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  1. They work with landing lights from the default A321 but this cant be the solution.
  2. Ok I tried another driver no change.
  3. What? Anyway no change when turning on landing lights, lol.
  4. Ok I noticed taxiway and runaylights are also not visible! I followed the manual and I can notice that the lights are now available by putting e.g. EDDS_LightField.bgl into the Scenery folder of the addon airport but there is a problem too: The lights ( all lights ) appear for around 1 or 2 seconds BUT then they disappear for 1 or 2 seconds and then they appear again..... Mhmmmm I dont know whats wrong....
  5. Hello, I noticed that I have no PAPI lights during approach. They only sometimes appear when I am on final approach. Is this a known issue or a problem caused by settings? Thanks! Regards
  6. Hello, I've noticed some FPS problems with the newest fixer e.g. when I fly with the Aerosoft Airbus. The problem are the shadows in the VC. Can someone tell me how to get better frames with shadows in the VC? -Sweetfx; NI for my GTX560; REX4; ASN Cheers
  7. I have the problem with every DX.
  8. I will try it! BTW: No change when I erase SweetFX, change NI settings, old gpu-driver!!!!! __ I trew it but I noticed that I have the shadow issue with DX9 and the normal DX10 too.... I believe its not because of your tool!
  9. Hello, I've a big issue with the shadows on the exterior view. When the sun is in front of the aircraft and I use the exterior view I have strange shadows at the aircraft. Here are 2 pictures which explain my problem: I have no idea why I have this problem it looks really bad and it makes no fun to fly with this issue and nothing helps.... I use a GTX560 with the newest driver and I use the Nvidia Inspector too. I dont believe that SweetFX is the problem so I need your help! Thanks
  10. How can I repair this tool by the fsx?
  11. hello, i have a big problem with the pmdg 737 ngx.I can not install the pmdg 737 ngx. message: Unable to locate fsx.exe. Unable to Install. pleas help me. it was sooo expensive
  12. hi,ich habe mir heute die ilfy 737 ng bei flight1 für den fsx runtergeladen, installiert und was dann ?Eine Fehlermeldung die sich so nennt: Can"t load iFly737NG.dll.ich denke mir mal, dass ich bei den modul installer was ändern müsste.beim module installer was das bei mir so:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Häckchen FSX path D:\Flight Simulator X\ SelectInstall Uninstall___________________________________________________________ (mein flight simulator ist auf Spiele D)ifly Forums hat mir leider nicht weitergeeholfenbitte um hilfe :(:(
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