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  1. Here is the video I made where all the screenshots are from
  2. Please note: these are custom sky textures created by myself. The only thing that has been "edited" in these shots in the lens flare of the sun. This is the view facing away from the sun (the Antisolar point), where you can clearly see a rendering of the Belt of Venus phenomenon One from the apron a little later on:
  3. Looking up the Eisacktal valley along the Eastern Rhaetian Alps - Dolomites boundary from just east of Bolzano, Italy. (Please note the lens flare was added after the screenshots were taken, and not rendered in FSX) I wish FSX had an accurate Rayleigh scattering rendering like the blue haze in X-Plane which would make these kind of screenshots so much more realistic. I also wish FSX had a dynamic sun lens flare depiction so that its brighter and more intense during midday and smaller and softer during sunrise/sunset.
  4. Several screenshots from my latest video FSX Realistic Sunset Approach and Landing The footage is recorded untreated, raw from FSX, with only the custom sun lens flare and additional glow to the runway lights added as a post-processing effect in Adobe After Effects. All colour-corrections and image enhancements are applied with ReShade, a post-processing tool just like ENB, only better, and recorded direct from FSX with FS Recorder.
  5. A video showcasing a realistic looking rendering of FSX with a sunset approach and landing at Frankfurt Airport. The footage is recorded untreated, raw from FSX, with only the custom sun lens flare and additional glow to the runway lights added as a post-processing effect in Adobe After Effects. All colour-corrections and image enhancements are applied with ReShade, a post-processing tool just like ENB, only better, and recorded direct from FSX with FS Recorder.
  6. I'm not using anything that's currently available to download as these are all my own custom, made from scratch textures. I will make them available to download soon but I'm not quite ready yet as I am always finding room to improve by making subtle adjustments to the colours of the sky. Here are a few more from the same time of day in Dubai, showing the progression of the sunset. (I added a lens flare, but apart from that the screenshots remain unedited, with no colour correction at all.) And one from the apron:
  7. Does anyone know of a way to really lower the brightness of stars at night? I'm using Autostar X and there is a way in the Tools option to lower brightness but in FSX that does not really show, especially if you zoom out in any of the views, the stars become brighter and brighter. I'm guessing that this has something to do with mipmapping each pixel? However I'm not sure. How are the individual pixels of the stars in FSX generated? I came across the fx_Dots.bmp and fx_WhiteDot in the FSX Effects folder and thought that these files may be related to the star pixels. I just want to be able to edit the stars to make them appear fainter in the night sky, without however reducing the actual number of stars.
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