 Core CPU @ 4.0 GHz -MSI 7870 -8 gigs of 1600 MHz RAM -GIGABYTE motherboard Add Ons -FSDT O'Hare -Aerosoft Hamburg -PMDG 737 & 747-400/800 -CS 777-200/300 & 767 -REX 4 -FS Recorder -Freeware Sceneries & Planes
  21. Sorry if a topic already exists like this, I couldn't locate one.... What I'm looking to do is restore EVERY file to do with textures.....after GEX, FTX Global, REX, UTX tests I am not 100% sure I executed the uninstall process properly on each addon..... I think i have congested my FSX and Im loosing FPS.....I would like to restore all original texture files properly and install my selected addons based on my tests CLEAN.... Will the repair function actually do this...sometimes I hear yes sometime I hear no...I kind of scared to do it...Am i jeopardizing anything?
  22. I would like to upgrade all of my airport's textures in FSX like I keep seeing on some videos. The texutres I have in mind appear to add new asphalt, concrete, taxiways, signs, lights, jetways, buildings, ect. to all of the airports to make them appear much more real work realistic. My question is what is the best add on for this? The only add on I am currently running is GEX North America. Suggestions? Thank you!
  23. I know this question has probably been asked a million times now, but from past experience, what do you think it better? I currently own REX 2.0 (I'm getting Essentials tomorrow when I have the time) and I'm also thinking of buying ActiveSky 2012. The problem I find with REX is that it takes absolutely ages to install textures, and this really gets on my nerves. I've heard that AS' weather and clouds is better/more realistic but I've also heard that REX has better textures. So what do people do, use both? Any past experience, I really want to hear some!!
  24. Hi FS2004 fans: Thought I would post a discovery I made which appears to have solved a problem I have had for several months - namely blurry ground textures. The textures near the aircraft have been OK but not far away turn into a complete blurry mess! I tried tweaking all the terrain and texture settings in my FS9.cfg file per recommendations I have found online, to no avail. Yesterday I tried deleting ( actually I hid it by renaming it) my user\application data\Microsoft\FS9 directory (I'm using WindowsXP) and had FS2004 rebuild it on the next restart. This directory includes not just your FS9.cfg file but also index files and a scenery cache directory. On the next restart FS2004 regenerated some indexes and to my amazement, my blurries were gone! Textures were nice and clear much further into the distance. I then tried replacing the newly rebuilt FS9.cfg with my old one to see if it was a bad setting in that file that was causing my problem. To my surprise my textures remained clear! So, at least for me, it was some scenery index or cache file in my user directory that was causing my trouble. Time will tell if my solution remains permanent but I am so happy to finally have this problem solved! I had not encountered this suggestion online so I am posting it here. Long live FS2004! David B.
  25. I'm impressed with the smoothness of DX10 and FSX after making the necessary changes and using the modified files put together by stevejp. Thank you for all your hard work! However some of my favourite older aircraft now have all white textures inside and out which is a bit of a killer for me as I love flying my De Havilland Chipmunk, HS748, RealAir 172 and other pre-fsx aircraft. I have tried the addon x demo and even though it replaces some of the textures they all appear slightly transparent so have uninstalled it and am hoping to find another way of getting older aircraft textures to show up in DX10. Any ideas? Regards Adam
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